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dr Oz Clinic Surgery

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Dear all,

I have been reading this forum for quite a while and decided to make an account. I will go to Korea from the 15th of May till the 24th. I will have a consultation on the 15th and surgery on the 16th.

I did a lot of research but have only gotten into contact with Oz Clinic, they reply really fast and in good English

The other ones I've emailed but never got anything back, which makes think already they are not that fluently in English or what not

I will do double eye lid surgery (had one before, no incision, but looks bad so do it again) and epi + chin implant because I have a protruded mouth

Prices below in KRW:
2500000 Chin implant
2000000 Incision double fold surgery & medial epicantoplasty

Actually also wanted to make my face smaller, but that surgery was so expensive...

"Jaw reduction together with chin surgery is called 'V-line surgery'.
The cost of jaw reduction is 5,000,000 KRW."

Anybody also there around that time and want to meet up/go to same clinic/ or just emotional support haha, if yes, then PM me and we can exchange information or do a skype session beforehand or just Facebook to check if you are really a person and not a creepy old man or what not lol

Also if there is anybody who really does NOT RECOMMEND me to go to this clinic, please speak up NOW :smile: then I can still change!!!

Thank you!
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i dont recommend oz at all. I explained why here. if you cannot be bothered reading the whole thing then ctrl find Oz. #

Also, there's a ton of clincis in korea where the surgeons speak fluent english. The onsite global marketing staff tend to double up as translators too. One reason why you may not be getting replies is that many clinics have designated email addresses for their translation staff. The ones you may be using might be a generic one and the staff in charge might not be transferring your e-mail to the English speakign staff. A simple solution is to just call them. I made all my appointments for consultation by both e-mailing and calling to confirm.
Thanks so much! I just read the thread... a bit creepy he came out with blood on his hand...

I think I need to see him personally first also, he said I can go for consultation on the 15th, and then decide for surgery on the 16th

I have a protruded mouth but now i'm not sure if it's because of a short chin or protruded lips (according to Dream website)

I think the prices Oz quotes are very reasonable so I'm still doubting, though I should go for better quality than do it really cheap of course.... I didn't read any bad reviews online about them doing eye surgery though? Double eyelid and epi...or maybe those with horror stories didn't post it up online mm
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which clinic are you refering to about the bad review for eyelid surgery?

Also, when you say you have a protruded mouth do you mean an overbite? If so then you should best go to a clinic where they specialize in facial contouring and bone manipuilation. You should also find a clinic that has the facilities to provide industry standard 3d facial ct scans and xrays. this is essential for any bone surgery. If a surgeon tells you there's no need for that, leave and find another surgeon. Last thing you want is for a surgeon to go in blind to do your operation. Point of these facilities is for the patient and the surgeon to find out whether the cause of the issue is due to soft tissue, muscle or bone or perhaps a combination of those factors. This information may change the procedure and or method used.
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Thank you K couture! Your answers are so detailed! I said I did not read any bad reviews about OZ doing eye lid surgery, so I figured it would be fine? I also e-mailed dr Park back now with these and I wonder how he will respond

I now just send a message to Dream (online surgery consultation), and hope the price is within my budget.....

He also says this about the chin implant before:

"I don't prefer silicone implant because it can make your underlying bone absorbed after several years.
I don't prefer POREX implant because the shape is not good, complication rate is higher, it's more expensive, it needs screw fixation.

I prefer Gore-tex implant.
Unlike the mentioned explanation, tissue will ingrowth to the implant and will fix it without any problem.
In my experience, Gore-tex implant is the best in shape, safety, expense, and longevity.

You can choose intraoral or under chin incision.
But, most patients and I prefer intraoral incision because it doesn't leave any scar.
It's clean and has no problem in visibility."
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if you have a short chin but do not have any misalignment in the upper and lower bite such as an overbite then a chin implant will be good for you. But if you have an overbite then jaw surgery, more specifically, dental sugery is the right option. Some insurance covers this too. A chin implant will only partially conceal the lack of a chin if its due to an overbite. So you before anything you need to determine the cause. One good guide is to go look in the mirror right now and bite down your teeth in a natural way, then check to see if they are aligned. If the top teeth are overlapping the bottom teeth then ure issue won't be solved with a chin implant. Specifics will be known after your 3d facial ct and xray.

Also the problem with goretex is that should something go wrong or should you be unhappy with the results and have to replace the implant, you risk thinning and damage your soft tissue because the tissue ingrows. So that is one of the cons of goretex you should consider because revision surgeries amongst plastic surgery patients are more common than you may realize.

Finally, under chin incision actually allows for a lot more precision with implant placement. Scarring also should not be an issue because a) the face scars differently to the body (less obvious and less frequently) and b)use of kenacort injections dissolves the scar and its no longer visible. I had my chin done via under the chin and after a month there was no scar visible.

As an alternative material you might want to consider hydroxyappatite granules. It works very well for the chin area and can be shaped according to your structure. It also fuses with your bone so it stays in place as part of ure bone structure.
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Wow thank you. You are so knowledgeable. I just did it in the mirror, I don't have overbite. My upper teeth are just slightly over my lower teeth, but in a normal way, not excessively.

May I ask when you did the chin implant, you also choose a different shape? For example a more v shape or something? and where did you do your chin implant? :smile:
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i had 2 chin implants. first one was a dodgey one in thailand at the yanhee hospital. Looked great but was causing discomfort. I later found out after a facial ct that the thai surgeon had taken a block of raw silicone, cut out a dodgey shape that was jagged and shoved it in intraorally. They did the same thing to my rhinioplasty at the time. Needless to say i had to get them both removed.

My revision rhino was a success. It was done in melbourne with Bryan Mendelson using hydroxyappatite granules mixed with my blood, moulded into a putty form and fused to my bone through under the chin. No scarring after using kenacort up to 3 times i think and it doesn't even feel like i have any imlant there unlike the first chin augmentation i had.

My implant shape with the granules wasn't a specific one. I just told Dr Mendelson i wanted a longer more defined and angular version of my chin and he moulded the hydroxyappatite according to my bone structure. Should you use a silicone or goretex then the implant will come in 2 shapes in various sizes. U shape and V shape. Obviously they have different types for men too who want a strong chin.
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Oh damn...guess you did not get your money back from that hospital... puff

But dr Park said that intro oral for chin implant is good, because no scar (which is also logical right, because it's inside your mouth and not from outside?), so why not that method instead of the chin one, where you said you recovered from the scar after taking kenacort, but still.. I'd rather not have a scar at all to begin with haha do you know what I mean

*let me google kenacort be right back ahah

Also I prefer a V shape, I now have a U shape and my face is quite broad and masculine already
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main difference between both incision sites is that with under chin you get alot more precision and its easier to place it in the perfect position. Intraoral is harder to get a good implant placement than from under the chin but leaves no scar. But like i said, scarring on the face works very differently to the body and kenacort can dissolve it completely.

well good luck on your surgery. mine is a week before yours:smile:
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Oh! Goodluck!!!

I'm not sure about the kenacort..what if it doesn't dissolve completely you know :sad:

I will do more research!! Your information was vey very helpful to me!

P.S to others who are reading this, i'm still looking for someone who wants to go with me to OZ (15th) or lives in the same area as me, so PM me if interested!
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