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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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Did you send them your picture? Perhaps this can help them in answering your ques?Coz I think is pretty hard for them to quote you specifically mandible reduction without seeing you in person. E.g. normally when you reduce mandible length, the surgeon will need to shave the angle to make the v-line looks nicer, and sometimes your chin will become shorter and they'll need to do T-osteotomy etc. They can't tell you how much work is needed until the surgeon sees you at consultation.
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i think they were asking you those questions because they are trying to book you in for a consultation. I'm guessing since you are booking online, its like filling out that questionnaire thingie which everyone has to do at all clinics. Medical history, age, country, what you are dissatisfied with, what procedures you are considering, any allergies etc etc. Every clinic i consulted with made me fill in one of those. I didn't have to do it online tho but that may be because i actually called in to make my appointment at all the clinics i consulted with, then i told them to e-mail me a confirmation for the consultation day and time.

Also, this is the same thing i told davincci. For every clinic you are consulting with, do not ask for a quote before going to consult your surgeon. It never works out in your favour because pricing protocols require the consultants to only provide you with the highest range or quote for the procedure. Nothing accurate can be given because the surgeon needs to examine you first. And in your case, you also require a CT as part of your examination. So by asking for a quote beforehand, you really place yourself at a disadvantageous bargaining position price wise.
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Thank you dear!
I'll get my eyes done next year then ^^
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Hello K Couture,
I am a newbie here :smile:
I am in the process of planning to get multiple surgery done and I have been reading this post from beginning to end and you are very helpful and detailed, therefore I was hoping you can help somewhat guide me to the right surgeons for my procedures.

If you were going to refer a dr to your sister where would you refer her to for, any prices are fine, just want to get the best as possible:
1. Eye
2. Nose (dr park at dream)
3. Chin (your dr in australia?)
4. Jaw, bone reduction (my face is round and chin is short)
5. Whole face (fat grafting)

Sorry i am not that good at knowing the medical terms.
Which prodecures you recommend to do together and which procedures should be done first in order for my face to fall together. For example do jaw first and let it heAl for 1 year then do the rest? Im very clueless.

I did my research on clinics and drs as well but seems like they all have mixed review and switching dr problem is also alarming.

Also, i have read somewhere in here they say there is one good korean dr that is good at fix or reshape breasts augmentation. I wonder if you know of a good dr. I have had breast augmentation done in the states but the nipples are somewhat pointing down, and im not happy with the scars.
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no lah it's ok. I always see people do eye and nose together no problem one. one procedure at a time also good but problem is cannot haggle much. I think better do a few together and then can get discount. But of course must do surgeries that doctor say ok to combine
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Oh okay, thanks ladies. I guess with the mayhem of clinics, I just want to narrow it down to a handful thus the online price enquiries but I'd definitely keep what you said in mind about in person consultation (which I'd be sure to do anyway)

I think I've seen cases where nearly all the above procedures have been done. Bear in mind the emotional (not just physical) trauma of recovery that would be though. If you're prepared for it, I think nearly whole face is possible. I know I've seen cases where jaws and nose were done together with eyes as well. I think if you do a bit more research and a lot more happy with a clinic for specific parts, that's more important than timing issues. Because I doubt you'd find a clinic that you are 100% confident will do the best job in EACH of these procedures at once due to their specialty.
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Thank you vanitygirl09 for your input. It is so hard to decide and since I am not able to speak korean i know my choices are narrowed down a bit. And as k couture has mentioned it is best to get a surgeons that you can communicate with. I dont mind flying in and out to get different procedures done at different times. I can not express how much i am thankful for having found this forum. I will definitely give back to the forum once i get my surgeries done but its not going to be a while since it took me half a year to decide on a doctor for my breast aug and i still end up with the result i dont like. And i can not thank k couture enough to point out dr Lee in beverly hill. I live in LA and saw this girl on youtube wrote good review on him. I was almost go to him for everything done on my face so thank you thank you thank you!!
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oh god Charles Lee was a nightmare. The worst thing about it was I actually read the awful reviews of him, but then lied to myself and said it can't be true because he was on the Tyra Banks show so he must be good.

