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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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What surgeries did you have? Which doctors (hospitals) performed them and jow much did you pay? Are you satisfied with the results?

Thank you:smile:
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I went the line the first time for liposuction arm thigh fat graft and chin implant. The other 2 times I went to daprs of which I've recommended 2 other friends there.

Am pleased with the all the results to be honest. 😁
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The trick about Korea plastic surgery is that you have to go there and shop around like buying vegetables from the market. That's what I did the first 2 times.

They quote very high over emails but the actual price is extremely low. I did my full face fat graft for only 1.5m won which is approximately 2k sgd but over emails they will quote prices like 4m won which is ridiculous.

I don't find it necessary to get translators unless u can't speak English nor mandarin because all clinics have their own translator.
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Thank you for answering! What did you get done in DA? Also, how much of your fat graft has survived? How many times did you have it done and by which doctor? Any lumps or bumps?
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Gantz, I went DA to do my facial fat graft. I brought my mum to do it with me too! Haha.

The fats will die off eventually... When I went DA it was already the 2nd time and I did it Feb last year, 2015. Now i feel the fats have already sort of died off so am going for my 3rd facial fat graft. :lol::lol::lol:
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its not that they think mainland chinese are wealthy, its that the mainland chinese either a) have the assumption that more expensive = better/best or b) to bargain and be cheap is to lose face??? well thats the explanation I been told anyway.

I know this girl from Beijing who be like "I went and did fraxel in Korea so cheap!"
Me: Ooooo how much?
Her: 1.5 million krw
Me: uhhhhhh what? thats like.......reallly expensive
Her: No it is cheap because it must be best laser so it is cheap for best laser
Me: *shakes head

so yeah i think english is better lol
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Ooh I see! How much time did the operation last? (the fat graft):smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi everyone!

To those of you who have done jaw surgery, would you be able to tell me when you were able to start eating solid foods and the kinds of foods you ate? I'm going to be in Korea for 1 month, and I'm doing the surgery the first week, and wish that I can eat some solid Korean food during my stay.

Also, does it hurt to eat solid foods the first time? Thanks!
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usually it's after the first couple weeks! maybe porridge and soondubu for your first meals to be safe?? can i ask where you're doing your jaw surgery at? ^ - ^
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Soondubu has a lot of sodium so you might try for some bland foods instead. If there's a blender at your accommodation, smoothies are best. Protein powder and banana smoothies or other concoctions. If you are going to try to eat solid foods, have some sweet potatoes or rice with soup (i.e. seaweed soup) that's low on sodium--though that might be rather difficult considering they're all going to be quite salty!
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Thank you for telling your experience with Dream clinic. I was planning to have a consultation with Dream Medical Group in Gangnam because i have this clinic in my list.

I wanted to have my eyes done with them, but when i read your comment, i am not sure that i will go to them at all. Your experience with this clinic is terrible. I feel sorry for you.

Since there are two or three clinics in Seoul that call themselves Dream clinic in the Gangnam area, can you please tell me more specific witch Dream clinic you went to?

Is it this clinic you went to and had your surgeries? Is this their website?: http://en.e-dream.co.kr

Thanks in advance.
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I have seen her face in Wonjin's site, plus they had an event where famous ulzzangs who had surgery in Wonjin would gather and talk about their experiences I think. Han Jinho was featured as well. So I suppose she had something done in Wonjin

Indeed her face from the photos looks ideal, but this is not her real face, this is just photoshop. You can see her real face in facebook videos. Examples:https://www.facebook.com/yoonara.ar/videos/vb.100004673078268/575072889325142/?type=2&theater
Every single picture of hers in the internet is photoshoped ah.

And this goes for every ulzzang out there, Han Jinho, Lee Geum Hee, Hana Areum Songi etc..Just watch their videos.
This is the same tactic every clinic uses to produce their perfect results, don't fall for that. If you are interested in getting fc surgeries please have realistic expectations and don't think you will come out like Yoon Ara, cause even she doesn't look like her pics.There is a limit to how much a surgery can do for you.

PS: If you have watched Ulzzang Shidae they show how they photoshop their pictures to look so 'perfect'.
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Exactly as Gantz said, all photos of ulzzangs on instagram, models or others are heavily photoshopped. Isn't she on one of those ulzzang TV shows?

Edit: Yep, she was. I remember her face from a random clip I saw from way back. I thought, what a puffy dolly odd face.

This is a clip after her (additional?) surgeries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uaqvfw-5sJ0
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