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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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From what I have know Everm has a good reputation for zygoma reduction and v-line but given what the doctor at White clinic told you, definitely consult with two other clinics if possible.
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I think what the white clinic surgeon meant is due to the dimensions of your existing facial structure, the zygoma reduction would not bring u much change overall. Without knowing what you look like, you could perhaps consider a mid cheek augmentation to bring you more dimension. Asians tend to have weak internal structure so adding more dimension may help for your case. Doing so does not widen your face. You may want to look into it or play around with photoshopping your features to get an idea. And what lavender said is right. Definitely visit other facial contouring specialists to get more conflicting opinions.
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I think i should consult more places thx for ur opinion :smile:
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Hey Yishu. Im loving my results. Acculift really slimmed my appearance and made my tissue distribution more symmetrical. My 3/4 angle looks especially good because i had them target the sides and out mid area specifically.

Rhino is what i am most happy about. As you know I had reconstructive rhinoplasty and it was completely fixed via closed rhinoplasty which takes a very skilled surgeon to perform. The only problem at the moment is the fluctuating red pigmentation. This is due to the fascia that is protecting and growing into my tissues. Unfortunately due to the nature of my extrusion, use of fascia was the best option to heal the damage. But I will be going back to use a special laser to alleviate the pigmentaton. To be honest im not bothered by it as some concealer and its no longer visible.

FG i've retained quite a good amount of it but i think i will tell Dr Park to administer more to the sides during my next top up. I was rather conservative when i told him what i wanted, that being a subtle lift esp on the sides. I think now that I can better prediction how my body reabsorps I can be more generous with the fg.
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Because your tissues/skin/fat/muscles are all held in place by your pre existing bone structure. Once you minimize the width and alter the shape, gravity takes its course and you experience sagging. That's why its guaranteed. People with protruding bones are candidates for the procedure but they will also sag, just to a lesser degree. Young people who have the surgery don't really contemplate the true side effects because it does not happen right away. And many patients lack far sight. That is they only care for immediate results. Immediate results on their own also have some form of sagging but because of the changes in the overall aesthetic and swelling, it won't be noticable yet unless you have the eye for it. But as we age it gets more and more obvious as our muscles weaken and there is no structure to hold the tissue in place.

All the people I know who have had the reduction procedures I've noticed the sagging effect early on. Tho they themselves haven't because of the overall aesthetic change by combining with other procedures which makes it harder to notice. But it will be more noticable in time. For my jaw reduction i noticed it after 8 months in the lower face area. It just got worse over time hence why i had to have the concentric malar lift to reverse the effects. I even recall when i was consulting with Charles Lee, he showed me a picture of a middle aged woman who got the cheekbone reduction. She ended up looking 10 years older after the procedure. With older patients the sagging effect is more immediate and more obvious. But Charles Lee's explanation was that koreans tend to have a profound self hatred for wider cheekbones so the trade off between an aged appearance and a wide face was worth it. Either way its a procedure that shouldn't be done on a whim. I always caution people on that procedure so they can avoid the side effects.
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Hey KCouture! Glad to hear you're still happy with your results for rhino revision! :smile:

BTW, while researching surgeons, did you happen to come across any other surgeons that perform closed rhino other than Dr. Park?

I'm also a big believer in the less scarring the better... but I'm having trouble finding info other surgeons who are able to perform it closed!
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no actually. I don't know any other surgeon besides Dr Park who specializes in closed, tho i am sure there are, we just have to broaden our search. Most surgeons can only perform procedures requiring tipplasty by open but are just not trained in closed to do it that way. Its precisely because of this that I had to be very meticulous in my research on the technique. Most surgeons I consulted with to get varying opinions stated that it was not possible to perform a reconstruction in a case like mine via closed rhino. But a world class surgeon like Brian Mendelson was the one who reassured me that it was very much possible, but only in the hands of a skilled surgeon who trained in the technique. He even explained to me why the closed technique and method of protecting my damaged tissue was the most effective out of all the proposed methodologies by different surgeons. Dr Park actually even gave a talk at a medical conference during the IPRAS in singapore on close vs open rhino.

External scarring is really not a concern with open rhino. Its barely visible because the facial skin scars very differently to that of the body. Internal scarring is a concern as it can cause asymmetry in the nostril. Also collumela shortening is also a concern as each time open is performed, the elasticity of the collumela shortens. Its one of the reasons why i was advised against using open because my precious autologus rhino was done through open rhino.
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the concentric malar lift? It reversed it completely and had some added aesthetic benefits. It made my facial structure in the mid face and cheek bone region more angular and made my lower face more defined. The sagging from the jaw reduction was negated because of the lift. But i would not do it again. That procedure is as invasive as the jaw reduction and recovery was awful. I only did it because i was very unhappy with the sagging that occurred after the jaw reduciton. Its also performed from incisions to the lower eyelid. However dr mendelson seems to use a different technique now whereby the incisions is made intraorally. Tho it seems not all cases will allow for this approach.
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Thanks K couture.

You are actually the queen of PS information! Without you strongly pointing to the sagging effects, it is quite easy to overlook.

Actually a few months ago I was 98% set on Dr Park cos I wanted calf surgery with my mandible and emailed him. What turned me off was him seeming to downplay completely the possible adverse effects. This kinda gave me a little weird feeling in the gut (not the good kind) and if I've learned anything from this forum, it is don't go against your gut feeling when it comes to PS!!

Coincidentally, I was reading your post somewhere about consulting Dr Park and he didn't mention sagging at all or he said there will be no sagging thus you ruled him out. That's what my gut feeling was about in the first place. When I read that, it only further confirmed to me that I am so glad I delayed my trip to do more research than just go with him over a few friendly emails.
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ohhh this is Dr Park from Oz clinic right? I consulted with him too and he told me a number of lies when i asked him trick questions which i knew the answer to see how truthful he was. eg. when he suggested goretex i asked about having to excise tissue to remove it and he said that is not necessary. Which is a lie. He also doesn't advocate the use of the 3d ct scan. Dr Kim refused to perform my cheekbone reduction because from examining the ct, he concluded i was not the right candidate for the procedure. However Dr Park from Oz didn't bother with the ct and wanted me to just go through with the operation. And then there was that leaving patient in the OR to consult with me shenanigan. The thing with Dr Park from Oz clinic is that ppl usually are set on him BEFORE they arrive for their face to face because he has a very strong command of english. And he also replies to the emails himself. Majority of clinics have consultants or client managers replying to the emails so you get a generic response lacking medical detail. But once you visit Oz and compare with other well run clinics u can see the difference.
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Hey, I don't think you should get PS done if you've not saved enough money for it. PS has risks and complications, if they do arise after PS, how are you gonna pay for them? Just something to think about =)
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yeah i agree with somerville. Everyone has a range they are willing to pay but u shouldn't place your face on a tight budget. Its not a commodity. And seeing as u want to do it before university, im assuming ure fresh out of school. You gotta think how are you going to pay back the loan as its tough to do a full course load while working at the same time. Omg....im starting to sound like mom here haha
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