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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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I was quoted 3.6M. I didn't really want to negotiate only because this is my face and I wanted him to be motivated to give me quality work (lol). I also didn't have much to leverage because I was going alone and wasn't accompanied by anyone else having the procedure done. I do know that there is a 15% extra charge on top of the quote they provide if you don't use cash. I had epicanthoplasty and full incision double eyelid surgery.

I initially started with an online consultation via his website and I received an email response. After that I corresponded via email, his team is generally pretty quick with an average turnaround of 24-48 hours (keep in mind they are 13 hours ahead).

Just a general update, my healing is much better. I'm applying ointment twice a day (using Dermatix - I know others have mentioned the scar ointment makes the area itchy but I haven't experienced that thus far with Dermatix). The scar is still pink/reddish and my inner corners seem to be healing the slowest. Still don't have much sensation there and it is red with small bumps where the stitches were placed. If I've learnt anything, patience is key!!

Best of luck!
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Nice results! It looks like you also got the love bands, were they done by Dr. Kwon as well?
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Oh I'm sorry! Hahaha... I must have gotten your pre-surgery picture confused with someone else's. I'm going off memory and I thought I didn't see much fat underneath your first original picture. Sorry! :smile:
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no worries :smile:
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hmm, looks pretty good. The fold looks pretty deep tho. How does it look when you close your eyes?
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Hi everyone!
It's been just over 2 months since my partial incision double eyelid surgery with Dr. Kwon. my eyelids look super great now but I am experiencing some side effects. Now, I'm not positive that these side effects are due to the surgery, but I believe it must have some correlation. To begin with, my right eye has really weird vision now. Before, my right eye had better vision than my left eye, now I can hardly see through my right eye. I noticed this a week after my surgery yet it is still occuring. Also, ever since my surgery, my skin (acne) has turned into a train wreck. I have no idea what it was but I'm sure the eyelid surgery and drug injection has probably caused something. I am super depressed that my skin has gotten super bad but hopefully it goes away... at least my eyes look good sigh
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I think you should schedule to see an optometrist or eye specialist about the vision impairment. This makes me worried too because I can't afford to have my vision affected in any way. Please keep us updated. As for your skin situation, this is my first time hearing about something like this. But everyone is different and has different reactions to different things. Hopefully it's nothing serious and your skin will clear up soon. On a good note, that's great that you like your new eyes. :smile:
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its rare to hear about vision being affected after the eyelid surgery.. especially when it is just normal surgery, without ptosis correction. agree that you should probably see an eye doctor about this.. also the skin may be due to some allergy towards the drugs.. hope it gets resolved soon!

could you kindly share some pics of your eyes now? just want to see more results of dr kwon's work. thank you!
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I just did non incision double eyelid, ptosis correction, epicantoplasty in the afternoon. First hour after op is most painful, now still a bit painful but not as bad as earlier.

Ladies, do bring a trusted friend who can take care of you if possible, cause especially right after surgery, you'll be tired n in pain, n it's best to have someone who will take initiative to buy food, bring u water n ice pack when u need.

My most challenging time was to walk back to my guest house (even though it's 10mins walk away) cause I couldn't wear contact lens obviously, n my glasses were sitting on the tip of my nose due to the tapes to cover the epi, n I had a cap to cover, n all I could do was look downwards n held my sis hand as she led the way. N I was feeling awful cause the eyelids felt like burning.

At my guesthouse, I saw a Chinese girl who came alone to do her nose, and she had a translator who accompanied her to all her appts, even stayed with her during weekends n brought her out to shop cause she felt for the girl who is all alone here for surgery. At first I thought "wow, seriously?", but now after doing surgery myself (although its prob the simplest amongst all surgeries), it's really good to have someone with you when you're not feeling well.

Still can't believe I did it, on the op table, seeing what doctor Kwon was doing, I kept thinking I was crazy to do this n kept praying for safety n good results 😂.

Ok am rambling, will post more details a few days later yah.
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today is day 3 after surgery (surgery being day 0). some quick sharing of my experience at Teuim.


dr kwon suggested non incisional double eyelid (cause i have very little eyelid fats), ptosis correction, epicantoplasty. i wasn't keen on epi, but he said it's better, trust him, eventually i agreed. kinda felt pressured in a way. sigh.

met him again before surgery (separate day), he showed and asked me the height i wanted, i have no idea why i told him i wanted the double eyelids to be obvious (like to be seen and not too subtle), and eventually said "u decide". i really wasn't thinking cause i had so much on my mind. argh, still beating myself over it now. i just hope it'll turn out natural.

