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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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No idea what that correspondent at Dream was on about. Acculift is not a new procedure. Acculift is performed via the fine wire emitting laser which melts the fat. Some but not all the fat is sucked out during this process. However what remains of the melted fat is flushed out of your system by your body within the next 3-4 weeks. My face for example, just kept getting visibly slimmer and slimmer and slimmer over the coming weeks after my acculift. And it is a minimally invasive procedure. Mine literally took 10 mins.

V lift, i assume you mean Power V. They are not similar procedures. The power v in contrast is reliant on suction and is more invasive as it and can cause heavy bruising. Recovery is also longer and it seems from what some of our forumers suggest, results not only vary but they also take a while to show. In my opinion Power V is nothing more than gimmick procedure. Why I say this is because its really a form of facial contouring through lipo, with the "V" label tagged onto it which we all love so much. Basically the clinic that "invented" it didn't make any medical breakthroughs, rather they rebranded a traditional procedure by tagging on the V label and in turn, charged a premium for it. Its pretty much what some clinics did by adding the stem cell tag together with the fat graft. It really made no difference except in terms of a markup which they can charge the patients.

Also, its best to note that with regards to both acculift and power v lift, the lift is superficial and is not permanent. Korean surgeons will swear by the effects of the lift but if you look on realself, you will find the Western surgeons denying any true tightening or lifting effect. This I believe to be true as there is a reason why these procedures are not recommended on older patients who wish to use them for their supposed tightening effect.

So when it comes down to it, acculift is great for volume reduction and it is non invasive. This is all proven and acknowledged within the medical community. Power V is just a rebranded form of lipo facial contouring. If you want to select a procedure for volume reduction, go with acculift. But if you are older and the tightening effect is important for you, neither procedure will give you real measurable results.
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Thank K. Appreciate the summary you gave on the 2 procedures. I couldn't find a clinic that provides both procedure to explain to me the differences between them. I spoke and corresponded with this lady at dream but I get the feeling she is quite new. She's friendly and polite but was unsure in her replies. Very different from the response I got from 365mc which I emailed to enquire about lipo. They were really detailed and professional. Impressive.

BTW, can you tell how long was the swelling caused by acculift? Did you get bruising like the other forumers did from power v lift?

I read the conflicting views on the lifting effect too. Well I'm almost 40, I guess I'm old enough to know the baby fat won't go away. And not too old that acculift is not recommended ��

Did you consider that there might sagging or lose skin after the fats are gone?
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Oh also wanted to mention that i had a kinda botched rhino done donkey years ago. I'm gonna ask Dr park to have a look and see if he can do anything to improve it. I really dread another rhino job as mine took soooooo long to heal. Never thought of touching it again but reading your review revived my hopes of fixing my nose :smile:
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facial lipo is a tricky one. If you get too much removed you may sag. I've had 2 lots of facial lipo in the past, both done through an incision from inside the notrils and a small needle inserted from the site to reach my cheeks. I ended up with minor sagging which was only visible under certain lights which cast a shadow. Didn't have that problem with acculift. I think in part because of my concentric malar lift and also the acculift has the ability to not only target specific areas in a non invasive way which doesn't rupture the surrounding tissues while causing gradual volume loss at the same time. One of the problem with lipo removing too much at the same time will an empty pocket which can lead to sagging. Kinda like how when overweight people lose weight too quickly, sagging occurs.

I'm assuming you had open rhinoplasty. I took forever to heal too when I had open rhino and the recovery was as bad as when i had a jaw reduction. See what he says when you consult him and if he feels he can fix it through closed rhino it would definitely be worth considering. I've gone through many surgeons, not just for surgery but also consulting for varying opinions and I've yet to come across one as skilled in rhinoplasty as him. But for revisions its really quite tricky as it depends what the issue is. I know some patients who he didn't recommend closed rhino for because close rhino just wasn't efficient for their situation. eg. there was a girl who was born with a structural deficiency and thus required the nose to be built up from the base with cartilage. So for cases like hers open was required. What are you not satisfied with your current nose if you don't me asking?
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Hey k couture, I'm trying to read up your experience of jaw reduction. Since there are many posts by you of PS, do you mind directing me to the roundabout time (not the actual post which I will try myself) of the time you made this post (assuming you did post a jaw reduction experience).

