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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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No absolutely not. While you can use before and after pictures as somewhat of a gauge, it is a by no means an accurate analysis of a surgeon's skill. A few reasons for this:

a) your nose structure and that of someone else's is different. What can be achieved on one individual may not be realistic for you

b) surgeons will only show you their best work, not their worst. Many clinics are also known to photoshop their work. If you search through the forums you will find some members who have caught out clinics who have used photoshop to skew their results. Essentially, before and afters is a marketing tool

Also, Dream's consultant doesn't have an upturned nose. There's 2 that handle the english speaking clients. I've actually confirmed this with the other forumers who have been to dream recently and had their noses done there. Like me, they were baffled because the four of us never noticed any upturned nose on the consultants. Also, you can't decide on a clinic because of what the staff look like. That's not a logical deciding factor at all. How would one know which surgeon performed their procedure? How would we know what their original structure is? How would we know if they even had surgery performed or if what we see is their natural state? How would we know if they even had surgery perfomed at the clinic? There's so much to find out first before we even take the aesthetic of the staff into consideration.

When I went through my consultation phase at various clinics with various surgeons, I not once asked to see before and afters or even bothered to analyse the staff. Because the most empirical means to finding the right surgeon are the following:

a) understand what your exisiting structure requires to achieve a realistic improvement
b) learn about the different possible methodologies for your procedure
c) decide which of the proposed methodologies is most efficient and beneficial. consider invasiveness, any potential side effects etc.
d) seek second, third and perhaps even forth opinions on these proposed methodologies

For nose jobs in particular, you need to consider implant type, incisional method, placement method, projection method.

Hope that helps x
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rhinoplasty depends on the preexisting structure of the patient. There is no standardized price for many surgical procedures, least of all rhinoplasty. To get an accurate quote you should always consult the surgeon in person. Price also depends on the skill, experience, reputation of the surgeon. Furthermore price also varies according to the clinic. For example, oz is at the low end, jw is low-mid dream is mid-high and april 31 is high. Price doesn't necessarily reflect quality but there is also a reason why some clinics can justify a charging higher prices. At the end of the day its about value for money, eg is the price range reasonable enough for me to pay a premium for quality results? So you have to take all these into consideration where price is concerned.

Recovery for open rhino has significantly more discomfort. You can expect packing down the nostril to the throat in at least one nostril. If you are a bleeder then unfortunately two. Open rhino for me felt as bad as a jaw reduction. Closed in contrast was a breeze. I was walking about the day of surgery and didn't feel the need to be bedridden. Didn't require any packing besides that sponge thingie stuck to the side of my right nostril after the incision was closed. I wouldn't even call that a packing as it was more like a band aid. Either way i removed it on my own 2 hours later cos i found it irritating. Thats how non invasive the closed method is compared to the open.
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Thanks, K. I help but to be amazed with your vast of experience. Will you be able to estimate the cost for open and closed rhino at Dream?
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i can't because i don't know what your nose looks like. You also shouldn't e-mail to get quotes. It benefits you in no way. This applies to all clinics. Because pricing protocols require consultants to quote you the highest prices before having seen you in person and examined by the surgeons. This also means you tend to lose bargaining power.
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Noted, thanks K. You're right. Keeping my fingers crossed.
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K Couture, do you think it's best to let the doctors tell you/give you suggestions on what you should have done to your face or should you have a sort of idea what procedure(s) you want to do? I just want my face to be harmonious but I'm not sure if I should consider a procedure such as zygoma reduction or jaw shaving. I look at my face in the mirror and I'm not really sure if the procedure will make my face look better or worse. Oh and should we be at a weight we are happy with before we think about getting ps? I'm thinking if we decide to gain or lose weight after, it would affect how we look right?
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of course listen to their suggestions but at the end of the day you should take their opinions into consideration and decide for yourself. Especially when there is a cultural divide on what is deemed beautiful. The reason why I make it a point to decide for myself what I want is because I find the korean preference for a lack of outer facial definition very unattractive. That is, I feel defined cheekbones and an angular jaw line to be my ideal form of beauty. So you should be less concerned with facial harmony and more concerned with accurately projecting your definition of beauty to the surgeon. Some simple and realistic photoshop of your own features would be the most objective way to do this.

