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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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do you like the result so far? seem like the eyelid has gone down a bit ? cant remember whether you had non incisional or incisional done ?

this is mine, coming almost 4 months.

i have non incisional, and a bit afraid the height might coming down soon or later :smile:

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Dear hanalymi,

I keen on fat graft on my sunken upper and lower eye , forehead, chin, cheek , temple as well. How do you feel abt the fg result on your forehead and under eye ? You mentioned that result not as you expected , means it doesn't survived ?
Appreciate your reply and advice.
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Hi kat0719,

Do you mind to share the fat graft ? Have you done the fat graft ?
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Hey sorry I've been busy!
I will be heading over for a consultation in a few days.
I am going to bring over some photos of my own eyes photoshopped into desired results + a few other "target" photos of other people.
Thanks for the advice :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi everyone, I'm one day post op from my DES (non incisional) and epi done at Teium with Dr. Kwon. Everything is great so far, no complaints. I'll have a lengthy write up on the entire process later today when I have more energy, but was wondering if anyone who's had this done could be kind enough to answer any of my questions?

Since I got my bandages removed today,

1) Am I allowed to wash my face now and shower or should I keep water away from my eyes?
2) When can I start wearing contact lenses?
3) How long until I can start to exercise or go to a sauna?
4) Should I put scar creme on my eyes and where there's a red line from the epi or does this not help since they are both on the inside of the skin not outside?
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Ok Teium responded to my ?s so I figured I'd post here in case anyone can benefit.

1) Am I allowed to wash my face now and shower or should I keep water away from my eyes?
​You should keep water away from your eyes.
2) When can I start wearing contact lenses?
​1 month later, at least after stitch removal
3) How long until I can start to exercise or go to a sauna? at least 2 weeks later
4) Should I put scar creme on my eyes and where there's a red line from the epi or does this not help since they are both on the inside of the skin not outside?
​Don't apply scar cream on wound yet. we will explain after stitch removal.

So I'm 2 days post DES (non incisional and epi) and I'm pretty satisfied at how everything went. I was going to write a long post about the entire process but really it's all been layed out by others and I don't really have anything new to add since my experience mirrors most everyone else's who contributed with their first hand accounts of getting DES with Dr. Kwon at Teium. I'll instead add some tips for those who are thinking about getting DES at Teium. I'm a mid 30's Korean american male from the US who decided on Teium for DES after reading the entire master DES thread as well as this entire thread. The reasons for going with Teium and Dr. Kwon for DES to me seemed pretty obvious and logical

1) He's done so many and specializes in DES, (no worries about a doctor switch during surgery like at a factory clinic.)
2) His reviews are overwhelmingly positive
3) He seems to have a good aesthetic sense of what will best match your face and keep things looking natural which is important to me as a guy.

The only negatives seemed to be that if you're looking for dolly eyes or something extremely higher in crease that's parallel, some contributors to this thread complained that they didn't exactly receive what they desired but were nonetheless satisfied. Often times you can't please everyone 100 percent since everyone's expectations differ as well what is realistic according to your own face etc, which I assume he knows pretty well from doing so many DES procedures.

The only other negative seems to be the cost which is higher than other places but really it's only 1000 to 1200 more usd for me to go with Teium which seems like a no brainer. Yes, DES is rather commonplace in Seoul and there's always some place offering a discount or special sale of DES for sometimes 500-700 usd but why take that risk with no direct recommendation? To me it seems silly to at least not get a consult with Teium for DES since he is well regarded and seems to be a specialist in this very procedure.

And finally I appreciated that Teium's website went out of it's way to fully explain the DES procedure as well as his version of epi which he invented and the reasoning that often times he performs both in combination to achieve the expected results for this procedure. The multitude of before and after pics as well as the positive press he's received in such a competitive plastic surgery mecca such as Seoul pretty much is the icing on the cake for me to go with Dr. Kwon at Teium.

Anyhow as mentioned I'm now 2 days post surgery and instead of writing a even lengthier post from start to finish of the entire process which has already been documented various times by other contributors I feel it's probably more useful to list some tips and random observations to help any of you out there that's considering this.

1) Start taking some Bromelin (which is a pinnapple enzyme) a week before your scheduled surgery date and afterward to help with swelling.
2) Try to book a hotel near the clinic, I booked at Hotel Eastern which is less than a 10 minute walk away and reasonable (55-65 a night) quiet, has a refrigerator and freezer, strong wifi and is next to a 7-11 and tons of food options. They also let me rent a power adapter which was great. I also was able to book this through hotels.com so after 9 days here I already get a free night (since you get one free night after 10 bookings)
3) On the day of your surgery, bring a surgical mask, some glasses if you wear them for your vision, or sunglasses, and also a hat if you're going to feel self conscious walking back afterwards. You'll have a bunch of tape which will be easily visible in the middle of your face and so at least with the mask, hat and glasses you won't be as obvious as post ps patient, haha.
4) Make sure you get enough rest the night before your surgery, and try to keep your eyes closed and only open them when instructed to do so. Go in with a positive mood and try to concentrate on breathing slowly and deeply which will calm you down. Focus on anything but what is exactly happening to you during the surgery (such as the music in the background) to make it go by faster.

