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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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thing with cheek implants is it has the potential to deviate. From a consult I had with Peter L. Dixon in melbourne, He showed me two kinda of implants for cheek augmentation. One is the ball kind which works well for the mid cheek area but he did caution that it has a higher chance of deviation. The other is the wedge shaped one which has less chance but may not be suitable for people who do not wish to augment the outer cheek too. But that one can be fastened with titanium screws. In the end i opted for neither and used hydroxyappatite granules since that form of implant will fuse to the bone making it more permanent.

my chin before i removed it and replaced it with hydroxyappatite was also using silicone. And I had the same issues with the tingly sensation and permanent numbness. I also couldn't lean on my chin as it hurt. Partially also because the implant was jagged and carved out of a block of raw silicone. This was a botch job I had during my first lot of procedures in thailand. The unpleasant sensations never went away until i removed it.

Yes the fg can be done together with acculift. The good thing about acculift is that its a procedure which has target precision with minimal tissue damage so they simply navigate around the area which does not need correction.

My advise with fg is select a clinic that does free top ups and be sure to ask is it a stored or fresh top up. Also make sure what the duration is for a free top up. Some clinics only allow free top ups within 3 months which is stupid because unless your fg was poorly done, u won't need a top up until at least 6-8 months.
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@kcouture - for someone who has a normal jaw width and no protrusion but wanted to have that V-line effect do you think sagging will come into play?

I have always wondered how some Korean girls can have those super pointy chins without sagging, or is sagging brought by another factor?
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Hello K! (WARNING: Very Long Post!) :love:

I've been going through purse for months now and have stumbled upon your posts here and there. Finally decided to join, especially since I've noticed some similarities that I hope you could comment on with your experience!

I am seeking my first nose revision at a good clinic in Korea. My first rhinoplasty was in 2011, when I was only 17 years old. I had it done by Dr. Gregory Dick, a white male surgeon that is very popular in Montgomery County, MD. Back then, he and Dr. Charles Lee were my top picks. My family is Vietnamese and we were planning to go to CA for the first time to see the big Vietnamese communities that have developed there. But after my first consultation with Dr. Dick (which costed $150 USD), I really trusted him. He convinced my family and me that 100% cartilage graft was the way to go - not artificial implants. He told me all the pros to the cartilage graft and all the cons to artificial implants (particularly silicone). He also said he was going to fix my slightly deviated septum. After hearing what Dr. Dick had to say, I pushed Dr. Lee and the family trip to California aside. Looking back now, I wish that I had asked for the cons that came with the cartilage graft. Anyway, the deal was to get alarplasty, tip-plasty, and a higher nose bridge all in one surgery. The surgery took 3 and a half hours and came to a grand total of $8,350 (which includes medicine and the 30 minutes overtime with the use of the medical facility + general anesthesia). My nose is completely composed of my right ear cartilage. I also agreed to harvest from my "floating" rib. The only thing that I am ok with is the height of my nose bridge (but it could be a smidge taller nitpicking) and my breathing! After surgery, my alar (wings of the nose) were smaller, and the tip of my nose was ok. But 2 months post-op, my alar went back to being wide, and my tip became a collapsed triangle (very much like its original state). On the side of my nose bridge, you can see and feel the curve of my ear cartilage. It was as if my cartilage had collapsed and morphed. But what really upset me was the the downward slope of my nose that starts from the center of my nose and somewhat slopes up again at the tip of my nose (he filled it up with Juvederm Plus, which is a filler, for me on 2 different occasions - free of charge).

I expressed all of these concerns to Dr. Dick, and he said that he would be happy to give me a touch up with all of those matters, but he will not cover the hospital fees which made up about 3k of the total costs of my rhinoplasty. Dr. Dick is not a bad surgeon by any means (I actually had my boobies done by him last year and I love them), but he is just not experienced when it comes to the Asian nose. When I approached the idea of getting a nose revision in Korea, my family weighed the costs and are pushing me to get my revision done by him again, but my expectations have really gone down with him. I mean, these aren't little touch ups at all, I need a full blown revision) I do not want him to work on my nose again, bottom line.

I really want to find a surgeon in Korea that knows how to work with a nose that is 100% ear cartilage (and blood and tissue if one wants to be a smartypants). I feel like your Doc definitely knew what he was doing. I just want a smaller nose, with a less bulbous-y tip, with a straight bridge (that's actually a lot that I am requesting)! I am totally open to the idea of getting an implant, because at least that will not morph. And honestly, now that I already have 270 cc saline implants, I am not scared of having a tiny implant in my nose. After reading your experience within this thread. I am really thinking about consulting with Dream. My other choice is Cinderella, but I haven't found any real reviews done with them. I know that they are pricey and I know better now that pricey does not always mean quality results, especially with what my family and I have spent. But they seem so qualified and professional. What I am sure is that their results are positive.

I'm so sorry for the long post, I just know that getting feedback from you would be very helpful, even if it's just a sentence! I can definitely send you a picture of my nosey if that makes things a little easier to see, but I think I have to make more posts before I can do that. Thank you!
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the thing is any truthful doctor will tell you that sagging will occur whether or not you are a candidate for the procedure, only difference is the degree to which this will happen. As to the korean girls you are refering to, what was their original bone structure like and what accompanying procedures did they have along with the V line?
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That's the problem with autologous grafts when used for the entirety of the nose. The notion that because something is harvested from you it must be the best is certainly flawed.