Facial harmony also does not matter as long as your surgery is done well. In an objective sense, everything will be harmonious unless surgical mishaps occur because your features can only be enhanced to the extent which your pre exisiting facial structure allows. What should be the concern is whether the end results is in line with your subjective sense of beauty.

Some of the most common complaints I've seen are "my nose is too pointy" or "my nose is too high", "I said I wanted it natural". Even when a surgery is performed well, those are some of the most annoying things a surgeon can hear. Because what on earth does natural really mean? What is too high? What is too pointy? They mean different things to different people. Likewise, I've seen the same apply to those who emphasize on a "natural nose" and end up saying "my nose looks too natural", "its not high enough", "the surgeon should know what works on my face!". In fact as long as the procedure is performed well, placement is symmetrical etc, it is not the fault of the surgeon because such dissatisfactions come down to subjective ideals which differ from person to person, from culture to culture. This applies to all procedures not just rhinos. Hence, the most accurate way you can convey your desires would be to photoshop yourself in a realistic manner and if your procedure requires an implant, decide on the width and height together with your surgeon.

And don't worry about weight gain unless u expect to gain 10kg after a fat removal procedure.
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^I'm guilty as charged, I have definitely done the asking for something 'natural' thing. And I'm ashamed to say that I have been known to complain about results that are too natural. Oops! Thank you for being my online Florence Nightingale!!

In my defense...I did go armed with lots of photos, both photoshopped photos of myself, and celeb photos to show my idea of 'natural' vs 'too pointy/pinched' (Exhibit A: Fan Bing Bing)

It's really easy to be dissatisfied with what seems like tiny, barely incremental change, and wondering why you went through so much for so little change. The interesting thing is that, when you compare your b&a photos objectively, you may actually find quite a significant difference (e.g. Small bridge where there was previously none) The brain tends to forget how you used to look, really quickly!
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haha aww no worries lavin. I always enjoy our gossip sessions about random stuff lol.

I actually wasn't refering to anyone in particular. U have no idea how many people go through the same issues u do, regardless of who their surgeon and which clinic they go to. I think for some people who cannot be open about their surgical journey for whatever reason, it is especially tough to even know what they want. I've came across lots of people who want a high sharp and defined nose but then they worry it will look too drastically different from their original nose and be scrutinized by their friends, family and co workers not because the end results look bad, but because some cultures are simply judgemental towards the cosmetic change.

And yes i know what u mean by how your mind plays tricks on you! 2 months back I found a photo of myself pre any surgery and i was like.......wow im unrecognizable lol. I never realized how different I look because despite having tweaked most of my features, I didn't do it all at once. Instead it was a gradual change over the years.
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Thank you so much for your advice, K Couture! I'm actually underweight and want to gain 20 lbs to reach at least 100 lbs. (I've always been stick thin so I don't even know how to go about that.) I know for sure I want nose and eyes done but I'm still undecided on zygoma. To me, they only stick out on the sides a little making my faceline uneven but by no means are they obnoxious. My face is quite slim now under the cheekbones bc of my weight so I was thinking of seeing if putting on weight to fill out my face and body would make them more suitable for me or if I would go ahead and get the zygoma reduction.

An example of how my cheekbones and face is currently.
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Hi peachy! I'm not K, but am chiming in. Why not consider fat grafting to fill the hollows on your face (e.g. Temples/sides of face below cheekbones) instead of zygoma reduction?

Putting on weight is quite imprecise at adding fullness to your face -you never know where it's gonna end up, it could all go to your gut/thighs etc instead of to your sides of your face where u have hollows.

Of course, this is if you have enough fat to graft, some (un)lucky people who are too slim don't. (I can't decide whether that would be a good problem to have, cos I definitely do not have that issue -I have a deceptive looooot of fat to be harvested :P grass is always greener on the other side huh?)
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Haha it's always nice to have more opinions~ I haven't considered fat grafting but is it possible to get fat graft for temples? I know there is fg for cheeks but not sure about temples.
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