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Plastic Surgery for Asian Guys (no women) Thread

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Rhinoplasty post op day 11

Sneezed for the first time after the surgery. Although it was through the mouth it felt good. But "coughing" the sneeze out did make my rib hurt a bit. The pain is mainly from getting up from bed or when I change from a horizontal angle to a verticle angle.
Went and saw the Doctor and asked why my nose looked weird but he just said its te swelling ad that of course after only a week my nose would look fake. He showed me photos of his other patients but their tip seemed pretty real as good only after a week so now I'm not sure. He just told me not to think about it too much and that it will change.
He removed the final stitches and cleaned my nose. Removal felt like sudden pinches. Like someone is pinching the insides d your nose with their nails. I wish the nurse was here to do it. Anyway asked the Doctor more questions even though there were a few other patients waiting on him. Doctor is really kind and patient.
Breathing is really good now. Usually after the doc cleans my nose it would go stuffy again but so far it hasn't done so, so I'm really happy about that. Doctor also recommended that I tape my tip down with something like compiled tissues to hurry the deswelling. I've never heard of this...
Looking at the inside of my nose with a torch it looks pretty pink, like all my nose hair has been shaved off or something. Most of what is inside is just all this sticky mucus. Deep inside my nose there feels like there is a huge booger. Really tempting to pick it out.
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Lip reduction post op day 6.

The swelling is definantly reducing muh better. Lip doesn't stick out as much and when I close my mouth I think I can see a difference but not so sure. Maybe because before the surgery my lip dropped down but after the surgery my lip has been pulled up so it kinda looks like it's pouting out now instead of just dropping downwards. I hope that's just the swelling. But lips looks smaller slightly than the original lip now.
Eating and cleaning is the same process:
Eat, clear mouth with water, sugar free gum, mouth wash, clean stitches with saline solution, dry, put on ointment.
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Rhinoplasty post op day 12

Went to bed and almost forgot to do an entry. Nothing much has changed with the nose. Breathing is becoming stuffy but still much better than day 10.

Lip reduction post op day 7

Same again. Glad to get my stitches out tomorrow
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Lip reduction post op day 8

Lips are pulling back in when I looked in the mirror this morning. Waking is fun now because as soon as I do rush straight to the mirror to see any progress. Now that the lips are pulling in my nose looks a lot better on my face.
Went to the doctor at 10.30 but because he was busy I didn't get my stitches out until 11.45! Most of te people seem to be old women getting skin treatments... Maybe it's the area I'm in(?)
Anyway, when I get the stitches out it does hurt abit. Like a little prick. Definantly not as painful like when I had a needle pushed in my lips before the surgery but it still hurt and the first snip made me winch. The nurses seemed to be really facinated as they pushed their faces right into my face, Doctor even had to shout at one of them, really funny. So pain is alright for stitch removal. Got some post op instructions and left.
Lips seem to be getting smaller now that the stitches are removed so I'm happy about that.
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Rhinoplasty post op day 13

After I had te stitches removed from my lips I went to the zoo. Walked around for two hours but then my torso started to feel tight. So I decided to go home. Tried to run a red light today. Bad idea. Made my torso get all tensed up as soon as I did. Anyway, seeing that this was my last day in Taiwan I had a huge lunch feast (I'm still full and skipped dinner) at 4pm.
When I got to the clinic at 6.30 it was pretty busy as usual but today I had to wait longer than usual. After awhile more people came in but there weren't many seats so I was taken into the cleaning room to wait. While the nurses weren't watching I did some poking around. I seriously doubt the cleanliness of this clinic! The thing used clean the noses were lying about ad weren't cleaned until nurse came in to simply just wipe it with cotton and put it away after throwing peices of nasal residue in a bin right next to me!!!! It was really disgusting and pink and just uh. Also the suction thing had red residue on it which made me irk that that thing had been up my nose before. After waiting awhile the Doctor came and used that same suction thing without wiping it. (As soon as I got home I cleaned my nose throughly with saline solution)
He did some other cleaning and pulled out chunks of boogers (breathing is getting better everyday, yesterday it didn't even get blocked up again).
Told me that the scarring of the nose will go away in about 4 months both the scar on my torso will become small after 1 year. He then told me that since I found him from bloggers and forums, would it be okay if I also shared my experiences online with other people so other could find him. I said alright. After some photos I left the clinic. By the way guys I'm writing this before he requested me to post my experiences online. This is my genuine review and experience!
Not much to say now other than coughing, sneezing, and hiccuping or any sudden movements of the torso does hurt abit.
Gonna catch a flight tomorrow back to Australia and my face now looks difference than my passport photo so I'm abit worried about that. Anyway I'll write about it when I get back home.
Also I'll show some photos but not till I get home and edit out my identity.
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Rhinoplasty post op day 15

Made it through custom with no troubles at all. In fact none of the checkpoints even looked at me twice to confirm if it was really me (maybe I haven't changed as much as I'd like but that photo was taken when I was 17, I'm 22 this year). Couldn't sleep on the plane so I took a short nap when I got home.
I still think my nose looks a bit too big for my face but again Doctor said it was the swelling that is making it look fake.
I'll try to post some pics tonight. Right now I just want to relax.
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y dont u post your nose pic here so that we can see... maybe u r just being paranoid.
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Sorry but I forgot to post the pics last night. I was so caught up with my new playstation and by the time I realized my eyes were too tired so I just went to bed.

