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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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May I ask you something about Dr. Kim who did your acculift if you don't mind? I remember you had said somewhere that you were planning to consult him for zygoma reduction, but he advised on acculift since it's a soft tissue issue rather than bone issue for you.

Knowing you, I would think that you must have researched Dr. Kim and his skill on zygoma reduction before consulting him.. am I right on this? If so, would you mind sharing why you thought Dr. Kim was good on zygoma reduction? Is he also good at face lift procedures? I am curios which doctor at Dream is good at lift procedures..

Many thanks :smile:
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I actually didn't research as much on Dr Kim as I did with Dr Park to be honest. I just retrieved some basic info on his credentials and his reputation. With Dr Park I actually took the time to interact with some of his post op patients as the nose was a big deal for me seeing as mine is a reconstructive surgery. For Dr Kim however I was not as meticulous because the acculift is so minimally invasive. I would have done more prep work on him should I have gotten a zygoma reduction since there are adverse side effects involved. The only thing I know of him is that he was featured him on some program or something that was doing a special on facial bone contouring. And he has extensive knowledge on mandible corticetomy. However I have never seen his results from bone contouring before so its best you decide if he is suitable for you after your consultation. Maybe even request the client managers to let you know if there are any post op patients for bone contouring present at the time so you may converse with them. I guess you could even be a bit of a diva and request an appointment time which coincides with a post op check up of one of their zygoma patients and see if they can accommodate hehe.

Hrmm from my understanding he is not the face lift specialist as the 60ish year woman who looked like she was in her 40s didn't refer to her surgeon as a kim or park. So I can't really advise you there sorry.
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Hey K Couture,

Wanted to get your advice as I've seen you post a lot here. I've been quoted 2,900,000 Won for lateral canthoplasty and ptosis surgery. I'm keen on going ahead with it after having consultations with about 7-8 clinics.

Just wanted to confirm that this is a reasonable sum to pay for the two surgeries? Of course, its difficult to tell if you haven't seen my face and the work needed to be done, but I just wanted to see if this was an accurate figure.

Thanks in advance!
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Well prices kinda differ with clinics and the surgeon performing the procedure. But to give you an idea, for lateral cantho i was quoted between 2-3 mill won at the various clinics i consulted with. Im not sure how much additional ptosis is. Usually when performing the upper eyelid procedures surgeons don't charge extra for ptosis but when performing procedures whereby the incision site is seperate they will charge extra. Be extra careful with lateral cantho tho as its rate of complications should be noted.
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Thanks so much for your response, much appreciated.

As far as complications with lateral cantho are concerned, do you mean aesthetic issues post-surgery (like heavy scarring for example) or health risks of surgery etc?
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the scarring can usually be negated with scar dissolving treatments during its early stages. Works pretty well too. But there's been enough cases of overcorrection, miscorrection and or weakening muscles to cause concern. When I consulted with Dr Lee at VIP, he actually told me that they do not perform the lateral cantho at the clinic for those reasons. Additionally, he mentioned that as we age, the muscle naturally weakens so there is also cause for long term concern in that aspect.
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i imagine what Dr Lee was refering to is the fact that as we get older the eye muscles weaken. Which is why you will find some older patients who have the red part of their lower eye lid visible and thus undergo procedures to alleviate the problem. The lateral cantho weakens the muscle so that's why in my situation, i was advised against it by Dr Park because as i've previously had incisions to the lower eyelid, my muscles are already weak to begin with. Doing the lateral may cause them to collapse and i could end up with the red of my eyes permanently visible.
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Hi Eightbelow,

Just curious how you like your lateral result? Would you mind sharing your lateral experience and result when you have a moment? I have small and short eyes and would really love to have them elongated if poosible.. my eyes are pretty close to one another so I'm not a good candidate for epi. I hesitate to have it due to the concern K mentioned and the lack of success story on lateral. Would love to hear what you have tosay about the result. Thanks in advance :smile:
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Hi K,

Is it reasonable to ask the clinic to void away the ptosis's price if I want to do eyes revision as well? Since I want to do both procedures. And I happened to read what you've just mentioned.

