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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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do you mean the actual incision at the ear? Because you just need to apply the ointment and follow after care instructions.

Ear cartilage is the most commonly used in its autologous form for tipplasty. The harvest site from behind the ear. Its fairly simple so nothing to worry about. You won't find any good surgeons using anything artificial for the tip area. The large majority will be ear cartilage for the tip and septal cartilage for the strut. Tho some people don't have enough septal cartilage, either from a previous failed rhinoplasty or from cocaine use (snort snort much? lol). So these individuals would have to use ear cartilage for the tip and the strut. HOWEVER if you are reallllly opposed to the idea of ear harvesting, u can just irradiated ear cartilage like me. Honestly I only chose to use irradiated because I have no cartilage left in my right ear from a previous rhino and I really didn't want it taken out of my left ear too lol. More of an emotional decision for me because I went through so much during my previous rhino that I refused any harvesting of grafts from my body.
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Oh.. you had cartilage harvested from your right ear before? Was there a cut in your ear or behind your ear? Sorry I have so many questions. Uhm. Did it hurt? Is there a chance the ear might get infected ?
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There's always a chance for infection but that's why you have after care instructions. You clean your wound, use ointment and take the prescribed anti biotics. Nothing to worry about. Ear grafts are the most common when it comes to tipplasty.

It didn't hurt. I was under GA during surgery and took pain killers after. It just felt a bit sore that's all. The incision is from behind the ear at the inner fold area. So no scar can ever be seen.
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are you talking about the singapore branch? I think they do basic procedures only more complicated ones or specilialized procedures they send you to seoul. But at the end of the day Don't pick a clinic because of its name. Pick the surgeon who will be operating on you and there's a reason why they send more difficult cases to seoul and that's because the surgeons who are most experienced are there.
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Wow seriously? I had ear cartilage grafted from the back of my right ear, since it's close to the fold, you can hardly see it. Can only feel it when you touch it, like a small dent of the size of a rice.
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the dent will disappear too. I had cartilage harvested from my right year back in 2010 and gots no more lump scar now. Your nerve will also sustain temporary sensory damage. That is normal. I never heard of the ears sticking out part tho. How long post op are you saphireeni
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I was MEANT TO wear it for a month, but after 2 weeks it kept falling out on its own as it got looser. I asked Dr Park about it and sent him pictures he said I was healed already so I didn't need to leave it in anymore.

Im assuming you are aware the nose retainer is to promote symmetry for the nostrils as you had closed rhino incision in your right one. So it is best to leave it in when you sleep at night until the duration is up. I know its can be annoying but its best to maximise your aesthetic results. That being said, if you personally notice ure nostrils have evened up as swelling has gone down, you can omit the retainer.
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Hey K, thanks for the response. Ya from the looks of it I'm pretty sure my nostrils are symmetrical already and I have sinus. Just hated having the nose retainer in so as soon as I can ditch it the better :biggrin:
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I know how you feel. I hate having crap stuck in my nose too. I actually removed my gauze after only 2 hours or so coz i found it so irritating. When the nurse asked I lied and said I sneezed it out by accident lol.

anyways for your nose retainer you best confirm by taking a snap shot and sending it to dream's kakao or e-mail it to your client manager before you stop using it. You don't want to remove it prematurely after all.
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