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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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no I retained like i think between 50-60 percent? Its been 9 months since my fat graft so im definitely due for a top up real soon. I would have retained more fat graft if i hadn't smoked tho. I definitely noticed the moment i started again my forehead shrank :sad: But lucky I had stopped 3 months before and after the procedure so I didn't lose as much as other smokers
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Hi there. Miss couture I hope it's ok for me to ask you. Did you have parasal implants done? Would you know if they can make the folds disappear. That is what I am hoping for and to move the area in between the nose and lip up a little so it protrudes less.
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Awww thanks miss thang :smile: But I really didn't do anything haha. Only moral support! You did all the research and due dilligence yourself. Anyways good luck with your recovery xx
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I’ve always been a silent reader on this forum but luckily during my research journey I have had the privilege of meeting K. She’s great company and no words can express how grateful I am for her knowledge and advice (and now I have the honour to call this cool girl a friend). It’s my time to return the favour!

Please don’t ask to see my photos, I’m not comfortable with sharing this to people I don’t know personally. I’m just here to share my experience. PERIOD!

I’m currently 3days post-op and recovering very well.

I got the following surgery done at Dream by Dr Park and Dr Anna.
• Magic EPI
• Non-incisional double eyelids
• Rhino – with ultra soft silicone for bridge and septal and ear cartilage for the tip
• Full face fat graft
• Acculift to cheeks/Sideface

My experience up to date.
I emailed a few clinics prior to arriving to Seoul and managed to narrow down my choices to
1. Dream Medical Clinic
2. JW Clinic
3. TL Plastic Surgery
I emailed these clinics and arranged for consultations and requested an in-house English interpreter be present too.

I arrived in Seoul late Sunday night and had my consultations arranged for the Monday with the first one starting at 10am at Dream.

My friend and I arrived at Dream which is on level 2, the clinic is a clean and well laid out. I approached the front desk letting them know of my appointment. I was then asked to fill out forms and was then soon greeted by Unji, She’s a very friendly in-house English interpreter that shadowed our every movement. Unji then lend us in to meet Ms Lee, the consultant (I requested Ms Lee and would highly recommend you request for her too if you plan to go to Dream) We had a discussion on what type of procedures we would like to have. Ms Lee gave her suggestions before we were sent to the specialised doctors for a face to face consultation with the doctor.

Dr Park is a quite man which speaks English quite well. Dr Park explained what he suggested and replied in detailed the questions I had. This is my primary rhino and I chose Dr Park because of his speciality in closed rhinos. Dr Park then moved on to my eyelids and said I was a suitable candidate for non-incisional (cheering!) and he used a special looking tool to create a crease which I was instantly happy with. Then Dr Park also pointed out where my fat graft and acculift will be.

Then Unji assisted us back to Ms Lee where the prices were given. I’ve read all over the forums that plastic surgery can be negotiated but I truthfully went in without any bargaining strategy. The only thing my friend and I went in with was a budget. A budget we both stuck by! I believe our biggest advantage was both my friend and I were doing surgery so Ms Lee was extremely nice and we both got a very good price.

Both my friend and I were happy with Dream and felt no need to go to the out clinics and decided Dream was our clinic! Once all the payment/deposit was made we were given the 2PM the next day for surgery!

We are both 3days post-op and very happy with the results so far, stll very swollen but thats expected. Dream's after care service has been exceptional! The nurses cleaned up all my incision, applied the necessary ointment and then sent us to get deswelling laser treatment, they were even nice enough to offer to wash our hair. The best feeling in the world! We cant shower or wash our face for almost a week.

Overall, my biggest recommendation is if you want to go to seoul for surgery, go in winter! My friend and I both cover ourselves up like ninjas and noone even cares and go with as many people as possible, you have a better bargaining position.