Sounds to me like your cartilage had either warped, experienced uneven resorption or wasn't well shaped.

I don't quite understand what you mean when you say you want to find a surgeon that knows how to work with a nose that is 100% cartilage. Do you mean you want a revision using no artificial implants, all autologous? Or do you mean you want to find a surgeon who knows howo to remove the cartilage in your nose?

I agree with you about not wanting to return to the same surgeon. Its really not about the money, not about the free revision. But rather the longevity of your nose. If the surgeon is not skilled enough to revise it you would just be asking for more issues and more revisions required.

Also, I assume since you said your nose is mostly composed of ear cartilage, that your rhino was performed using diced cartilage?
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I am referring to nobody in particular, so I don't have any pre-op photos, but girls like this or this for example, have that drastic V-shaped jaw that almost looks like a triangle and the cheek muscles look like they're about to sag so drastically in the future.

I don't know why doctors would do such drastic V-lines like that but then again as you said, maybe it depends on the original bone structure and the accompanying surgeries.
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you can tell from the pockets of fat that they have on the lower cheek area that sagging has already occurred. That procedure was originally used to alleviate individuals with very wide and square shaped features but ever since the baby doll look began trending even people who weren't suited for surgery started undergoing in.
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Thanks for providing more information about your experience. It gives me more perspective to continue my research for my own facial contour surgery.

(I just found it puzzling that there is hardly information about your experience but seeing that it was so long ago and it wasn't a positive one, I can understand why. Thanks for continuing to talk about it since though.)
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without knowing what your original structure is I cannot give any specific comments. However I had a friend who is an older lady in her 40s who had the zygoma and mandible reductions. She was certainly a candidate for the procedures but due to her age sagging concern. Her end results were great ONLY because she had a full face lift done together with the procedures and had a good deal of extra skin excised during the entire process. As you can tell to achieve what she wants it was certainly invasive.

I was also pmed by a forum member who had V line and zygoma done recently at a clinic that specilized in facial contouring and she is in her twenties, experiencing very signifcant sagging too. She however did not have a lift perform at the same time and will have to do so in order to alleviate the sagging.

So I think it comes down to a few factors.

1. How far are you willing to go for facial bone contouring, as in are you willing to have a lift if need be
2. Are you a candidate?
3. Your age will also be a concern because as we age, facial muscles weaken
4. For some people, the mid facial augmentation procedures, along with botox may be an alternative to the bone reduction surgeries. This is to add dimension to a wider facial structure.

A good example of point number 4 is Miranda Kerr. She has wider bone structure and a square face. But it works because she her facial structure is dimensional. One of the reasons for this is that caucasians have more depth to their underlying structure than asians do. Hence some asian patients opt to do mid facial augmentations to enhance their dimensions.
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no lol....botox doesn't work to reduce width on cheekbones. I asked that same questions years ago haha. You see it works on the jaw area because the muscles there are huge. By temporarily paralysing the muscle it shrinks it, then the bone naturally moves inwards. Hence the narrowing of the width. Your jaw then relies on the upper jaw muscle. Its a natural transition.
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Hi everyone. Recently someone told me that a rhinoplasty costs around 3,900,000 KRW. Sorry if my question sounds silly, but for this price am I correct to say that it is an open (not closed) surgery? If so, how much would a closed surgery set me back? Can you also let me know how long is the recovery period for both open and closed rhinoplasty? Thanks in advance.
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Hey K Couture,

So I've been reading through many of the threads about rhinoplasty and the reviews on clinics that specialize in this. I thought you'd be the best person to answer my question for me:
So some people have been telling me that I should pick my clinics based on before and after pictures and the noses of the staff that work at each clinic. Is this a sufficient way to find the best surgeon? I read that another member said that the consultant's nose at Dream is a bit upturned..do you know who I'm talking about and is this true? If so, would you know which surgeon did her nose job? What do you think is the best method for someone doing their first nose job - both in deciding how to choose the surgeon and the best procedure type? Sorry for the question overload! ^_^
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I am a new member here.
End of this October will be my first time visit Seoul and could be my first plastic surgery I ever done for my face.
After scanning a lot of threads about nose job, I somehow got the idea and clinics I want to visit
1. Dreams (dr. Park ... love the review of K )
2. April 31
3. JW ( Dr. Suh but he will not be there until early Nov so may be I wont have a chance to see him)
4. DA ( Dr. Ahn, he looks so young)
With April 31 and JW I could see a lot before and after photos for rhinoplasty but not with Dreams and DA. If anyone here knows the source, please let me know.
With the materials to use, I am still confuse between ultra soft silicone and fat graft for nose bridge cause as I know the bros of silicone is good shape and easy to remove, cons of it is life time of the implant about 20 years. Fat graft, bros is your own fat so never have to remove it but the cons is it absorbs and the height of nose bridge is limit.
With condition of my nose actually I dont need change the height of my nose bridge just the tip plasty.
If anyone in this forum could me extra information about this it would be really great.
That's also really nice to read a lot K posts. They are really helpful.
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