If you didn't, could I ask you what was your experience with it? Also you have explained the effect it had on skin sagging. Besides from molar concentric surgery, would you recommend anything else to reverse sagging of the face (or body even)?
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my rhino was done using one of my ribs. there is now an ugly scar right under my breast. unfortunately my boobs are not big enough to cover :lol:. but that's the least of my concern.
my nose, although it's already an improvement from my original flat and wide nostril, is not as high as i wish it to be. especially the nose bridge. and my nose tip looks upturned. not to mention there's a scar on my nose! and the skin on my nose bridge is so thin the veins are visible.
I'm hoping dr park can elevate my nose further, especially the bridge. and maybe a tiplasty to improve the shape. not sure if he lengthen my tip a bit to correct the upturn look
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oh dear, external scarring on the nose from open rhino is not common tho. Do try some kelcote of stratederm to alleviate the scarring. For the scar under your breast Kenacort scar dissolving injections works wonders! Ure nose actually sounds like mine when I had my 2nd nose job using autologous cartilage. Thin and damaged was what i ended up with so I can relate to how you feel. My rhino with Dr Park had to be done as a recontructive surgery. I suspect if you have sustained the same degree of tissue damage I have, the methdology Dr Park would employ on you might be the same as mine. You may also benefit from the use of tutelage as a tissue graft to heal any damage sustained.

well all the best :smile:
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just saw your link. Actually I don't feel your nose would be a complicated revision. I don't see any visible damage. Just the tip can use more projection and to define it further, some slight excision of the fatty tissue would be warranted. You do not have a bulbous nose so that's good. The bridge is also slightly uneven with a slight indent in the middle which is a common aesthetic side effect from autologous grafts. I don't think you would require a tutelage graft like what I needed.

Do you use kakao? If you do you can add me id: kcouture. I'll show you what my nose looked like before Dr Park performed the reconstruction then you will see what I mean when i said your nose is not complicated.

Also if your facial volume is bothering you, perhaps consider acculift plus a mini lift as that may be the ideal form of facial contouring for your requirements.
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Hi k, do u mind sharing how ur nose look liked to me too? Can I also add u in Kakao? ☺️
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i never actually wrote anything about my jaw reduction in detail. Just little comments here and there about the procedure when people were inquiring about it.

I regretted my jaw reduction because at the time I had it I was young and stupid, and didn't truly understand the procedure. What I liked was my angular jaw, what I didn't like was my width. The jaw reduction only changes shape, not the width UNLESS muscle is excised too. As a conservative measure, many surgeons would rather not do it because of long term side effects with muscle excision. This is especially so with age. I also was not a good candidate for the procedure as my jaw bones were wide, but my no means protruding. Botox would have been sufficient for reducing the width. Instead what I ended up with was a loss of definition in the angular shape of my jaw and the sagging that came with the procedure. Hence why I had to have the concentric malar lift to reverse the effect of sagging. Depending on the degree of sagging, a mini lift may be an option.

Also recovery wise im not sure if others had the same experience as me since I did mine years ago in Thailand. Anyways I had to have two drainage tubes piercing into my jaw externally for the first 3 days. So at first there were 2 round holes on each side of my jaw. However they used some kind of filling to solder the wound after the tubes were removed and it completely healed over with no visible external scarring. But like I said this was around 7?? years ago??? and in thailand too. So they may have a more efficient method with jaw reductions now.
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hi k. thanks for the offer. i've added you on kakao. my id is syxwan.

and thanks for the suggestion for mini lift. I'll go read up more on that. i was actually toying with the idea of cheek implant as i find my cheeks too flat. and hoping at the same time it will provide a bit of lifting. but yet I'm not too keen on having another implant into my face. i have a hard silicone implant in my chin which corrected my weak chin but it left 1 side of my chin with a bit of numbness. lt tingles when i touch it. did you ever have experience with this? i read online that it may never go away. i had my chin surgery about 3-4 yrs ago.

anyway, now I'm contemplating fat graft for my cheeks and tear trough. do you know if it can be done together with acculift? i understand yours was a forehead fat graft which probably doesn't interfere your acculift.

btw, I'm booked for a consultation with Dream for 10-dec. if anyone else is going at the same time, I'll be happy to buddy up
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