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LIFE plastic surgery

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Dear all, I couldn't really find anything about Life plastic surgery so I thought i'd just make a thread about it. If it is answered you can just let this one drop!

http://eng.mylifeps.com | I mean this clinic

Can one of the girls/guys here on this forum help me look on Naver or in korean forums what they say about this clinic? Because google doesn't give any reviews and on here I only read one girl said something about it, but only that she knows it

Many thanks!!!

(btw I will be doing double eyelid, epi and chin if that's relevant)
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LIFE is my #1 choice right now. The B&A pictures are limited because they are a new clinic, opened in fall 2013 I believe? Maybe it is your browser tho cause there is like 7 diff people.

I've heard good things about one of the main surgeons Sewhan Rhee, he's been mentioned here a few times. He used to do VIP patients at Grand but then left to open his own clinic. Wonder if it had to do with many of Grand's other surgeons doing too many botched jobs!!! I haven't heard anything about the other surgeon "Kim Dong Ho"
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Hi Qri! May I ask what surgeries you will do there? I will try to google these specific names then because when I google Life clinic obviously nothing sensible comes out because the word is too generic

I also see only before and after pics of guys no girls, but on the celebrity page I see girls but no idea what surgery they did there
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I'm planning to get my nose done (alar, tip-plasty, possible lateral osteotomy) and chin implant. I'm also considering getting a slight lip reduction.

Have you done an online consultation with them yet? I'm wondering if they will refer you to Dr. Rhee or Dr. Dong Ho. When I originally did my online consultation with them at the beginning of the year Dr. Rhee was promoted as the "main" surgeron. I didn't specifically ask for him but in the reply I was told Dr. Rhee looked over my pictures and would be the one doing my surgery if I decide to go with them. Now when you go to http://eng.mylifeps.com/our-medical-team/ Dr. Dong Ho is now at the top!
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I wrote to them <LIFE>, asking for Dr Rhee recently. But was replied Dr Rhee would be away and Dr Kim who is the representative doctor will be performing the surgery,

Their reply is not so prompt. I wrote the email last week, still no reply from them.

I have no idea too why Dr Kim pic is on the top of medical staff at their page, but not Dr Rhee who is assuming more popular to Dr Kim.

Maybe Dr Rhee is more in demand that's why they don't want to put his pic on the top.
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Oh he is away! Mm
I emailed them too for appointment so now waiting for confirmation. It has been 3 days so yeh
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I have! Got this back:

Thank you for your inquiry.

Here are the price quotes you’ve inquired:

Incision Double Eyelid surgery: 1,500,000 ~ 1,650,000 KRW
Medial Epicanthoplasty: 900,000 ~ 1,000,000 KRW
Chin Implant: 2,000,000 ~ 2,200,000 KRW

They didn't name any doctor lol

What did you get quoted for chin and lip reduction? :smile:
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Oh wow and to think I was originally planning to go to korea at the beginning of may...really hope he isn't away again in august

My chin was quoted 2.5 - 2.7 million KRW!! Not too big a difference I guess, will definitely be able to bargain down in person lol.

lips 2.3 - 2.5 million KRW. might as well add my nose price too Alar reduction 700,000 - 770,000 won and tipplasty 2 - 2.2 million KRW. don't have a price for lateral osteotomy cause they didn't mention me needing one but another clinic did so I'll ask them about it when I go.
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I e-mailed LIFE for a price quote and procedure recommendations. I also asked if Dr. Rhee was available instead of Dr. Kim, they replied with:

"Dr. Sewhan Rhee specializes in body contouring and Dr. Kim specializes in eyes, nose and facial contouring surgeries, and has more experience for rhinoplasty."
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Lips are so expensive?! Wtf
I got 600,000~650,000 for alar reduction btw!
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  • 3 weeks later...
I wanted to do a rhinoplasty and emailed a couple of clinics. LIFE came back and quoted me 2,750,000 for augmentation rhinoplasty + nasal tip plasty. That's by far the lowest price I've gotten so it kind of irks me. Have any of you proceeded with LIFE or know anyone who's had experience with LIFE? How were the results?
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I went there for consultation! Don't know anybody who did the actual surgery there

There is a girl who speaks fluently english, she will translate everything that another girl and the doctor says to you so you can ask questions and stuff

I think this girl is the same one who e-mailed me, Sue Kim
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