Anyways ill answer your previous question in a somewhat generalized manner because my opinion is biased. Regardless of what surgery you are doing, first thing you need to ensure is that the surgeon specializes in the procedure. So for me I know Dr Park specializes in rhinoplasty, eyes and fg. While I have had great results from him, without knowing your situation and requirements, I can only recommend as far as a consultation with him, despite being confident in his skill. Because if for whatever reason you are unfortunate enough to have a complicated case requiring a rib rhino, I would advise going to another surgeon as rib rhino is not part of his speciality. He is most famous for performing the closed technique while yielding similar results to that of a well done open technique. But not for rib rhino techniques. Another clinic i woul recommend you look into for nose would be April 31.

For Jaw Dr Kim at dream is very reputable. But i have not done any bone work with him, just acculift. The good thing i can say is he did a good job on my acculift and he is very thorough in his examinations. If he says you are not a candidate for jaw reduction then you should not do it. That procedure has a guaranteed sagging effect and i always recommend people against it unless absolutely necessary. I had it done when i was younger and have had to have an invasive concentric malar lift to reverse the sagging effect. So i would caution you on that. For most people something as simple as botox is sufficient to narrow the jaw. Also note that the jaw reduction does not actually make your jaw more narrow. It changes shape, not width, UNLESS part of the muscles are removed. But this is something you want to avoid as it poses long term side effects especially when you get older. The muscles are also surrounded by motor nerves so there's also risk of permanent motor nerve damage. Something you definitely want to avoid. For these reasons, many surgeons will refrain from excising the muscle.

Chin i actually don't know who in Seoul is good at it. I never inquired about it nor do I know any surgeon who is an expert in it. Brian Mendelson in melbourne was the one who did my chin but you should only go to him if you want to use the hydroxyappatite as your choice of implant. It truly is an amazing material that can be molded according to the patient's bone structure. Perhaps its only limitation is that because so few surgeons know how to use it, if for whatever reason you want to remove it, you will have to go all the way back to Australia for him to perform it.

Also with doctor swapping, you should ask the surgeon if they operate as a teaching facility, if there are any interns at the clinic and who will be present during the procedure. This, they are legally obligated to disclose to the patient.

In regards to surgical combinations. You can really do them in whatever order you choose. But i would avoid doing nose and jaw together if the nose is done via open rhino. Jaw reduction is considered a major surgery and the only surgery where i've had as much difficulty healing is the concentric malar lift and my open rhino. Most people will tell you its a terrible experience healing from open rhino. In contrast closed is an absolute breeze. I also would not do jaw and fg at the same time. I have zero experience with breast augmentation so i can't help you there sorry.
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by jaw surgery you mean the t-osteotomy and bone shaving right?

I didn't know there was guaranteed sagging D: I'm rethinking that v-line now
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K Couture, I always learn something new after reading many of your posts. Thank you for that

I guess im really obsessed with that small face my face is round, my nose is piggie and big on the sides. I also have big cheekbones . I ran across MaiQ post and she had: eye, nose, cheek, vline, chin implant, aculift all done at once and she is happy with everything . And those are all the things i want to be done. I could only hope i find a place where i can get everything done at once with positive result like that - i just wonder why refuse to share the name of the place but then again it must be privacy concerns. Im a little scared of vline now since you have mentioned the possible side effects. Im sure if i fix my whole face i would have to suffer some kind of side effect later on in life and thats not too comforting at all.. Too much of thinking now i know once i decide i can not go back. And thank you once again for a very thorough explanation for newbie like myself. Happy healing and stay pretty :smile:

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aiyo Fruitsjunkie no need to be confused. i skim so many posts most not detail at all. Actually only a few people will make post with detail. Vague posts very easy to mislead and confuse so i just skip them.

K, I curious how come you say will guarantee sag for the jaw surgery?
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