Other random things to note

1) Dr. Kwon's english is very good and his personality if I had to describe it in one word would be Regal. haha. He's pretty calm yet confident and I could tell he's a perfectionist, he was easy to talk to and you can tell he's an expert who knows exactly what he's doing. I appreciated his attention to detail and his gentle methods during the surgery which didnt seem rushed and I felt no pain whatsoever so I was thrilled at that.

2) Alice's english was also very good and she was very cheerful and helpful, she made the process easier for me.

3) I was amazed at how quickly I was set up to begin the surgery once I entered the surgery room and lay down. They are a well oiled machine and his team of nurses prepped me so fast (putting layers on me, prepping my face, inserting the iv into my arm and putting on the pulse monitor on my finger, etc) I was a bit taken aback but realize now that was for the best since if it would have lingered longer I would have started to let my thoughts race too much and get anxious.

4) As mentioned, once the drugs get into your body from the IV you're going to feel very out of sorts as random images and colors will appear and it's all very bizarre. My only suggestion is to remember to breathe deeply and slowly to relax yourself, try to focus on the music in the background or anything positive so you won't try to picture what exactly is happening to you during the surgery.

5) Although I didn't feel any pain, there are instances when you feel them applying pressure to the inner corners of your eyes and feel them pressing against your nose and skull and it made me fee like a robot if that makes any sense. I felt like some sort of robot getting maintenance or repairs haha. It was just surreal to be feeling the obvious physical pressure and also realize when they were threading the stitches yet feel no actual pain. As mentioned I think it's logical to only open your eyes when asked to and try to focus on anything else (such as the music in the background) then on what exactly is happening or how much longer the surgery will last, etc.

5) After the surgery I had a bit of a pressure headache in the middle of my face from the swelling but took a long nap and afterwards I was fine. I stopped taking the aspirin and pain meds but am still taking the antibiotics to ward off any possible infection.

So that's pretty much it, just waiting for my stitch removal in 4 days. Having read through this entire thread helped so much since it put me at ease and I knew what to expect each step of the way. I'll update this thread once I recover further. I'm not going to post pics sorry, I 'm already a bit embarrassed about having PS done since I'm a guy anyhow even though it's not a big deal these days since a lot of males have gotten procedures done but don't want my pics up on this forum as a personal choice. However if any of you have any questions feel free to reply to this thread. Again I'm thankful to all the useful information on this thread which definitely eased any tensions I had about going through with this.

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Hello! This is my eyes 3.5 months after partial incision+epicanthoplasty at Teuim. Here are a few negatives after the surgery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/134369681@N05/albums/72157661456253876

1. My skin got totally ruined. After Korea, I started breaking out like crazy and in areas where I normally don't. I am guessing this is due to an allergic reaction with a drug or antibiotics they gave me. Also jetlag could have impacted this. Anyways my skin is starting to slowly heal but i am left with nasty scars everywhere :sad:

2. Due to the epicanthoplasty, the shape of my inner corners are different and when I smile I get tiny crinkles on my right eye. This doesn't bother me too much though.

In general, I am very happy about my eyes and I wish you all luck for your surgery!
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Thank you for sharing your experience! Your eyes look great!!

If you don't have a history of allergies, it's likely the antibiotics that have caused your acne. Try taking a high-quality probiotic and loading up on foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt, if you haven't done so already. :smile:
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Thank you, and check my flickr albums page for photos. I will update more photos in a few more months :smile: Also, I had Dr. Kwon and paid 3.0m krw.
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Thank you! I believe it was the antibiotics too. I am assuming (it's been almost 4 months) that the antibiotics are slowly leaving my body since I am breaking out a lot less. Just sucks how as soon as my eyelid problem is over, I now have to deal wiht a skin problem -.- Anways, Thank you for your tips :smile:
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Hi Hellokitty, I understand your concerns, but instead of asking all these questions I suggest you read through the entire DES master thread as well as this one, many of your questions will be answered. Also it's non incisional or incisional for the Double eyelid surgery types, not inclusion etc.

As far as Dr. Kwon from Teium being "the best", that's a question that's totally subjective, nobody can claim any surgeon is the best etc, but all you can do really is read through these threads and set up appointments in person to find the best surgeon for you. As far as reading about some Chinese patients going on protest about messed up eyes that has nothing to do with Teium and I suggest you be more careful mentioning these types of things without a proper link to show proof because you may be scaring others who read this and if some have had bad experiences with other clinics that has nothing to do with Teium on the Teium DES thread. Mentioning this may mislead some readers into thinking your talking specifically about complains against Teium which doesn't seem to be what you wrote if I'm reading it correctly (instead your mentioning complaints that some chinese patients have had against other clinics, not Teium) so please be more careful what you imply or state since many readers of this thread are having the same questions and concerns as you, and while it's important to read through these threads in the end only you can make the decision after visiting with various surgeons in person to find the right fit, etc.
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Hi~ thanks for sharing your photos! your eyes look great :smile: how's the height of your crease? It looks like a natural hidden crease from your pictures.. did you request for slightly higher fold?
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Thanks, and yes I wanted a hidden crease with only the outer edges showing.
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Hey everyone,
I got back from Korea for a surgery with Dr. Kwon. Boy what an adventure. I went alone and I highly recommend others to bring someone with you. I did epi + non incisional DES.

Today is 12 days postop, and I feel my crease is way too high. I know it will get lower with time, but as it stands, it would have to lower by...quite a lot in order to look natural. Here is a pic:


Can somebody with experience shed some light on whether it is normal for this stage to be this high? Quite worried now :amazed:

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