During Surgery

got the jitters when i was on the op table.
when i was knocked out and saw the bling bling colours all around me, i was so glad i had read one of the poster here describing the whole experience, else i would have thought i was on my way to heaven (or hell, for having been disobedient). it was really odd, it's like i wasn't in human form, i became like a molecule or cube or something.

and halfway "floating" through this psychedelic world, i lost all remembrance of where i was, what i was doing, and i was totally freaked out. when i finally rmbed that i was here for a surgery, i couldn't figure how i had ended up on the table, nor rmb the waiting room i was in earlier. yikes.

finally doctor kwon was done, and i came back to earth slowly! it took me a while to realise i could move my mouth, twitch my nose, move my fingers and even body. and the nurse asked me something and i replied (and thinking in my head, i could talk now!). doc went out twice after injecting my eyes to numb the area (i had thought it was like a long needle like how they inject our arms, but it was tiny ones. i think.) i also thought we were almost done, but noooooo. he hasn't cut the inner corners yet, ptosis and double eyelids not done yet too. and i was like, "then what did he do when i was knocked out???"

when he returned, he cut the inner corners of my eyes. and yes it felt like he was scraping at my nose bone so hard. i was quite worried. after that, i believe he tried to flip my eyelid over and i yelped, so he gave me injection and went out again to wait for it to take effect.

next was ptosis (yes, i actually asked dr kwon, cause i could see and hear everything and talking/ knowing what was happening next was one of my way to calm myself down), and man, that hurt. not sharp pain, but a very dull pain as he pulled the thread in and out. and at times, he chuckled when i groaned! grrrr. would have asked him why he laughed, but i thought i didn't want to distract him when he's sewing my lids.

being able to see what he was doing, i really thought i was crazy to actually have gone ahead to do plastic surgery, even though it's supposed to be a really minor one. however small a surgery is, there will always be a risk. so all i could do was keep praying and asking Jesus for safety and good results, and that i'm sorry and will never do ps again! (it's a personal struggle with God i have. anyways..)

was just so glad when dr said "it's completed".

Post Surgery

first hour after surgery is most painful, after that was numbing pain. day 1 and 2 was just a little discomfort, but after bandage removal on day 1, i went out shopping with my sis for a good 5-6 hours i think. did ice pack as much as i could when i was back and on bed. eyelids still swollen now but it went down quite a bit from day 1.

slept propped up for 1st 2 nights most of the time, but halfway through last night, i was so uncomfortable and getting bitten by mosquitoes, that i just slept normally. and i think that kinda resulted in me seeing yellow bruising and more swollen around my eyes? shall sleep propped up tonight again and see if helps.

i was really glad for my sis to be around to take care of me, and to assure me everything will be fine. and to go out together shopping. so yes, if it's ur first time doing ps, definitely recommend u have someone with u for the first 2 days at least who can care for u.

if there isn't anyone, u can hire someone too, like the chinese translator, jinghua, who cared for the chinese girl i met in the guest house here. if anyone wants her contact can pm me. i do find that she's really quite proactive, caring and knowledgeable in terms of ps stuff (i asked her a lot of things), my guest host also said he finds her to be an honest person too.

alice, the translator at teuim said i have to chin down a bit (don't chin up), and open my eyes wide, esp cause i had ptosis done. apparently to exercise the muscle or something.

i was looking to buy more pumpkin juice on day 2, but the pharmacist at level 1 of the same building said this other drink in a small bottle, with an added ampoule liquid, will be better than pumpkin juice for deswelling. so i bought 3 sets of that according to her recommendations. and i think she said too much of pumpkin juice will make one grow fatter.


i'm staying in big john's guest house, and find it pretty good in that it's cozy and not so lonely compared to a hotel. john is really nice and helpful (i always got him to help me order take away, or when he's not around and the girl's translator was around, she would help me to order), and there are other guests i can talk to if i want to as well (cause my sis is only here for 6 days, and i was here way earlier and leaving way later than her too).

sometimes there are also other guests who do ps here, some minor, some really invasive ones, so they could be recovery buddies too.


my main concern now is if my double eyelids will look unnatural (due to my own stupidity in telling him i want obvious. hope he has more sense than me), and my right inner eye corner seems more cut in than my left, can see the flesh inside more. very worried about that. shall now wait for my stitches to be removed on monday and see him again.
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Thanks for your review. It was great! Some parts made me laugh so hard, like during the first day of operation. Hahaha...

Overall, how would you rate your experience? Are you satisfied so far?
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