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I had my silicone nose implant in now for 35 years and it's fine. I never knew that they had an expiry date. I am going to change it soon for the ultra soft and a bit of tweaking as the techniques available today gives one options to change the tip etc.
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wah you in korea again izzit? Doing the fat graft this time?
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no lol. I left seoul in early jan. They meant met me on kakao. Anyways thanks guys for the kind words! I enjoyed gossip sessions about hot surgeons! :P bwhahaha. Hope you deswell fast and like ure results xx
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also remember its not just about the implant material. The placement technique is very important for both your nose condition and the longevity of the implant. Mine for example is placed above the periostiem under the bone and there is an upper implant technique used too so I have 2 layers of security for the implant.
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Hi K Couture, once again I'm glad to read another well written and information- packed thread from you. Sorry I asked you so many questions on the other thread causing redundancy, as I'm new and did not know how to search for your threads before. Anyways, I'm glad you did not have complications and that you are still satisfied with your revision up until now. I was wondering, if the bridge is silicone (which isn't absorbed) while the tip is using autologous material, would there be a possibility of absorption of the tip through time, making the overall nose unproportional?
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hrmmm I have read of cases like that before on the forums, where the tip loses its projection from resorption. Problem with using cartilage, be it autologous or irradiated is the resorption rate is unpredictable and varies according to the patient's body. One way of getting around this is very mild overprojection while predicting the minimal resorption rate for a patient.

My tip is currently outfitted with irradiated ear cartilage and a small piece of auto dermis. When I asked Dr park about resorption regarding irradiated grafts he said I would lose volume and density but not height. Im 9 months post op now. So far my tip projection has gone down a little but nothing significant. It was a bit hard but flexible initially but now its soft. That would be mostly from swelling having dissipated and partially from very mild resorption.
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Hello TPFers! Happy Lunar New Year!

I'm new here-- finally registered after going through the 50 million pages from the ANJ1, 2, 3 and other threads in the past several weeks obsessively! I've learned way more than I know what to do with. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and knowledge!! Special shout out to K Couture who's obviously a very well informed level 9000 master expert... I want to call you my virtual PS Si Fu!!!! :biggrin:

So now I'm going to begin/share part of my journey. But I'm going to split my posts into smaller paragraphs, so that it's easier reading... and I can rack up my 10 posts to start having the full account :graucho:
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I'm an ABC female in my 30's, with fatty eyelids that cover the crease, and eyelashes have started to point down-er to a point of continually poking and scratching my eyes. I use an eyelash curler to deal, and actually pluck the offending eyelash(es), but it's becoming more and more frequent. It's so freaking irritating! Also, my eyes usually look swollen like I didn't get enough sleep... and when I cry (even a short, PMS induced burst of crying b/c of a sentimental Thailand insurance commercial), I can barely open my eyes b/c it gets almost like completely swollen shut!! It's so annoying. So I'm going for a blepharoplasty procedure to remove some eyelid fat/tissue/muscle to help. It also doesn't hurt that it'll probably make my eyes look a little bigger and more attractive too! :cool:

Since I'm going to do that, I thought well, I've never been that fond of my nose. Why not do a tip-plasty and maybe even bridge augmentation at the same time? Yeah... why not?

Of course, I didn't know any of these medical / surgical terms / methods / techniques / materials before reading this forum! :giggles:
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So, after a lot research, reading, including following KC's guide (thread), I've shortlisted a few clinics for consultation:

1. Dream
2. JK
3. Wonjin
4. Regen
5. The Line

Initially I was planning on heading to Seoul end of May, but then I saw a great deal on airplane tickets and jumped on it! So now I'll be going in mid April instead! Medical + Tourism sounds like a win win to me!

I initiated emails/online consults/contact to make sure appointments are scheduled for in-person consultations with the actual surgeon for each clinic. Very short, straight forward messages just to lock in an appt. date/times with specific docs... other than saying the procedures I'm interested in, I didn't go into methods, materials, or prices. I think it'd be a waste of time questioning hypothetical surgical details with an online consultant with sales intention who's never evaluated your face structure, probably is not qualified to, and won't be the one operating on you. My two (common) cents :P

I also booked lodging for the 11 days I'll be there for... so I'm feeling very excited now! :biggrin:
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