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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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A couple of you have been asking about the procedures for eyelids at dream and also the diced cartilage + fat graft rhino so I figure this would be helpful

Today I went with two friends to the clinic. One was looking for lap band but it seems that is very uncommon in Korea. Go figure right, the ppl here are so slim....Anyways my other friend just got her eyes done.

So for her eyes she used non incisional via the dual wiring technique (parallel and verticle) so the risk of it coming loose is rather insignificant. Dr Park also performed ptosis correction which i had initially thought was not possible with non incisional. Dr Anna performed her epi. It seems that with Dream, even for an eyelid procedure they may assign more than one surgeon to the same region as long as they are more specialized in the particular aspect. Also it seems non incisional is only not suitable for individuals with thicker skin and fatty tissue which requires physical excision.

She also had transconjunctival fat repositioning for her eyebags was done by Dr Kim. We were initially looking for Dr Yoo but he was flying overseas today so Dr Kim performed it. I thought he only did bone contouring before today. Anyways he also alleviated her dark circles by manipulating the blood vessels in the area. The entire process was performed from inside the lower lid so no scarring. The immediate change is very impressive and bruising was minimal. She actually sent me a picture of her while I was at lunch because they performed the eyebags first and she was waiting on the rest of the procedures.

Finally she did her nose too using closed rhino. During the consultation she had 2 options. As her nose had a hump, it was suggested she have osteo for hump removal, ultra soft silicone to augment the bridge placed under the periostiem and above the bone, and septal + ear cartilage for tip projection. Option 2 was what Davin and Wishingstar had, which was diced cartilage into a granule form, fixed with fat graft and implanted into the bridge to fill the gaps between the hump. Dr Park explained the diced cartilage as being crushed with the surgical hammer and later mixed and molded into a putty form. He suggested this method because my friend didn't want too much of an augmentation and a more conservative result. Initially she just wanted tipplasty but the figure he showed us explained that if one has a hump, performing tipplasty only will leave the shape somewhat wavey and irregular. Resorption he explained, while varies on person to person and cannot be accurately predicted, is significantly less than when fg is transplanted into other regions of the face where there is frequent muscle movement. I personally still prefer the ultra soft silicone as i'm all about maximizing height lol

Anyways she was basically up and walking an hour after surgery was is perfectly fine. Eyebags have immediate improvements. Eye lids are obviously swollen but symmetrical which is sign that it was performed well. Its always a bit scary when you notice assymetry right after surgery as its hard to internalize the possibility that the cause is not swelling. Nose is more swollen around the right alar as the closed rhino incision is from the right. But besides that its very symmetrical too.

Anyways I may be getting Ulthera tomorrow as I was advised that it shrinks your soft tissue so i'll update for those who are interested in it. Tho I'm also getting fraxel and 2 tone so I'm not sure if its possible to do all at once....fingers crossed!
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Haha did your friend also have the roller coaster ride?? For her eyebags treatment, are there stitches under her eyes?

Please do share your Ulthera experience. I'm planning to do it in a few months too :smile:
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no the eyebags were repositioned internally from inside the lower lid so no scars or stitches. LOL yeh she mentioned the roller coaster ride too. I always thought i'm the only one who hallucinates the same thing but it seems everyone else does too. It literally feels like you are slowly going up and down a roller coaster....do i sound like a druggie if i admit i enjoy it? lol

Yeah so today I had ulthera for soft tissue tightening and lifting, fraxel for minimizing my pores and two tone laser with carbon applicant to extract the blackheads. They use a topical anesthesia which numbs your while face so you feel barely any pain. Oh and i also had a hydrating facial (not the injections)

I was told that ulthera hurts but actually, no pain just minimal discomfort. It feels like wave lengths vibrating through your tissues. You can also tell them to focus more on your problem area(s). You guys should note tho that expect to feel a bitt more discomfort at the jaw line region. I think the skin is thinner there and has more nerve endings hence the elevated sensations. Oh there's also a ulthera and thermage combo they use but I didn't use that as I wanted to try out one procedure at a time, and I had fraxel right after.

Fraxel was hurt a bit at times when used on cheeks but that's because i stupidly told them to use it without anesthesia as they didn't realize i wanted it on that area too and wiped off the topical after the nose was done.

