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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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How invasive is the procedure? It is intraoral procedure ? Can you explain a bit more on where they open you up , how did he estimate the augmentation height you desired and post op healing period . (Who knows I might fly to Melbie to have it done . Wait is he in Melbie ? )

Why didn't you use Radiasse ? It is semi permanent and will stay within us for about 1.5 years and even longer if you top it up along the ways . I am so used to fillers and the degree of control on symmetry we would like to achieve , not to mention quick fix no down time procedure . But of course fillers have limitation as well. Unlike fat graft , it is impossible to have natural overall youthful look with fillers only .

I am thinking of facial fat graft . But afraid that it will be gone in only a few months and retain very little . It's like gambling . Another thing is asymmetric issue . I have slight asymmetry on my face .

When you decided to do facial fat graft , did you discuss about the possibility of asymmetric result because one side of the face did not vascularing as well as the other side ? Or one side looses fat faster than the other .

My problem is low oriental cheekbone aka flat face. If I come in without my fillers , the specialist won't know how the final height i prefer for my cheek augmentation . I won't be fully awake during the fat grafting procedure to advice the specialist how high of cheek bone I desire . We will be half sedated . Remember my stupid murmur during my rhino ? Lol.

How long is the down time until we are " restaurant ready " ( where we can meet people without them noticing )?

As always , many thanks for the advice . You are my walking PS bible !
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Unfortunately for me back when I did it nearly a decade ago he did the incisions from the lower lid. I know its gross thinking back. But now it can be done intraorally. Over the years he constantly honed and improved the technique. He estimates the augmentation height after examining your ct scans and taking into consideration deficiency in the facial bones at the mid face region. Healing takes a long time for that. I remember thinking that the swelling had gone down fully at 6 months. Then I saw some pictures i had taken and was like WTF. That's the thing with residual swelling. Hard to tell in person but noticable in photos. Anyways my hydroxyappatitie finally took shape at the 9 months mark. So the healing process is as long as a jaw reduction (which you don't need lol)

I don't like using fillers because there's always a potential for the filler to not be fully resorped by the body. In the event this happens, there will be remaining residue that is stuck to the soft tissue. When too much of this is built up it can cause uneveness and the only alternative is to physically excise it out. In doing so one's tissues also thin out.

Actually I used fat graft for my asymmetry. Dr Jo did it and it worked out great :smile:. There's no such thing as a perfectly symmetrical face. Its about having natural assymetry. I think with fat grafting u can trust Park or Jo to do it. They are both really meticulous with their administration technique.

Fat graft downtime hrmmm ok well......first time i did fat graft i was hiding behind my ninja mask for 5 days. Second time I did it was my top up. This was last month and the swelling never peaked i don't know why. So on second day I was went shopping lol.
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Hi chardonnarylove,
I was wondering if you ever did the smile lipt? :smile: I'm really trying to find info about the surgery, that doesn't come from a clinic! :smile:
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I believe there's a thread about the smile lipt surgery. There was also a male forumer who did it 2 months ago. I think it was milo
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It's so good to see you back and well, missy!

I'm very intrigued to hear about your shorter healing time for FG this time around. Riddle me this! Have you been healthier in general, hence the Wolverine-ness? Or are FG top-ups just easier on the body compared to primary FG?
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No, I haven't been healthier. I'm still the chain smoking fried food loving slob that doesn't go the gym lol.

I think its got to do that during top ups not so much fat has to be grafted in. Especially in my case where I retained a good deal even after 10 months. So I am assuming from what I experienced it is due to how much you retained and therefore how much top up is required. I also started smoking again (bad girl!) 1 month and a half in and I didn't have much shrinkage as I expected. It must be that the previous graft is well settled and mine to keep :biggrin:.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Dear K,
You are such a blessing to all of us in this community. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and share.
I was wondering if you could help me with a question... You had mentioned you knew what Dream Medical Group's pricing strategy. Can you please share?
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well it depends what procedures you want and what add ons you require. For example for nose is it just a simple job using ultra soft silicone or is rasping, lateral osteo, alar reducton, bulbous tip excision, septal extension required? Also different surgeons have different degrees of flexibility with price. Without knowing what you want and seeing your features u want changed its not easy to explain it. How I normally bargain is I first make sure I start of by selecting the methodology best suited to my case. Then I am able to gauge based on which surgeon I have selected for the procedure. So in my case its closed rhino reconstruction with auto dermis in the tip, tuto fascia in the damaged extruded region of my bridge, dermal graft for collumela lengthening and shield graft for added projection. So you plus plus plus then u can gauge how low the surgeon you selected is willing to go. Of course surgical skill > price. So at Dream I wouldn't allow anyone but Park to do my nose even tho there's 2 other surgeons who can also perform rhino. But they are unable to do closed rhino, open only. You shouldn't use my case as a comparison tho because mine was a very complicated rhino reconstruction. So if yours is a primary it shouldn't cost more than mine unless you need several add ons.

