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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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Wow thats really awesome! Am so excited to go to korea in 2 months .its gonna be my first time there. Do you have kakao talk do you mind if i add you?
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sure. Its Kcouture. But please read through the threads before u kakao me with questions as you most likely will find your answer. I get way too many random ppl kakaoing me questions to which the information can easily be found within the threads as i tend to be very detailed my posts
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Thanks :smile:
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They do sort of i guess? I think its actually the team client manager Daphne's personal kakao but i dont think its their official one. As in, used with a company phone number etc. Your gonna have to ask Daphne for it tho cos i dunno how to check the username. It just comes up as Daphne for me on kakao :S
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NINJA21! I'm going to Seoul in 2 months too! Are you from sydney? I'm seriously looking to go there with someone who is interested in Surgery.

I've posted In rhinoplasty thread that I'm going 18th August for one months for Rhinoplasty.

Please reply thanks.
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Thanks K. Do you have Daphne's email?
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Hi smeshno
I'm going to korea on 20th aug just for facial contouring consultation . I'v got a long layover flight to US that day...so i decided to sneak out for a consultation first before i plan to do surgery in Feb next year. :biggrin:

What hospital do you plan for your rhino?
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hi guys,

i have just booked a consultation with dream! am so looking forward to it! on the phone, the consultant spoke really good english and i'm a little less nervous with the language barrier. :smile:
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Hi Jazzz when do you go for consultation?
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How do you like your acculift result now? Would it still be too early to tell? Is it a good way to reduce the volume of upper cheek area when bone is not the underlying issues based on your experience? Does it help in defining the lower jaw line in your case?
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i love my acculift results. It really target areas with too much fat and soft tissue and reduces volumes. And under a skilled surgeon symmetry can be achieved. Minmally invasive too. The only thing that is too early to tell is the potential sagging. Acculift apparently has a tightening effect which korean surgeons swear by. However western surgeons suggest its temporary due to swellling and the heat from the laser. I thin whether this tightening effect is permanent ill need to wait for least 6 months down the track to find out. Because ive had some facial lipo before and first 3 months it was still swollen and looked so good then after that it started to sag :S

I never used it for my lower jaw line. My jaw line is already defined from the concentric malar lift.
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