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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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personally, I don't think K-Couture is a promoter. she has been in this forum for a very long time and I noticed that she never really comments about procedures outside of her experience.

in my opinion doctors react differently to patients. I don't know about you but even salesladies at malls react differently to customers.
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hope you speedy recovery and wait for your detailed review:P
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I personally too think K Couture is not a promoter, all my research on nose mainly based on the information she provided.
And I hope more people could act like K Couture, even she finished her surgery, she still helping other people whom are preparing to do their surgeries.
I did admit there are many promoters everywhere, but we should distinguish by ourselves, before 100% believe in one's speech.
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Dear K Couture, I didn't say that you're promoter. I wondered if others were because some people, who'd never commented this thread, just came in and told me that I'm wrong about dr Park.
You, like others, are assuming that he was n't specific to me 'cause my questions weren't detailed. How cold you guys assume such thing while you have no clue about what I asked him? I REPEAT this, I'm not a first timer. This is the 4th time I have my rhino so I DO know how to ask a rhino surgeon. I've prepared this trip during 2 years, did research on my own by reading, copying, pasting, printing all the reviews from websites. Since I'm sooo worried about this 4th time, I consulted not only Korean surgeons but also French ones and American ones on realself. So hell yeah I don't think that I know less than you about rhinoplasty.
If you read my comments carefully, K Couture, you'd see that I did say that my friend asked him by which method he could fix her eyes!
Ok guys, I'll stop posting in this thread. you know what, just go to dream, meet doctor Park to see if I'm right about him :smile: I'm now 1st day post ops, I'll make a thread soon :smile:
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And you can find here below another document about dr Park. I don't remember the source but it must be found on Purseblog or cozycot 'cause these are 2 forums that I've followed during 2 years.
I agree with the girl about dr Park's English. When I read K Couture's thread, I expected him to speak English fluently but no, he didn't. Like this girl, he also gave me the impression that he wanted to make it quick.
I post it here because there're reviews on different doctors which might help others:

hey everyone! sorry i havent been checking on this thread since i last posted because no one replied...but i have posted my reviews of banobagi, dr jung and grand among others in the asian nose job 2 thread

here it is:

Hi guys!

I recently had rhinoplasty done in Seoul with Dr Lee of Banobagi. And this forum was so helpful for me in making my decision. So I would like to contribute a little back for those who follow

Here are some of my experiences in consulting with the clinics -

1. Dr Jung

Before I arrived, I had pretty much decided on Dr Jung because of his experience and reputation. But I had a few misgivings.

First, I asked Jay (the manager) to make my surgery one day after my consultation so I could have some time to think because it was such a big decision. But he ignored that and made the surgery on the same day.

Second, a few days before left for Seoul Jay called me and told me I had to be 100% sure that I would do the surgery with Dr Jung because he was really busy. Otherwise he would have to give away my surgery date to someone else. I guess I could have lied but I didn't. I told him I was not 100% sure and couldn't be without meeting Dr Jung first. On my insistence, he arranged for a call with Dr Jung. Dr Jung was very nice and understanding. In fact, he was surprised that my consultation and surgery was on the same day and arranged for two consultations before a tentative surgery date.

Third, on the day of my first consultation Jay came to pick me up. He asked whether I had left my money in the hotel and I said yes. He then drove me back to the hotel and told me to get my money because it would be unsafe. The consultation with Dr Jung went pretty well - he was very nice and responsive but seemed to be in a rush - he was behind a large desk and didn't feel my nose like a lot of the other doctors did. After the consultation Jay asked me to pay straight away and I felt pressured into it. Lone story short, a few hours after I changed my mind and wanted to consult with a few more clinics first. The good part was they gave my money back without too much hassle.

So basically I found Jay really pushy but Dr Jung was very nice although busy.

2. JW Clinic

I just walked in to this clinic and Dr Suh was able to see me so that was good. Note however that they do not speak English at all but luckily for me I speak Mandarin and they had a Chinese translator on staff. The main thing that made me decide against this clinic was because when I said I didn't want a silicone implant, Dr Suh suggested harvesting material from either my skull or my butt...which I had never heard of before and really turned me off the clinic.

3. Dream Clinic

Dr Park spoke a little English but not well. I quite liked him because when I said I didn't want a silicone implant, he didn't push it. He even suggested a filler made from my crushed septal cartilage to fill out the radix a little. But I decided not to go with him because our consultation was in a little nook next to the surgery room and he was in his scrubs. So it gave me the impression that he was really busy and had to juggle a lot of things at once - and I wanted a doctor who was fully concentrated on me during my surgery. Also he said he had to cut on the outside of my nose for my alarplasty which turned me off due to the risk of scarring.

4. VIP Clinic

The clinic itself is very nice and have a few people who speak English on staff. I just walked in and both Dr Lee and Joann were able to see me after a short wait. There were three reasons why I decided not to go with VIP.

