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Plastic Surgery for Asian Guys (no women) Thread

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Day 6 (I think) post op

Nothing much with the nose. Just starting to get ictchy. Inner mid face feels very oily. So is hair. Good thing I cut it very short before I came.
Got lip reduction done at 3pm.
Told to get changed into surgery gown and Doctor told me again that he would cut 3mm off which give ratio between upper and lower lip of a ration of 1:1 (kinda) as well as making it lip less projected as protruding (the part I emphasised the most).
I was held down on the surgical bed by having those green surgical blankets covering me (everything was except the leg calf area and feet and my eyes) I was able to see the procedure and it was not pretty. Very scary at first.
Doctor injects anaesthetic needle after a warning that it will hurt. Felt like a sharp pince (enough to make you pull back) not that bad I just gave an "umph" and Doctor understood.
He used singes to burn off the unwanted lip part so I could the smoke going up and it smelt
Like burning fuel just less strong. Eventually I could see the doc lift up the peice of lip that I didn't want and I thought looks smaller than we agreed to but it could be because the lip is just elastic. The cutting off part was the so scary until after 5 minutes in as I realised there would be no pain at all. BUT when he could at the edge it was kinda hot and warm and I rhoght I would get burnt. Didn't happen. After te stitching took place a this was the weirdest part. I couldn't feel the needle going in and out from the other muscles because the doctor would tug and pull.
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Doc and the nurses seemed to be having a good laugh and conversation throughout tje whole surgery. At first I was angry at te lack of professionalism but I realised them talking Lisa relaxed and gave me the impression that this is what they do on a regular basis and it didn't require no talking kind of concentration.
Stitching took ages. I actually became bored during it. Eventually the doc said he was all done as after the blankets were removed I was shown a mirror. WHAT A MESS. The tissues they put in mouth were pre washed with anti bacterial liquid but made my throat feel very hot and warm during the surgery. My lip looked HUGE. The pain felt tingly and I was taken to a room to rest with and ice pack. After that Doctor explained the medication and post op instructions and I was off by taxi.
When I got home the pain bexe UNBEARABLE. It felt like someone was pulling my lip. It felt really prickly. I had some of the medicine given after a cold liquid protein drink. Cleaned wound with saline water and cleaned it up with oinent prescribed by Doctor. Ice packs around the lip area relaxed the pain but as soon as I would let go it would sting again. Eventually I managed to fall asleep. It's nos 1:42am (9 hours post op) and pain is gone (2/10 pain) just a very light prickle and abit numb.
I had to drink with a spoon because a straw is just too painful to purse lips out. Also when I first tried to close my mouth I couldn't feel the bottom and thought they mutilated me but its fine. Just swelling.
Wound felt all "crispy" but it's really just the stitches. The wound looks alot less red and defined now after covering it generously with the ointment. Just some more medicine and now off to bed again.
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Post op day 7

I wish they cut more of my lip because I have the impression that it won't be enough for my lips...just have to wait a month to see the results.
Have to drink with a spoon when head is tilted back. Liquid needs to be smooth. I tried to drink "mi-lo " but the chocolate flakes made it difficult as difficult to clean my mouth.
Just been placing ice packs on my mouth and watching tv in bed all day. Really boring. No condition to go out because when I try to avoid saliva touching my lower lip I have to make a really disgusting slurping sound which I obviously don't want to do in public!
Nose is still the same. It could just be me but it looks like one nostril is bigger than te other like my previous nose...
It's blokes but I can still breathe. It feels like there are multiple giant boogers and it's so tempting to use a cotton pick and scrap them out but ill just have the doc do it tomorrow night when I see him again.
Tomorrow nose pack will be off and I'll be able to see my rib wound. Pretty excited!
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Hey there,
I enjoy reading your follow-ups very interesting!
Can i ask why did the doctor advise nosejob with the use of ribcartilage?
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In the middle of day 8 post op

Woke up this morning and noticed my mouth was all crinkly and it looked like dead was growin over the stitches. I quickly cleaned it with saline solution an put on the ointment and had my medication. When I got to the doctor the crust had gone. Phew. He said healing is doing good and after today's medication I won't need to take anymore.
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End of post op day 8

