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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Hi lovely people,

I would like to share my experience from Teuim, I got my eye jobs done, and the result is being quite good so far, especially I didn't quite get swollen, ahaha. I am still bit shy, but I truthfully hope everyone can benefit from it.

Firstly, before the surgery, I was searching on the internet, asking around etc, and it seems Teuim had a very good reputation, and good for epi, cuz I mainly want to do epi. So I called them and talked to the Chinese translator, she is super nice, and not pushy at all, and sincerely treating people. So I booked my consultation.

Then, on the consultation day, I met Dr Kwon, the star in eyes surgery, I was so "excited", and couldnt really calm down for a while...:P It was the first clinic I went and didnt rlly know what was going on =.=... I didnt remember exactly what we did during the consultation, but I said I didn't want dramatic result and want to get a horizontal line at the bottom after the epi. Dr Kwon also used a metal wire to push my lid up, and I saw the result was quite good, and I didnt ask about the scar issue etc probably cuz I trust him...Sorry, this sounds so naive, but the facts come out I was right.

After the consultation, I was taken to discuss the price. I felt okay with the price and they gave me some discounts, and it was quite reasonable, I mean, that was in my point of view, I did not go to other clinics, I just knew the general prices from the forum before, the most important thing was that I did not get any feelings like avarice, on the contrary, I am thinking if I have more money, I want to pay them more and they deserve it, sincerely! This is the real feeling I am having at the moment although you might think I am wired..

Then after done with the price, they asked if I can get the surgery right after, I said Yeah, why not.. At the beginning of the surgery, the moment when I got anesthetic in, my world turned dark in one second and later felt like I was on a Roller Coaster ?! During the surgery, I regained bit consciousness , and I can hear people are talking with each other, and they were so relax, that moment how I wish I could understand Korean, so I might not be nervous from the surgery. Almost to the end, I was little bit nervous, the translator hold my hands which made me feel so warm. The last step was putting the tapes on my eyes, and I found I looked like “Avatar” with the tapes, didnt get much swollen though, it was around 7pm.

I was told it was better to sit while sleeping in the first evening, and take some medicine and use ice bag etc, so I just followed basically everything they told me.:cool:

Day 2, I was little bit swollen because I was lost on the way to the clinic to tear my tapes, and then called a taxi which was super hot and resulted my eyes looked bit wired.

Day 3, 4, got phototherapy from the clinic on Day3, and tbh, they were not swollen much, at least they were much better than what I have seen from most web before, I can still recognize myself...

Day 5 Took out the stitches, and everything looked great except there were still some dark circles, I asked Dr Kwon, and he said they were bruises, will be disappeared in less than 2 weeks. Bruises were maybe the only part I am worrying now, I hope it can be disappeared soon.

I was suppose to stay in Seoul for 2 weeks but seems like I no longer need to stay.

There is another thing you might be interested, I saw many korean patients around during the week, so I think it should be very popular in native :graucho: , and the clinic is very cozy, cuz it is mainly for eyes and two jaw surgeries, so it could be smaller compared with others although I didnt know what are the sizes for the others :P .

I can say I spent amazing 6 days in Seoul, I do hope this post can benefit some of you guys, and I still feel very grateful for Dr Kwon, I feel I am so lucky to get eyes done by him, and I will keep updating. Feel free to talk with me, I hope I can be helping :smile:
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I went there at 4pm, and finished around 7 or half past, i think the surgery was around 2 hrs, couldnt really remember the correct mins, but I am not doing advertisement... .... .... .... =.=
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Thanks for sharing!

I am going end Jun and have made appt with Dr Kwon on Day 1 of arrival and other clinics on day 2.

How many percent did you manage to bargain from the price he quoted you?

Do you already know what you wanted to do or based on what he recommended you to do.

May I know what is phototherapy.

Heal well soon :smile:
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Hi hi I'm interested to go to teuim for my eye surgery as well. May I know which hotel you stayed and what was the rough cost after the discount if you paid by cash??? I understand these are sensitive info. Appreciate it a lot if you could pm me. Thanks!!

Get well soon too,,
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Hi I'm so glad to have read that teuim was a great clinic for u!! I am interested in teuim myself too and with the same procedures as well.

May I know which hotel you stayed during ur trip??
Also, how much did you paid after the discount if you paid by cash??

I understand these are sensitive issues, thus I would appreciate it a lot if you could pm me... (: it would help me plan my itinerary greatly. Thanks!

Get well soon too!
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Hi no problem, it depends on what eyes you have, I think, and it is cheaper than the email quoted you.

But I original had double eye lids, so its actually not too hard to operate, I was thinking epi originally, Dr looked my eyes and suggested non-incisional method as well, they said using it to adjust the shape.

also, I was only doing the eyes, they didnt suggest any other surgeries to me.

ah phototherapy, it is like light therapy ?
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You can take arnica, bromelain and vitamin C.

From Dr. Andrew Weil's website:
"For serious bruising or deeper soft-tissue injuries take 200-400 mg of bromelain, a pineapple enzyme that speeds healing, possibly by helping the body clear metabolic wastes from injuries, three times a day on an empty stomach (at least 90 minutes before or three hours after eating)"
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