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What Is Your Next Plastic Surgery Procedure

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thank you for writing this, you gave me more confidence! i don't think there will be a big difference between the size of my face now and after my surgeries... i mean it's just millimeters anyway! so how much can it really affect? i think you're right... :smile:
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Yes exactly! I did my eyes and nose last month in Korea, and next year I want to do jaw reduction (not v line because I also got chin implant already, so only want to reduce width of my face), I don't think my nose will be too big for my new face size :graucho: haha
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i'm getting blepharoplasty done sometime this year, I'm getting it done to correct what graves disease has done to my eyes = . = I can't close my eyes properly due to the fat and pressure caused by my disease
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To all those who've had non incisions eyelid surgery, how long did it take for you to look "normal"? It's been 6 days after my surgery and my lids don't look swollen (at least to me) but my creases are way too high it's freaking me out :sad:

I went to ask the Dr. And he told me it will still go down for the next few weeks but since day 3 till now it has been exactly the same!!!

On a side note, can I look exactly the same as how I used to if I just get the doc to take out my sutures?

I just want my plain o self back *crys*
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I understand how you feel. That was how I feel with my nose It is hard to look in the mirror and see a different person. But 6 days is still early. Maybe wait a little while and try not to look at yourself in the mirror.
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Before I did incisional I did non incisional one, it took one month to look normal for me
After one week still very swollen and I also had bruises on my eye
The crease will go down for sure!
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Thanks girls! really appreciate your replies :smile: i went back to look for the Dr and requested to remove the sutures. He told me that it's only 1 week and it's still swollen..... So i will give it a few more weeks and see how it goes. Now i'm fretting about how to go back to work with my high creased eyes -.-
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I've decided to get the botox injections at JW this coming Saturday. They quoted me 600KRW and said it should only take an hour. This procedure is done for those with Hyperhidrosis or better known as too much armpit sweat.

My friends cousin got it done here in Korea and since I live here I might as well do it. I'm really nervous and excited. I just hope that it works well and that I don't waste my money.
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