I was considering the hydrating injections because those of us who have met Unji at the clinic know how her skin has a natural glow. But she advised me there may be a slight downtime of 5 or so from the injections depending on how your skin reacts. And I have to be in Hong Kong for an event in a few days so I can't risk it.
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Hey K Couture, I was wondering, are the prices for procedures at Dream really more expensive than other clinics? I know Dream is considered on the mid-high end but I'm not sure about their price range. Just wanted to see if I can actually afford them if I do actually go with them when I go to Korea for consultation. It would totally suck if they are the right one for me and I can't afford them lol.
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LOL I definitely enjoyed that ride :P The fat repositioning sounds very interesting. Is there any risk that the fat will move/drop after a while? and is there risk of reabsorption after repositioning?

So fraxel is for wrinkles? What's the diff between thermage (RF) and fraxel (laser) in terms of target user?

Maybe I can be your guinea pig for the hydro injection. I'm quite interested when Daphne told me about it last time. But heard this one really hurts....
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I am planning to do hydro injection with prp n fat graft in the coming week, may share my experiences with u gals:graucho:
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they are a mid-high range clinic. The thing is it depends on a few factors too. That being:

a) How complicated or uncomplicated your surgery may be

b) How many procedures you are doing at a time. This is refering to the discount

c) Your bargaining skills. It especially helps if you know people who have been there before, especially people who know the price range for said procedures. Then the consultants will quote you accordingly. So for my friend because I was with her at the clinic and she got procedures which i was familiar with and i have rapport with ms lee, we went all ahjumma on her and pushed the price down lol. This method of bargaining works with most clinics too.

d) What procedure you are getting done. For example, a closed rhinoplasty with Dr Park is actually comparable to many of the other clinics in terms of price. Same goes for fat grafting and acculift. I believe the bone manipulation surgeries are perhaps 1 million won more expensive than the mid ranged clinics. The price for non incisional eyelid and eyebag fat repositioning is also comparable to many other clinics. My friend actually got quoted the lower end of the price range which is good.

e) Do your research and display knowledge of the procedures you want to get. If you come across as a moron consults at any clinic will quote you the higher price range lol. I had 2 friends who went to banobagi for a consult as walk in and one of them got quoted 7 million for a chin augmentation! lol. And they came in as a pair too so the way you handle yourself really does affect what price you get quoted.

At the end of the day you should also remember that there is no standardized pricing for cosmetic surgery because everyone's facial structure is different. There's a reason why some clinics can justify charging higher rates whilst some have to drop their price dirt cheap. And its because of the skill, reputation and credentials of the surgeons. Tho at times cheap doesn't mean bad and expensive doesn't mean good either. You just have to gauge it yourself from clinic to clinic as the situation differs. A good indicator is if the clinic doesn't use strong marketing but yet has a steady flow of clientell. Then you know they are churning in customers from skill and service alone. Whereas there's some clinics which are frequented by foreigners who engage in tons of advertising and pr campaigns. Not to say those clinics are bad but you have to question their credibility.

Its interesting if you just be more chatty as you go about your surgical journey you can learn more about the clinics, their beginnings, their marketing means and the history of their surgeons. So moral of the story is gossip is good lol
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lol lavin ure off the hook. susaki just agreed to be our guinea pig. Btw i found out today the injection is actually injectionS with an S lol. And its like many many of them eeeek. I initially thought its just one jab on each side :sad: i freaking hate needles

davin fraxel can help wrinkles but i used it to minimize the sizes of my pores. Fraxel is for individuals with larger pores, uneven skin and scarring. It works really well for acne scarring actually. Thermage is more for people who have started noticing signs of aging. Its especially good since it stimulates your body's natural renewal of collagen. That's why the tai tais and the c-lais love it bwhahahha

The repositioned fat won't drop until the aging process reaches a certain point. So for younger patients it should last a good 10 years from what Dr Kim said. For older patients i imagine 5-6 years. Tho neither me nor my friend actually asked about that in the consult since we are both youngish lol. Also the fat is not transplanted like fg so there's no resorption.
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Hey K! I'm the one that posted about wanting a nose revision (nose is composed of the right concha). I am very sure that I want general anesthesia, a soft implant on top of my morphed bridge. tip and alarplasty. How much do you believe I should expect to pay? Currently, I have a small budget of 6k USD. Please be blunt! Your guidance is gold!

Also, does Dream have an aftercare facility?
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Act im going to do quite a lot of procedures if possible lmao. I will do eyes, nose and fg(prp) then botox on my face and hydro injection and botox to my calves

Will definitely share my experience on this forum:graucho:
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Wait... are you sure you can do hydro injection and botox together with FG?? Coz I know fillers cannot be done together with FG.

I also have botox in my calves ;)
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Wait.. I think I've told you about the botox in calves...hmmm... pretty sure I did... LOL

Yea so many needles... wonder if it will drain the fat hahaha better ask! :roflmfao:
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