Also it helps to know the clinic range in terms of pricing so this is where you can do price comparisons. Especially useful for procedures that are considered generic and not belonging to a speciality such as acculift for example. Because these small procedures are not part of a speciality, a clinic cannot justify higher prices even if they are a premium practice.
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  • 1 month later...
oh dear im so sorry this happened to u. I consulted them before and wasn't too impressed with the surgeon so i moved on. Johan u mean Joanne? The lady who spoke fluent english right? I assume if you went to VIP u did a full autologous rhino then. Whats wrong with your jaw? When you say immobolized you mean you can barely move it?
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  • 2 weeks later...
yeah he operated on one of my boos before. And i think if u skim through the forums there was a review written back in 2012? In Asian Nose Job 2 by another guy who did rasping and lateral osteo with him
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The real difference between the two is the incisional site and ease of recovery. Closed you heal faster and can avoid that gross packing which goes all the way through nostril down to the throat which prevents you from breathing through your nose for a few days. How long the packing is left in depends tho. When i did open rhino it was left in for just over a day. But it seems in seoul they leave it in between 2-5 days depending on the surgeon. My friend who did her nose at item had it in for 5 days. Poor thing. I couldn't even handle one day but she had to tolerate 5.

Anyways any other difference between the two methods in terms of end results depends on the surgeon and the limitations of your pre exisiting structure. Why I say this is because while most surgeons can perform closed rhino for bridge only, tip work is difficult for them because of the navigation. But a surgeon who trained in closed rhino and specializes in the endoscopic method has no limitations when it comes to the ease of navigation around the tip region. The only time im aware where Dr Park didn't recommend his closed rhino technique was on a girl who was born with a facial deficiency where the bone depth is significantly lower than normal. So she needed to use some cartilage building technique throughout the entire base as part of the procedure. So she required open rhino. Other than that I would say there's no other limitations. I mean my nose was effed up to the max with extrusion and I managed to fix the extrusion and obtain maximum projection at the tip through closed rhino.
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The real difference between the two is the incisional site and ease of recovery. Closed you heal faster and can avoid that gross packing which goes all the way through nostril down to the throat which prevents you from breathing through your nose for a few days. How long the packing is left in depends tho. When i did open rhino it was left in for just over a day. But it seems in seoul they leave it in between 2-5 days depending on the surgeon. My friend who did her nose at item had it in for 5 days. Poor thing. I couldn't even handle one day but she had to tolerate 5.
Anyways any other difference between the two methods in terms of end results depends on the surgeon and the limitations of your pre exisiting structure. Why I say this is because while most surgeons can perform closed rhino for bridge only, tip work is difficult for them because of the navigation. But a surgeon who trained in closed rhino and specializes in the endoscopic method has no limitations when it comes to the ease of navigation around the tip region. The only time im aware where Dr Park didn't recommend his closed rhino technique was on a girl who was born with a facial deficiency where the bone depth is significantly lower than normal. So she needed to use some cartilage building technique throughout the entire base as part of the procedure. So she required open rhino. Other than that I would say there's no other limitations. I mean my nose was effed up to the max with extrusion and I managed to fix the extrusion and obtain maximum projection at the tip through closed rhino.

Hi Kcouture,

I am new to PF, but have been reading your nose revision experience at Dream and I am impressed with your vast knowledge. I plan to go to Seoul this early September and have consultation at Dream with dr. Park. Are you healing well and happy with your result so far? Can you email your before and after pictures for me? I don't have kakao, but only email address.
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