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i believe so. I mean when i had my eyes done the surgeon didn't charge me for ptosis correction. He just said "u have mild ptosis but i can fix that during the operation". Kinda the same with my 2nd buccal fat removal the surgeon didn't charge me for it (different to the original surgeon who performed it) because he was going to be operating from that same area anyway.
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Hi K Couture,

I'm a first time poster but I basically backtracked a lot of your posts since I find your detailed responses really helpful. I also relate to the aesthetics you find attractive - a defined face with high cheekbones instead of the over-the-top zygoma reduction that is popular in Korea. Thanks for taking your time to answer questions! :smile:

I'd got botox on my jawline before (from 2010-2011, twice a year) and you mentioned that you get it redone every 4 months. I stopped after my fourth injection since I was still in college at that time and $850 per session (at a NYC Manhattan clinic) was adding up. I was thinking of picking it again but I'm worried that doing it twice a year might not be enough and would eventually cause sagging on my face from the muscle growing back and reducing. Do you have any insight on botox for the jawline?

The doctor I went to answered completely differently from your recommended responses on zygoma reduction - no 3D scan or X-ray needed, no sagging will occur, etc. - so I can't completely trust him.

Also, I don't know it you have any experience with Juvederm on the nose. He did that on me three times (12/22/09, 01/15/11, 06/02/12) with the second time being a touch-up so it ended costing half the price ($350 instead of $700). I read on realself that Juvederm is only sold in 0.8cc syringes (or 1.0 cc now) so I'm thinking he may have used some left over Juvederm from another patient, although its purely speculation since I was too naive back then to double check everything.

My experience with fillers on my nose though wasn't exactly great since they eventually migrated to the sides of the nose, making it look bulbous from nose bridge to tip. Even two years later now, I still feel like my nose looks a bit different from my pre-filler nose, but it should have been all dissolved within a year to two. That means I can't get a rhinoplasty yet, right?

I ultimately want to get rhinoplasty in Korea (your experience with Charles Lee, MD definitely did overturn my bias that getting plastic surgery done in the States would be better) and I wanted to seek your opinion on closed rhinoplasty. You mentioned that open rhinoplasty would put stress on the columnella making it shorter - so it seems unsuitable for me since my columnella is already not that long and my nose-to-lip distance is already too big for my liking. For closed rhinoplasty at Dream, would it be OK if just get dorsal reduction and tissue removed at the tip without any implant. Or is the soft silicone implant you mentioned something that would stay stable without complications even after, say ten years? I'm just afraid any implant may retract with age, ultimately shortening the nose further.

Sorry, if my post is everywhere. I tried to read as many of your posts and realself comments as possible so you won't have to repeat yourself, but if you don't feel comfortable answering any of the questions, you don't need to. I already received a lot of insight from the posts you've been making, so again, thanks!

Hope your acculift and third revision rhinoplasty recovery continues to turn out well!
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It has been 8 years since I began using botox for the jaw muscle and I do get it topped up religiously. Never have i noticed any sagging.

Yeah any surgeon that suggests sagging will not occur is downright lying to you. It takes just common sense to understand that a change in angular projection will lead to downward movement of the tissue. Because a zygoma reduction can cause significant sagging in patients who are not good candidates, the 3d ct is ideal.

I never used Juverderm before sorry. At one point i was considering it back when it was fresh and new on the market. But as patient's encounter side effects from prolonged usage I was advised by different surgeons to avoid fillers.

It seems like you are suggesting you require lengthening. If so then i'm quite sure closed rhino may not be an option for you. From what other members have told me, Dr Park actually performs it via open rhino for optimum lengthening. However those who have had open rhino before he prefers to avoid it as their lengthening potential is now limited. Another open rhino will not only have limited results, it will also further shorten the collumela. But there's a good chance you do not require lengthening as Ive found alot of asians tend to misdiagnose themselves as requiring lengthening, or assume that they have a bulbous nose when they really don't. Also, I really cannot comment if just tipplasty is suitable for you because i have yet to see your nose. But generally that's only suitable for individuals who have naturally pronounced bridges or for individuals who are after a very subtle change. No one can say 10 years down the track your nose would be complication free. Even with using autologous grafts that cannot be guaranteed. But the fact remains that autologous grafts and the ultra soft silicone place significantly less pressure on your tissues than that of hard implants.
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Thanks for answering, K Couture. As always, your input is very helpful!

By the way, if your acculift does start to show signs of sagging in the future, maybe you can look into ultherapy. I've been seeing a lot of Taiwanese beauty bloggers using it and the results are pretty impressive. Plus the reviews on realself seem pretty good.
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