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Plastic Surgery for Asian Guys (no women) Thread

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The stick a iv into my upper arm into a vein and said this was an antibiotic. Soon the anestheologist came and explained how he would put me to sleep. He told me how I would forget everything. BUT I remembered everything and where I was. He injected the sleeping thing into my iv and said you should be out under 5 minutes. I laughed in my head and said yeah right. But after a minute my vision became blurry and I thought oh ****. I was out quick.
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I woke up at around 4.30pm.
It felt like waking up in morning only except because your lying down and there are no blankets I felt cold. The nurses were smiling down on me an asked if I was okay. My vision was extremely blurry, but after 5 minutes I was already able to sit up (that fast, yes). And after another 5 minutest vision became clearer to point where I could see their faces.
I was so cold that they gave my a light heater and blankets an after 30 minutes I was able to exit the surgery room t be taken into the waiting room where my sister was waiting.
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When I was getting changed it hurt putting on my pants and socks because of my rib. The pain in the nose was practically a 0/10, just stuffy, nurse had to help put on my pants and socks. The pain of the rib felt stff and wverytime I bent down the muscles would contract which made it painful. The have me antibiotics painkillers and a whole lot of other stuff to be taken 3 times a day after drinking liquids. A taxi was called and arrived back at my hotel in 10 minutes.
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At my hotel the reception helped me to my hotel because the muscle contraction in my rib area was so bad I had to walk like an 80 year old. Thank god I had my sister ! I cannot express how much you need to bring a friend or family member!!! Originally I was planning on going alone. No! Please have someone with you
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Back in my room I had my sister change the dressing. Had orange juice.
Now, the bleeding is bad. so all that vitamin c I took a month earliar before surgery was rubbish.
So far I've had to change my bandages three times. By the way not the whole dressing just the lower part. The doctor warned me this would happen.
This brings me to present.
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Just had a protein shake. Doctor said this was what would promote wound healing and not vitamin c.
Sit upright. Ask the hotel for three pillows before the surgery.
Hopefully I can sleep tonight.
Also bringing painkillers being the surgery makes little difference at first but already now I feel relaxed.
Once again. BRING someone with you during overseas plastic surgery. I CANNIT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! My sister helped my change the dressing and prepared my drinks. I was so hungry after the surgery. It was just to painful to do so.
Watching the australia World Cup now and praying everything will be okay!
Maybe my bleeding is due to me sitting upright on my bed.
Anyway I'll make any updates if I can think of any.
Even moving my torso hurts.
I'll try to post photos
Sorry for the spelling errors but my iPhone keeps auto correcting.
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It's now been 2-3 hours post op and the pain in the rib is gone now. Before I had to be keep my back upright but now slooching while sitting down is painless. This could be due to the "paracetamol plus codeine". However bending down while standing to open the fridge still hurts. Take a deep breathe also hurts.
But the pain before was a 9/10. Now it's a 5/10.
Numbers don't do justice. So it's kinda like a stitch you feel after a run.
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Sorry guys. I feel like I've just been rambling on but I hope I have some idea of what it's like after a rib rhinoplasty. I forgot to mention how my rhinoplasty is relevant to this thread.
So I basically wanted a nose with a defined tip. Pre operated nose kinda looked piggy because my alar curved in but my columella was pushed in. I told him therefore to make the holes smaller with a nice definition. I told him I didn't want it pointy because it would look feminine. I showed him some pictures as a reference. The bridge would look defined but not "sharp" to give it a soft look. Kinda like shun oguri. Although shun oguri's alars to nose tip ratio was abit too long so I told the doc to give the tip kinda like wesley chan from wrongfuproductions whose nose looked "tight" and not droopy like mine. Doc got the idea of what kind of face I wanted and said he would make my nose give the impression that my face would be more projected but not pointy or curvy like a girls.

Today is the second day and everything is fine except rib area still hurts which makes slow walking a must. Just had some stitches taken out. Felt like a LONG peice of string was pulled out. No pain though, just extremely weird and uncomfortable.

I can kinda see the shape of my nose now despite the swelling. Bridge looks kinda sharp but that could be due to swelling. My nose also looks a bit turned up but doc warned me before surgery that that would happen due to swelling.

Can't say much other than my mood is kinda low and I feel tired from only a few hours of sleep. Bleeding has stopped and my nose feels a lot less "heavier".
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Second night into my rhinoplasty:

Been getting green diarrhoea. It's really watery, like green juice. Not sure if it's surgery related or the milk mixed with my protein shakes. I'm not lactose intolorent but I've been consuming a lot of diary.

Swelling is starting to go up. The day before the corners of my eyes were a little black and puffy but now it looks like my eyeballs are bulging out. I've been taking lots of vitamin c tablets throughout today and yesterday but Still....
Tomorrow I'll be having my packaging changed again and my nose cleaned.
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Third day post op in the morning and so glad to be able to eat solids. I had two onigiris although I had to cut them I I little pieces to avoid opening my mouth too much.
Sister keeps cracking jokes so sometimes I laugh but when I do so I can feel the packaging shift.
Still painful getting out of bed. And while the diarrhoea seems to have subsidied pushing to excrete hurts as it contracts the muscle.
Swelling isn't as bad as I said it was. Just exaggerating. But it's still there and eyes are puffy. just put some ointment that the doctor gave me on my stitching area with some ear cleaners and redressed my nose.
Won't be a few hours until I see the doctor.
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Thought I would share photos of my rhinoplasty experience.
I got it done in Canada for $6700. I guess that would be $6.7m KRW? I don't regret paying such a high price because I love my results.

I had a very mushy nose tip before. The tip looked fatty and I had a hump that made my nose look like a hook when I was smiling. In the pictures below, I am smiling wide in both photos.

I had my hump reduced (open rhinoplasty), thus the nose bridge was made more narrow to close the open roof. I had work done to my tip to recontour the cartilage so it is more structured. I also had tip projection (which is different from tip rotation). And I did not have any implants. I am born with a high bridge.

Pain level was 0/10 during surgery and after surgery. I had twilight anesthesia so I was partially awake for the procedure.

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Third day post op and just had my nose cleaned.
Doctor took out clotted blood up my nose which was fine until he stuck a swipe up there to clean around. It felt so bad that I cried aloud. It's like when you stick something up your nose and gag. What was worse is that you can't move. Wish i brang something with me to squeeze. Nose is much less stuffy but gonna need to do it again tomorrow . Doc said I could pretty much eat anything and I went straight to mcdonalds (chips here are awful in Taiwan). Only though every time I breathe through my nose I get that slight pricking I felt when the doctor cleared the airway. Starting to feel just like a cold. Swelling is still the same though.
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You should still try to eat healthy after your surgery for a good month! Especially avoid sodium!!! It will make you swell even more.

I'm 2 months post op and I still wake up every morning with a stuffy nose
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