I was abit depressed today because of my swelling lip. It's pretty bad. It just droops down! Doctor said to not worry about it an just wait and see...
Stayed in my room all day upset and the left at 6 to go get my nose cast removed.
The Doctor was busy doing a consultation so I had the nurse remove the stitches first. Creeped me out coz she was using two razor blades (what?) but it just prickled abit, even when she worked inside the nose. She was actually pulling the stitches out but it just felt like slight scraping and alittle snipping. Kinda relaxed me. The Doctor came in and he took his turn. He's rough so it definantly stung more. But he gets it over as done quickly while te nurse takes her time to make sure I wasnt in pain.
When the cast was taken it felt so refreshing. I looked in the mirror and laughed!
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My nose looked so weird but I wasn't shocked for some reason.
Ok, so the nose is way too long, especially the tip. The nostril curves are too high and I at first I thought I looked Eurasian. The nose kinda makes my eyes look more proportional to my face. Actually I kinda look like an elf now...because the length of the nose is long it makes my face head look longer.
Doctor cleaned my nose pulled out this HUGE booger. Breathing is good but now it's gone stuffy again.
Told to come back on Wednesday and told I didn't need any more medicine.
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Actually now that I'm home I think I look more like Bert from Bert and ernie. Not that my nose is bulbous and plump. It's just the length is way too way to long and my lip is still saggy from the lip reduction. I just can't help but laugh. Anyway I went out to get some take away feast and relaxed to get my mind off the nose.
Guys, don't be scared if your nose looks really weird (mine looks so fake and stiff) it's just the swelling. I remember heidi liow from Australia and "missuglynose" had the se bad swelling after her surgery with ryan. It will get smaller. Though right now te only thing I like about it is that my face looks less round and more proportional to my other features ( except for lips obviously) but from the side view it looks bad. I look like a mouse because I hbe a receded chin but this is most due to the lip protruding and making my chin smaller.
Swelling from the cheeks and eyes seem to have gone down 80-90%.
Nose feels hard. The tip especially.
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Oh yeah. I took a bath and wash my face as hair while avoiding my lip area. Felt so good. I just gently washed where te packing use to be for the nose because it was so oily. Now it's a bit crusty but my face feels so refreshed now.
Before that on day 7 I wash around with saline solution and definantly makes things less itchy.
After eating I chew gum to clean my mouth and then use mouth wash to clean up before cleaning my lip.
Gonna put some ice packing on now. Fifth element is on (my favourite, an just feel like chillin out)
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Post op day 9.

Nose still looking like Bert. It's really just the tip. Bridge looks really natural and the doctor didn't make it look too defined when you look at me from the front like how I asked. Looks abit saggy due to the nostril holes stickin up because of the swelling which the doctor says makes nose look up turned for awhile. Really hoping it will go away before March when school starts.
Lips are still the same (sigh) I don't know why they are taking this long to deswell but I read in other forums that it can take 2 months (geez).
Anyway, the rib area is starting to hurt abit now. When I lookin te mirror it looks bloated from the swelling but when I sit down it inverts in showing that a rib is missing (yikes). Pain is really just from bending the torso ( stretches ).
Not too much to comment today other than I got a ps vita !!! I found a place with all these authentic japanese games and will definantly be going there to do some big shopping.
Just gotta make sure I don't go over $900aud so I won't have to pay duty tax at the airport.
Starting to dread mornings now. Sick of the smell of whey protein in the morning. Disgusting.
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Post op day 10

Looked in the mirror this morning and noticed that my lip is beginning to deswell. Still bigger than my original lip but getting smaller. I'm still not convinced the Doctor cut enough but he just told me to wait after I had my second check up with him today.
Today I tooled the subway as walked around casually around the streets for the first time after my surgery. Walked around for about 45 minutes and felt no pain in rib. Only every time I take a step it feels like something is going up my nose (boogers). But yeah walking normally or speed walking- it felt good.
My bridge looks great now. Definantly how I wanted it. I hope it stays like this. I can't say much about the tip though. It looks bulbous compared to my bridge but I kept telling tw Doctor I wanted this and that for my tip. Maybe that's why it's so swelling so much as that is where the most work was probably done...
He told me he would also do something else during the operation to make my upper lip less projected but so far I see no difference.
Eating like a pig today, because I'm won't be going out tomorrow until night and I haven't got much in the fridge now.
All I want to do is sleep and Play my vita!
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your nose looks great now! any frontal pics?
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