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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Heya everyone. I just have a one month-ish update that I'd like to write out here. I didn't swell up too badly right after the surgery and my swelling is going down slightly unevenly, but steadily. The scars on my right eye are fading really, really well and I am confident that they will disappear soon enough. I can go out without makeup on my eyes no problem and it looks normal enough that I really don't think people can tell I've had anything done. I also don't have any of the characteristic 'bumpy' scarring that some of the people on this forum/soompi have talked about, so I am happy about that. When I press on my eyes, I can still feel a tiny bit of soreness, but there are some things I'd like to address at this point.

1) There is still redness in the inner corners of my eyes from the epi procedure. I think the worst part about it is not being able to really... Touch that area during the daytime when I'm out. I don't want it to get infected because it doesn't feel like it's 110% 'normal' to me yet. The redness isn't that noticeable and it is easily, easily covered up by concealer, but it gets more red if you do put makeup on it for the day then take it off in the evening. I was used to just tugging gently at the inner corners to clean out that area in the mornings in the past (for eye mucus, whatevs, not TMI) but now I have to be really careful with that area. Did any of you guys have the same kinda deal with the epi healing slower? It doesn't hurt or anything, but it is definitely not completely-normal-feeling

2) I don't know if this is a part of the recovery period or if it will completely pass, but this past week, I have noticed my eyelid area on both my eyes kind of... Twitching when I laugh really hard/randomly as I go about my daily activities. It's not like a really huge twitch where strangers would be able to see it, but I can definitely feel the involuntary muscle spasm if I place my finger gently over my eyelid. I don't know. This also doesn't hurt, but it sure is an annoyance. I hope it's not working to loosen my stitches or it's just my body and nerves getting used to having the foreign thread inside me.

3) Okay. Here is one thing about Dr. Kwon that I REALLY did notice. If you are asking him for an OUTfolder, bring pictures to clarify exactly where you want the beginning of your outfolder line to start. Go open up a picture of Won Bin or Sui He right now. Look at how his line begins a bit behind the inner corner of his eyes? I'd say... About 0.5mm or so? That was kind of how I imagined my outfolder line would look like. Now go and open up a picture of Takeshi Kaneshiro. Even though his line is completely parallel in length to his entire eye, the beginning part of his double eyelid is still quite a bit above the location of his inner corners. I definitely had a human reference for Dr. Kwon to look at, but I think we weren't in complete agreement about what exactly an outfolder was. My right eye at this point looks like an 'in-out' folder, where my line starts at the corner of my eye and extends outwards. My left eye is parallel, but only slightly. I have that 'Takeshi Kaneshiro' length, but not its height in relation to the eye, so it is 'slightly' parallel. I have to preface that I thought it was pretty clear that this was not what I envisioned, but due to the 'closeness' of the parallel line, my eyes don't look that uneven at all.

I think you guys just have to be really, really, REALLY clear and DEFINITELY double check and show the doctor exactly where you want your line to start and how high you want it to be. Emphasize it again and again because even looking at his pictures of 'parallel' creases, Dr. Kwon in the largeeee majority of cases does a line that still tends towards super low and 'natural.' I put natural in quotes because E. Asian people can still have parallel lids that aren't shaped like in-out folders. I'm not dissatisfied, but I can't say in good conscience that I am 110% satisfied. My eyes look nice and I thought I made myself clear, but there was a disconnect in the end.
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Thanks for your review, as I'm thinking of getting eye revision at Teuim. I can say from personal experience that the "eye twitch" muscle spasms that you're feeling is normal because I also felt the same thing about one month post-op even though I only did non-incision. Give it another month or more and the tightness will subside along with the uncomfortable feeling.
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Would you say he's not good for high creases then? I already have double eyelids but it is very hooded and I would like to see them larger. I do notice that majority of his after photos he posts are very natural and low crease, which is fine if you like that. But I would like a higher crease. Should I avoid Dr. Kwon?
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I think he prefers not to do creases that are too high. Even if they are high, they will be more conservative than what other PS clinics in Korea can do for you. It will have to be your own decision in the end, but I recommend consulting at other clinics that are known for being more friendly to those 'dolly eye' looks... Cinderella comes to mind.
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Its been 3 months since my surgery and i am still having the tight feeling in my eyes.. is this normal? anyone had the same experience? I am attributing it to ptosis correction but am not sure if it could be due to the fact that my crease is very deeply anchored, so causing more stress on the levator muscle. I did notice that my crease is alot deeper this time as compared to my previous buried suture surgery (w/o ptosis correction). Feeling quite stressed about this..
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Hey call me hyung,

