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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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hi wishingstar, may I know how much did dream charge you for the tiplasty and nose bridge augmentation? I'm considering similar procedure and would be good to know a benchmark price. pls pm me if you prefer.

how's your nose healing btw?

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Hey K Couture!

Ooo..I see you're going to be in Seoul around the same time as I will be! ^_^ I'd love to meet up with you if you have some time...we could even hop around the clinics and go to consultations together to help each other out hehe :giggles: Anyways lemme know if hopefully we can meet. Thank you!
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hi! well im actually there on business and helping my friend get through her first surgery so won't have time to hop around with consultations sowwie! But if we are in the same area coffee will be nice :smile: My kakao is Kcouture. Well good luck with your surgery! xxx
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agree with lavin. only dodgey clinics will ask for deposits for consults. Only place a small deposit for your surgery date too tho if its not busy u won't be asked to put a deposit. I think deposits are only asked if u seem wishy washy and not serious OR its really booked up. But even then 50 percent is too much. Just place a small amount as a token of commitment if they request it.

Lol lavin ill be the guinea for u too this time since im arriving earlier bwhahaha
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Oh Wishingstar, I've done similar procedure! tipplasty and cartilage+fat injection. I'm just 3 weeks post-op, the fat is slowly subsiding. When I touched it 1 week post-op, I could actually feel a lump (kind of away from my bridge). Now I feel it's much closer to the bridge, kinda like slowly 'sticking' onto it. But the use of my injection is just to smooth out any bumps instead of raising my bridge, so I'm not sure what's the max it can raise.

Haha... sorry, not too helpful here.
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Thanks. Will be great if it is like what you told. So i will have higher percentage of getting a surgery appointment after consultation.
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Hey K Couture !
Ooo OK nw that ur busy but Ya meeting for coffee would be great! Already added u to kakao. Also I'm interEsted in some possible skin treatments while I'm there. What would u suggest for treating fine lines. .like below the eyes? Thanks for ur help in advance :smile:
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hrm im not that familiar with skin treatments to be honest. I know fraxel helps minimize fine lines but whether its the most ideal for it i can't say for sure. I'm going to try thermage tho while i'm in seoul. I heard its great for targeting wrinkles and fine lines too but apparently its can be quite painful
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hi davincci. did you get yours done at Dream as well? may i know roughly how much is it. and how long was the swelling/bruising if there's any. I'm considering the similar procedure. thanks in advance
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Hi Syxwan, Yes I did mine at Dream as well. Didn't have silicone implant. I've done tipplasty, alar weir and bridge relocation for 4.7m. Bruising and swelling is minimum (just like I've drank too much water the night before), I believe is because I don't have any external material nor bone surgerry. Here's my experience: #
They grind the cartilage into fine powder and mix with fat before injection. Yes through your nostril.
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Oh that's interesting. I always thought its diced up. I'm in seoul now and will be at dream tomorrow. I'll ask Dr Park about the resorption rate in the grinded form and share his response since u guys are all inquiring about it :smile:
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