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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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Susaki! How did it go???
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all good Riel. I know how its like when its your first time. During mine i kept staring in the mirror and wondering if my face will look like a bloated mess for the rest of my life lol.

Yeah denise is another lady wolverine lol. She came shopping with us at the Galleria on day 2 against my advice but surprisingly she was more energetic than me lol. I never even noticed a build up of swelling which is NORMAL mind you. Everyone else will swell and peak at day 3 then it starts to go down. But for her......it was barely apparent. I'm not sure if its because she's eats organic food all the time and is physically active or if her procedures were minimally invasive.

Anyways happy healing and hope everything turns out as you had hoped. out of curiousity, how much was teium? Did they suggest incisional or non incisional?
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Hi lavin,

As doctor said I hv active acne, he suggested me to do pdt treatment for acne then laser for acne scar.

As for hydro injection, he suggested me not to do.

He suggested my Korean frd to do a cheap Korean brand hydro injection which will make her skin look so watery.
And suggest my another frd to do a stronger version hydro injection but more exp.

I think u shud let dr see how ur skin in order to let dr choose the one which suits u most.

I went for pdt treatment before my nose surgery, and I really regret to do my skin, it look like sunburnt now...... Afraid not going to recover

I can't do my eyes and fg now..... As my skin condition is too weak
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Hi syxwan :smile: how have u been.

Ulthera i did notice a a difference. Its more effective for deep tissue tightening whereas thermage is more for the surface level. That's why there's combination treatments available called ulthermage.

However, if you are looking for a very significant lift you would have to consider actual surgery. I've been looking into the mini lift procedures lately but so far the surgeons advised me to use thread lift which im kinda iffy about from reading reviews that effects are not very mild
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there certainly is. That method is nothing more than a gimmick so April 31 can justify charging nearly twice that of other clinics for their services. I do not doubt that they are a very skilled clinic but refering to the dynamic tipplasty in particular, this procedure has too many limiations.

Here's the logic I use:

a)Why on earth would you care that your tip can be flexible and that you can do a piggy nose? How often do we in daily life even do a piggy nose? People who fall for this gimmick are basically paying a high premium just so you can do a pig nose. Think about that for a second.

b)That technique is not good for people who have thicker nasal tissues and people with bulbous noses. This method provides for limited tip projection precisely because part of the implant is removed for flexibility. So your trade up for being able to do a piggy nose is that you are limited with tip projection. One thing many people don't realize is that even an I shape silicone will affect tip projection despite not being directly on the tip area. This is because of the pressure it places in the central tip area. If u want to maximize your projection, its actually a good thing if u can't do a piggy nose!
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Hi everyone,
It already been 7 days post op of my nose, I got it done by dr Park of Dream clinics. I had a closed rhino with ultra soft silicone, septal cartilage to extend the length n ear cartilage to raise the tip, fat removed from the tip too.
After removed the bandage 3 days before, I experience some following problems: 2 nostril are not even, the nostril been operated is bigger and a bit up while the other more flat. The whole part of the tip still huge, even bigger than before. The last thing my breath still weak so I am still breathing through my mouth.
Is there anyone there had the same problems. Please share. Feel so worried right now.
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hey lilian. what you mentioned is normal don't worry. I've experienced all that u have so Ill explain.

a) One nostril bigger: Reason is incision is done in right nostril only: Temporary swelling

You will expect your right nostril where the incision is made (seeing as park is right handed) to be more swollen. I experienced this too. Everyone who has had closed with him experiences this too. Reason is because your left nostril is untouched, while ure right nostril is the incision site. Naturally there will be far more swelling. This should dissipate within the next 2 weeks.

b) Tip bigger than before: Reason is temporary swelling

Your tip also doesn't go down within 7 days. Especially if you do not have thin skin to begin with. My swelling went down quite fast because to begin with my tissues are abnormally thin having sustained damaged from charles lee's rhino previously. But if yours is a primary and you have generally thicker skin like most asians, expect your tip to slowly refine within the next 2-3 weeks. However, note that the tip is the most prominent part of the nose whereby natural contouring takes place. By that I mean you will have 2-3 weeks of superficial swelling where around 70 percent goes down. Then up to the next 6 months, your residual swelling will go down and you will notice your nose really start to take shape. This is unnoticeable by others but noticeable by you because we tend to look at our surgical areas in the mirror on a daily basis. For example when i got my nose done for the first time, when my skin wasn't that thin, it only really went to its maximum definition after about 4 months. And i only realized this from looking at pictures as the results are gradual. This is a common fact when it comes to surgical healing.

So don't worry miss thang this is all part of the healing process.
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Haha...Denise is superwoman! Well I believe it pays off to live a healthy lifestyle prior to and after surgery. Ya so Teium quoted me $4000 USD but that was for both the double eyelid AND ptois...and that was the non-incisional.
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Hi Lilian,

I totally know how you feel since I was a gong show right after my surgery. Tbh I just wasn’t very prepared and for some reason I had it in my mind that I’d be all perfect and pretty just a few days after my surgery..but ya I was completely wrong lol. Now being 2 weeks post-op I am still swollen and can feel some numbness around the tip of my nose. Also i can feel a bit of a bump in my nostril, which is probably is slight scarring but it’s not noticeable...not that I pick my nose or nething ;P but ya I can just feel it’s a bit tight. but my face is starting to take shape now. I took a lot of vitamin B and C and just ate super healthy. And ate a bunch of nuts..cause apparently that helps with recovery..and just listening to my body..whenever I feel tired I go straight to bed. Just have faith and be patient!..as hard as that is right now. Good luck with your recovery!!
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Please don't panic. It's most probably just swelling. I had uneven nostrils too and difficulty in breathing when I had alarplasty in my home country. It's even now and I can breath normally. Wait for a couple of months for the swelling to subside. Don't stress yourself.
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Thanks a lot for all of your advices. I also met dr. Park yesterday and mentioned all of my problem. He touched my nose hard (a bit scary then T T ) he showed me where is swelling and how the shape gonna be settled. It's very similar to all of your advice (feel release now). I also be adviced to wear the nasal supporter and use the nose spray after 2 weeks op. Everything now is time.
Again, thanks everyone K, Riel, milkychoco. Love u guys. *_^
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lily what is a nasal supporter? I never hear many people say need to wear anything for nose after 2 week. My first nose surgery also no need.

good fast healing to you lily
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