I too have the same problems as you. Coming to 1 month post op from teuim. I also asked specifically for a high parallel out fold, but got a in-out sorta fold. From a far it would look like a tapered crease instead. Again epi scar is red and a bit noticeable on the left side, Which is quite concerning since I didn't have that issue with my primary epicanthoplasty. I like the height and shape atm but the only thing I really dislike is the sudden drop in size/thickness of the crease as it approaches the medial canthus on the left side making it look somewhat unnatural. The right-side despite it being in out parallel, I still manage to accept. So Yea Dr kwon definition of parallel is certainly different from what we were used to.. Kinda disappointed really knowing that I had shown him pictures of my definition of parallel multiple times. He said he can do all types of eyes..

Again like other had mentioned I feel my right medial canthus is open more than my left...

For those contemplating teuim for primary, I think you can get a better deal with similar if not better work elsewhere, teuim is the most expensive out of all my consults. I would have gone with other clinic if my case were primary..

Anyway will provide another update at the 3 months mark hopefully things would have turned for the better then... So far I am not super duper impressed by teuim

PS.. beware of the mean surgical nurse.. She literally pulled and pushed my eyelid and medial canthus after the surgery just to show some trainee doc the aesthetic difference between Chinese and Korean.. Damn lady do u know how painful it was. Though the nurse that clean ur wound and remove the stitches is soo freaking nice
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I also got an in-out kind of fold that is parallel at the top and sharply tapers in at the inner corners. What I wanted was an in-fold that very gradually tapers out. Maybe he tends to do the same type of crease for most people? Something for the rest to note about.

@mickely what were you seeking to correct for your revision surgery? how do you think of the revision results?
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I've been considering going to Dr Kwon for my DES as well.

I currently have double eyelids but they are somewhat hooded and are not always present. They're not very deep and so I'd like to have prominent creases that are higher up. I'm not too picky about whether it needs to be parallel or in-out fold, whatever works better for my face.

In my email exchange with Dr Kwon he mentioned I should have DES (non-incisional bc I have thin eyelid skin) + Ptosis correction + Epicanthoplasty.. but I'm a little hesitant with non-incisional, I've heard that they have a tendency to become undone - is this true? Do any of you know anyone who has undergone these procedures and after a few years have noticed it has become undone?

I'm having a hard time trying to find a reputable clinic that specializes in eye surgery as I'm nervous they may pull a switcheroo on me :sad:
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Hi! I have a friend who did it 4 years ago and she said that hers started to loosen, but that was 4 years ago and the surgeon she had wasn't good. They have more complicated procedures now so it really depends on the surgeon but I think since your lids are thin there's good chance yours will stay.
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^ Oh man! I think that's what's making me hesitant..

I'm looking for a permanent result as I'm coming from overseas and am investing time and money into this procedure.. so I'm a little wary when it comes to non-incisional. I don't want to have to book a revisional surgery a few years down the road because I chose a "less permanent" procedure.. Could you please elaborate what you mean by "loosen"? Like is the crease no longer visible? I have a crease right now but I'm afraid that if I undergo surgery to create a higher/more visible crease and it becomes undone, I may wind up without my original crease at all!

Do you or anyone else on this forum know of any other reputable clinics/surgeons? I don't mind if they are on the smaller side as I'm paranoid of the switcheroo anyhow, yet I don't want to sacrifice safety either...

Thanks for your input!!
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Hi Jillyqueen, your eyes at 8.5 months look great and natural. :smile: I was also looking at the pics you posted in the earlier stages.. do you think the distance between your brow and eye widened over time?

I feel that right now my brows and eyes are a little too close, and am hoping it somehow widens and become more natural over time... not sure if that's possible.
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Hi. The distance was naturally narrow even before the surgery. I don't know if it was the same for u. But to me he didn't change it.

Just that I use my forehead muscles less, so I have to raise my eyebrows less to open my eyes, so the distance appears narrower
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