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Hi, nliu48 I think your scar heals pretty well. Maybe you should wait for at least 1 month or 2 then you can contact Teuim again to inject you with steroid or anything that will help your scar.
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it looks like post-op 7 days is healed better then post-op 3 weeks ? best if you can check with your local dermatologist, i might afraid hypertrophic is forming slowly.
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HI copenhagen78, this worries me a lot, i am wondering have you came across with this situation before if you have done epi . i am live Canada, and its so difficult to book an appointment with a dermatologist. i am very depressed now :sad:
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Hi verseHG

Just wondering, have you came across with your situation before? (if you you have done medial epi), some say its hypertrophic form phase, and i am worried :sad:

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No worries, the scar is still fresh. Everybody heals differently, and expectations are different. Give it a time to heal. You probably know that scarring from this procedure is not uncommon.

Try to apply some silicone scar gel. Best probably go to any plastic surgery clinics and have the doctor consider some kenalog/keloid injections ?

P/S: I have never done epi before, but have keloid scar from other minor surgery.
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nliu48 I had the same issue as u. It took me 6 months for the scar to heal.
So don't worry it's definitely not permanent. Some people just take longer to recover.

I was given 6 injections by Dr Kwon. When I returned home, he advised me to go for further steroid injections, but I refused. Hence the slower recovery.

So don't worry.
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HI jillyqueen,

did you have the same a lumpy or ridged area of skin same as i have right. cause if you check at my picture, i am having little red bumps under the scar, and my scar skin is also raised. i am so afraid its going to form hypertrophic/ keloid scar. and i didn't get any steroid injections from teuim, only i said i was allergic to antibiotics and he gave me a shot, and i asked for the second one the next day. intotal 2, but i didn't what those shots were, and i thought they were only for infections. thank you for your help, i saw your recovered picture and they are so beautiful.

thank you

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Yes I had red bumpy skin in the Epi area. At 3 months. Dr kwon said that I had " relatively stronger wound activity than other people". But said its not permanent. And he's right.
The shots he gave u were steroid (triamcinolone) shots.
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I didnt know he does eyebrow lift.. are you happy with the results so far?
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Hi have been reading this forum for a long time and my first post. Was operated on by Dr Charles Lee in LA many years ago, who is good marketer but poor surgeon. Terrible epi scars and high uneven folds. One deep epi scar was caused by him opening up the wound while removing stitches. I remember he even said "oops". This "oops" caused a depressed 1cm scar right in the middle of my face. The other side scarred badly too. Please do not go to him.

After much research and consultation with many surgeons, finally plucked the courage to have Dr Kwon at Teuim revise epi and uneven fold. Just had him operate on me two weeks ago. It has been such a nerve wrecking process as at my age you appreciate the full risks when it comes to flesh/healing and how unpredictable it is. If I had to choose a doctor again, definitely Dr Kwon. He is dedicated to only eyes and one of the best in Korea. He cares about achieving the best results and doesn't overpromise, I can tell.

At two weeks the healing is still underway. I always bruise very badly. But so far so good it seems Dr Kwon did the best job anyone could have done. Keeping my fingers crossed, if the bruising and healing go well, it could be even considered an amazing operation given the crazy deep scars previously. He earned my trust.

Anyway I have two questions I'm hoping I can get help on.

1) Does your skin itch when you apply contractubex to it? Is that normal or should I stop? Also, have any of you also used this other scar cream called dermatix ultra?

2) I'm in Korea for a few more days and so far it's been quite lonely and depressing. If anyone is here, will be glad to have coffee.
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IMO, dematix ultra do not work at all. I tried it on minor scars and it doesn't work so I doubt it will work on surgical scars. I bought it locally and it was so expensive!

I went to Amazon and bought 2 of the best selling scar creams - Kelocote & InstaNatural and used both together and I think it's slowly working so I will most probably use it after my DES. And the price for both is about the same as the price of 1 dematix!
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hihi Riskaverse, I would like to find out more about your revision with dr kwon.. appreciate if you could share the info with me. I have sent you a pm.. pls kindly check your inbox!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey guys,

Just a four month update on my recovery!

Epi: The two little red spots from the internal epi have faded quite a bit. Even after a full day of going about my business/applying concealer in the area, it does not get super red when I take it all off. There are still slight red marks, but really nothing noticeable, especially if you aren't looking specifically for them.

Scars from partial incision: A very, very light reddish brown, not all the way along the length of my double eyelid, but where Dr. Kwon sliced into my eye. It's quite faint but I have still been applying Contractubex every night to the area before I sleep. I'm not going to get lazy and have regrets and 'what ifs' in my mind further down the road. To the poster who asked about the itchiness from the scar-cream, it WILL go away and it also helps if you don't put too much of it on your scar-tissue at a time. It was the WORST feeling the first week after surgery when I was putting the cream on and I literally woke up in the middle of the night from the itching sensation!

Tightness: I don't feel the tightness as much from the ptosis, unless it has been a particularly, particularly long day where I have been using my eyes intensively (think reading or watching TV) for hours on end. This isn't to say I don't notice it. Sometimes I do and it still sucks. My body has largely gotten accustomed to it though and it has gotten better. Hopefully over time, it'll be even less noticeable.

On that note, I still feel very uncomfortable when I place my head upside-down or when blood rushes to my head. I've done yoga and been in the downward facing dog pose a few times. It's manageable with lots of deep breathing, but being upside-down is still not comfortable as you feel the blood racing into your DES area. I -really- hope this goes away one day, as you don't understand the feeling unless you've experienced it. It's not just blood rushing to your head, it's the feeling of blood rushing specifically to the surgical site and it is NOT comfortable. You feel like it might make the stitches explode or something from the pressure and you want to get out of that position ASAP.

Shape: The shape of my double eyelids has continued to change! VERY, very slight asymmetry, but again something strangers would probably notice on an unconscious level but not something they would notice unless they were measuring your eyelids with a tiny ruler. My 'outfolder' line has also become a bit more clear?! I'm not quite sure. It's really hard to describe without you guys seeing it (can refer to the other pictures I posted I guess), but from the inner corner of my eye, it looks like there is a little piece of skin that still attaches to the corner, but the actual line still starts from above my eye corner. Therefore, my double-eyelid LINE is an outfolder, but because of that tiny flap of skin still attached to the inner corner, it gives an illusion of an in-out folder. Sorry if this doesn't really make sense, you have to see what Kwon does to understand.

Still zero regrets about doing the surgery. No major complications with healing or scarring and I'm optimistic it will get even better after a few months. I look in the mirror every day and think how much happier I am with my eyes and you guys don't understand what kind of a peace of mind this brings. Like for once you can look at yourself and just be like, -sigh, not perf, but still such pretty eyes-

Hope that helps
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