Some pre-op photos:

I had hardly any bridge and my nose was bulbous which made my face look wider. From side views my alars would just hang down and because my columella was retracted in you could see the other alar too which made me very self conscious. The ratio between the alars and my nose tip was also uneven so it just made my nose tip look flat and stumpy looking.
So basically (actually the consultation was about an hour) I just asked the doctor to make my nose:
.give the impression that the alars dont look as if they are drooping down
.bring out my columella
.defined and round tip
.tall nose bridge BUT NOT SHARP LOOKING (I was very serious about this one because it just would not look good on my face because all my other features would not blend with it)
.natural but would alter my appearance

I referenced with this guy's nose and face

Although I know my face is different and sometimes certain noses don't fit on certain faces I told the doctor that I wanted a nose something like the guy above. I love how well balanced all his features are.

anyway two weeks post op:

and my rib scar

So my after thoughts are I LOVE IT! my alars no longer droop and my tip is projected and defined (though still swelling I can make out the shape). Doc said my nose is alittle upturned becasuse of the swelling but when it comes down my nose tip will look more round.
Not only has my nose changed my face shape from round to more oblong it has also made my eyes stand out much better (it's not just the lighting, honest).
The one thing I'm not so satisfied with is the columella. I think because of how much I told him I hated my columella before he made it stand out more but it does make my nose look alittle droopy.
I also really love my new bridge. It complements well with my nose tip and labio area and most importantly it doesn't look excessively fake like Korean girls.
Rib area just keeps better everyday. The pain just lessens and lessens. Right now I'm fixing my diet to fruit and green smoothies and having just chicken instead of carbs as my source of energy and protein.
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Realized I've forgotten to review the clinics and the doctors

Ryan Hsu (Ying-Che Hsu) & Le Jade clinic

The clinic is shared by three or four doctors I think but when I was there only my doctor seemed to be there (I walked around a bit on the pretense that I needed to go to the toilet). He had other patients whom most were girls but on some days I saw a couple of guys. The girls clearly had their nose done. It looked fake but it could of been their swelling. Their noses were alright they were big and not big in a bad way (just not girly cute) but it also looked good (kinda like Uma Thurman's nose to face ratio).
the guys I couldn't see so much because one was pre-op and another was wearing a face mask.

The doctor is really nice and laid back. His movements were also kinda funny and adorable (think of "doc" from back from the future and that would be him, although maybe not as eccentric). He was incredibly patient despite consultation one after another with other patients and would give me recommendations to me but wouldn't enforce them which I really liked.
The clinic has nurses that it hires during surgery days so I was happy to know that the receptionists weren't the nurses either. I had the option to do my surgery at a hospital but because it was far away from my hotel I decided to just do it at the clinic> Operating room is really just like any other operating room in the hospital. It was very spacious.
Receptionists were really nice. I was really embarrassed going in because I thought they would think it would be weird to see a guy doing plastic surgery but they were all nice and non-judgmental and I didn't get any stares.

Not everything was perfect about the clinic. As i mentioned before I doubt seriously doubt their cleanliness (please read my other updates).
I also don't think the doctor remembered my name. Don't know if this is bad or good. Could show he is careless or could be he is very busy (??) actually one of the other doctors seemed to know me better and checked to see if I was alright. I think he was the doctor who did botox but he seemed to have alot of free time. He was there when I had my stitches removed and would just talked with the receptionists.

I wish I could have taken more photos of the clinic but all I managed to get were photos of the cleaning room when the nurse wasn't looking.[​IMG]

pretty messy. the high suction thing was used to clean my nose.

anyway the whole experience with them would be a 8/10 and recovery process would be 7/10.
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Dr. Tang

This is the doctor whom I had my lip reduction with. He is a very serious and solemn kind of guy but had a funny side to him. When he laughed it would kind of bellow.
During my consultation with him he was pretty impatient and didn't agree with my aesthetic tastes. I wanted my lip ratio to be 1:1 but he kept insisting on 1:1.5 but he also wanted to be sure of what lip I wanted and showed genuine concern and interest on how I wanted my lip to be exactly. My main concern was my bottom lip which hangs out and made my chin look smaller (if my chin didn't look so small I think my nose would look even better on my face instead looking a bit too long in its present state).
**I had seen some other doctors and one mentioned that my lip hanged out because of lack of muscle holding it and that I would need to "cleft" surgery to correct it but it would leave a scar.
So my option was to just make my bottom lip smaller but it would still hang out.**

The receptionists were also the nurses there. During my surgery they talked alot and one nurse (no, receptionist I mean) seemed a bit confused. But the receptionists were all nice and friendly.

Whole experience was pretty good 7/10. But so far my lips still look the same but doctor said I would just have to wait but I'm starting to think maybe cleft surgery is the only thing that can help.
Anyway if I notice change in a few weeks or even months I'll try to post some pics up of those too.
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oh I also forgot to mention that the clinic is quite new. It opened in 2012 or 2013. That's why my score was only 8/10 because they don't have their own place to do rib scan. I was taken to a place to get my ribs scanned and my blood tested. If I didn't have to go anywhere I would have given the clinic a 9/10. One point missing because the waiting room wasn't big enough and sometimes it would be a bit crowded.
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hey MOTTY I've seen you around on other threads. Have you had any work done on your nose yet?

Although I do like my nose now (I don't have to take photos at different angles to make my nose less ugly anymore :cool:). I really hope it gets smaller. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be this big. I wish I had played pictures of myself on editing programs because I'm trying to make my face softer looking. Actually that had been my goal before but for some reason I decided to go for a masculine look. That's been my regret. I wish I was not just 100% sure but 10000X certain.
The bridge stands out my than I expected because the doctor asked if I wanted to do osteotomy and I blindly said yes because I thought my nose wouldn't stand out enough without it. I was hadn't done it because that would give the bridge a more mountain look instead of a tower look where it just shoots up and makes it less natural looking.

Anyway MOTTY if you haven't had Rhino yet be really certain of what kind of look you want.
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