First, before I went up for my consultation I saw a girl who had obviously had surgery there. Her cast was off so it would have been at least one week post-op. And her nose was huge. And her face was so small. I know that it may partially have been due to swelling but still...it was not promising.

Second, let me preface this by saying that Dr Lee was very nice. But his style is very dramatic whereas I wanted a more natural result. It seemed to me that instead of making a nose that suited the rest of my face, he wanted to change my whole face to suit what he believed to be the golden line or perfect facial proportions. And like everyone else on this forum, I was recommended rhinoplasty was rib cartilage, paranasal, forehead fat graft and genioplasty. Maybe if I had gotten all that done I would have looked beautiful but I would not have looked like me anymore...So I would only recommend Dr Lee for someone who wants a big change and doesn't mind looking very different.

Third, Joann was very responsive when I sent her emails before I arrived and gave me really detailed information which I appreciated. But she sold hard. And in my opinion, the clinic recommended procedures that were not necessary for me and not in line with the natural look I told them I wanted.

5. Grand Clinic

I actually just walked by this clinic and decided to go in because I remembered the name from a few forums. Again, they do not speak English here but had a Chinese translator. I consulted with a youngish doctor called Dr Park. I think he was by far the doctor that understood what I wanted. It was like we were on the same wave length. I told him I wanted something natural and he just recommended alarplasty and tip plasty. He was the first doctor not to recommend an implant for me. He took a lot of time explaining every little thing he was going to do and drew pictures to show me exactly what he meant. I loved the detail he went into and the natural result he wanted to achieve. The only thing that was missing was that I could not find anyone on any forum who had done rhinoplasty at Grand nor anything specifically on this Dr Park.

5. Banobagi

Banobagi was the clinic I ended up choosing. I liked Dr Lee a alot, only slightly less than Dr Park of Grand. He first asked me what I thought my biggest problems were before making his recommendations - and we both agreed it was the alar and tip. He initially wanted to put into a silicone implant but when I said I didn't want it he didn't push it. He also suggested a fat graft on the radix as an alternative. But assured me that even if I didn't get an implant, the alarplasty and tip plasty alone would make a big difference for me. I had two consultations with Dr Lee and one more right before my surgery. He was very patient with me which I appreciated.

Feel free to ask if anyone has any questions about these clinics. I am still in Seoul waiting for my nose to deswell so I have got plenty of time
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I don't believe me nor lavin even mentioned your conversation with him. Again we merely said that during our experience, when we consulted with him, we asked specific questions which yielded detailed responses. Also no idea what this is about but he is proficient in English. For all our conversations whereby he spoke in linguistically sound english with medically related and detailed responses, no translation was required. He does speak slowly tho, but there's a profound difference between speaking slowly and having poor command of a language. Either way im not responding to this anymore. Not gonna embellish this conversation any further for obvious reasons
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Oh K Couture, so why did you mention about first timers asking stupid questions to react to my posts?
"When unintelligent questions are asked, a generic response will be given. So yes, a patient's experience with a surgeon does differ depending on various factors. And there are many non first timers who don't do their research and ask incredibly stupid questions too".
By saying this kind of thing after reading my comments about dr Park, you, Moreen and some other people assumed that I asked unintelligent questions so that dr Park gave me generic responses, that's why I told you that. With all my due respect, this is definitely my last answer to this thread.
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i dunno about Grand but JW and Dream both definitely have in house translators and surgeons who are proficient in English. Considering the size of Grand I'm sure they do too, but Grand is also the clinic with the comatose patient scandal
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hey wishingstar, thanks for the additional info, and do share the procedure after you've done the rhino! thanks~
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Nope i never did zygoma reduction. After my 3d CT scan Dr Kim refused to perform it as he said i wasn't a candidate, so sagging would be more significant than those who are candidates for the procedure. But when i consulted with Charles Lee he did mention that the zygoma reduction when moved inward while augmenting at the same time, together with a lift of the muscle, will prevent the sagging. But another forumer recently mentioned that the surgeon at White clinic suggested lifting the muscle too, but he added that it still cannot guarantee negation to the sagging effect. And considering Charles Lee's reputation I feel that the surgeon at White clinic's deduction would be more accurate.
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hi k.
firstly i wanted to thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge on this forum. think you could probably start a wiki page on ps :smile:

just wanted to double check with you on your acculift with Dream. did they suck out the fats? my understanding was acculift only melts the fats and the body expels them over time? power v lift is the one that incorporates the fat removal.

when i emailed Dream, the correspondent replied like this

The reason why you could not find*the info of acculift is probably because acculift is pretty*new procedure*and the*clinic's website hasn't*been updaqted a while.*

*As long as I know, V-lift and Acculift are similar procedure with different name.

Acculift, we melt your fat in facial area using laser called accu-sculp and takes them away. Then, the laser stillmulate the derma part to regenerate collagen which lift and tightened the procedured area.

You can get more detailed information when you come in for the consultation meeting our consultant and the surgeon :smile:

" unquote

not sure if i'm confused or she got it mixed up
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