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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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Oh and btw update on those who are interested in acculift. This procedure is absolutely amazing. Tho results take a while to show up the fat is melted it takes some time for the body to flush it out the residue as waste matter. I'm nearly at the 3 month mark and while i don't notice any tightening effect, its ability to reduce volume and sculpt the face is undeniable. My face is now so incredibly defined and angular. Reduction of fatty tissue has also made my cheekbones so much sharper which is the high fashion look i was going for.

Now as for the supposed tightening effect, i feel im not a good candidate to gauge this factor as I've had a concentric malar lift. What this means is most likely, any sagging that may normally occur would be counteracted by the concentric malar lift as it is holding all my soft tissue in place. Likewise, any tightening that may occur is also not visible due to the concentric malar lift.
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For jawline, Acculift better or just botox?
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completely different. Acculift removes volume from fat and supposedly shrinks the soft tissue. Botox changes the width by paralysing the lower jaw muscle causing the bone to gradually(temporally) move inward. U could always do both if u want. They're non invasive after all.
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Yeah so if may need this if my fat graft persist, sign
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Hi K Couture,
Thank you for sharing your experience.
I've just one question: Is it your 2nd or 3rd rhinoplasty? How much did you pay for Dream?
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Its my third rhinoplasty and second revision. I'm actually not sure how much my revision rhino cost in an itemized sense because they gave me a good discount for all my procedures so the final price wasn't itemized. I won't post my exact price here either as I plan to get more procedures with them in the future and the last thing i want to do is to cause haggling drama for the clinic. Eg. "but kcouture got quoted this price". This is especially problematic as alot of ppl don't seem to understand that pricing differs on a case by case basis. I will give you the pricing standard they use tho. Here's what i consider to be relatively accurate from speaking to various Dream patients with different requirements for their noses.

Primary closed rhino 4-5 mill.
Primary open rhino 5-8 mill. The higher end is using autologous grafts. Which I feel should be avoided at all costs if possible

Revision closed rhino 4.5-5.5 mill
Revision open rhino ???

sorry no clue how much they would charge for revision open rhino as i do not know anyone who has undergone it at Dream as of yet. And obv those prices can be further dropped with bargaining. Id say the discounts can range from 10-20 percent depending on how much you are already spending/ how many procedures u are having. Dream tends to be more expensive amongst other mid ranged clinics but this doesn't apply for all procedures. It also depends on which surgeon is doing the operation and what their specialty is. I know this to be the case as when i paid for my procedures, I had to make 2 seperate payments. One for Dr Park and one for Dr Kim.
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K how long did it take you to notice the results from the Acculift/sculpt? Did you swell alot from this procedure?
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most swelling dissipated after 2 wees. I first noticed change in 2 weeks. Its now 2 months and 2 weeks in and the results are alot more dramatic now. Change is gradual due to swelling and also because you need to wait for the melted fat to be flushed out of your system.
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To all forumers,

I am curious whether rhinoplasty results change after certain years because in some comments people say my rhnio still looks good after two years or etc.

thanks in advance:smile:
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Hi K Couture (and everyone on here),

you seem experienced with Korean surgeons so I thought Id post along here. Im a westerner who's looking for skilled surgeons to fix a long upper lip, sagging mouth corners and a botched lower eyelid after a complete idiot inserted cheek implants through my lower lids.

Does Korean people usually shorten their upper lip (bullhorn lift) to reduce the distance between mouth and nose or do they just do Smile Lipt? Dr Kwon at Aone is the surgeon who keeps popping up for smile lilt but I emailed him and he didn't seem to understand I need to make a serious removal of skin between nose and lip and not only just lift the corners. Also thought some of his patients was a bit Joker like for my taste.

So looking for;

Smile Lipt
Possible upper lip reduction (since my upper lip is a bit too large)
Upper lip lift (already had one but the skin stretched out and now its sagging again)
Revision lower eyelid and perhaps eye lengthening (previous canto made my eyes short and round)

Your thread is awesome and really glad you share your experiences as its so har to dig through the threads and know who is a promoter and who is a patient.

Do you think any of your doctors would be a match for me or any other tips of surgeons that suit my lip/eye problems?

Best/ N
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Hi K,

Do you have asymmetry face before surgery? I have asymmetry face and wondering whether acculift will help to correct it.

Thank you.
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Oh, thanks so much for your update, K Couture! I got Acculift a week ago and was paranoid since I didn't see my jawline become any less voluminous than before. I was under the impression that the procedure involves a cannula sucking out the fat at the same time that the laser "melts" it. Maybe it's too early to tell but I haven't noticed any tightening effect either. :hrmm:
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sorry my dear im actually unfamiliar with the procedures you are inquiring about. Also i too was seeking a lower lid revision because the one side effect of my concentric malar lift is that it was performed through an incision from the lower lid. What this did was it made my eyes a bit slanty from certain angles. Its unfortunate because back when i had the procedure done the only method was through the lower eyelid. But now Dr Mendelson uses a technique that enters intra orally to negate any of the previous side effects.

Anyways point is i was looking at a lateral cantho to reverse some of the slantyness. However Dr Park , who is also a blepharoplasty specialist told me that because i had incisions through the lowerlid, the lateral cantho will risk further weakening of the muscle and thus potentially make the red of my eye permanently visible. I suspect you might be in the same situation as me. So it may be best to leave it. I instead rely on make up techniques where i use eye pencil eyeliner to widen the lower lid and then use a black smokey eye to define the overall look.
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lara not all the fat is sucked out. Most of it will be flushed out of your body as waste matter in the coming weeks. Be patient :smile:. It took me 2 months to see the dramatic improvements after all. And you are only 1 week. Im sure ure results will be good
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