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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Was just wondering when did you start wearing makeup?
I had friends who applied make up like few days or 1 week after surgery and I noticed that their scares were really red when healing.

Dr Kwon advised me to avoid contacts and makeup for 1 month which is what i did.
Food wise, I ate as per normal and even smoke. =X

In addition, I was applying Kelo Cote Sillicon Gel every night. I read on a blog that this helps quite a bit.

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Hmm. Iet me break it down for you.
Day 0- surgery
Day 5 - removal of stitches
Day 15 - had to put makeup for work as I started working then.

I had the same problem with the area turning red whenever I put make up.. I just make sure that I thoroughly clean the area afterwards.
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Hi Swallow nice to see u again:smile:

How was the revision? What did dr Kwon say was the cause of the droopiness? He just did the ptosis correction on one eye for the revision?

Only touched makeup after 4 weeks.

Actually Joey it may also be the cleaning agent that aggravates the redness...
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Hmm initially it stings when I put bb cream on the corner and on the lids. So I believe it's actually the bb cream that causes the redness ...
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Hi all!

I have just done my surgery at Teuim, reporting live from korea now.

Note: Kwon is setting up his own clinic (it is across the road from current AT clinic) His website will be ready in Sept he says. It will still be named Teuim. You can still reach him by his email.
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Now, lets move on to the surgery.

And whoever said PS didnt hurt, you lied :sad:

First I was asked to fill a form with your medical allergy and what not. Then went to see Kwon, he will asked what you want, but as I didnt had a ideal set of eyes, I just told him i didnt wanted to look so sleepy and wanted bigger brighter eyes. He initially suggested parallel but I was afraid it might look weird hence i wanted tapered. but he explained his method of epi + parallel will make it look like a in-out fold. means its parallel but the front part is pulled towards the middle by the epi, making it look tapered. He is a strong advocate of epi, he keep saying you will look weird if you do not do epi. (Something to note: I visited Dream and April prior to Teuim, and both said I do not have ptosis, (or fake ptosis) so they say,) Hence I strongly believe Teuim will tell almost anyone and everyone that you have ptosis and needs epi.

Then I paid up and waited for my surgery. No blood test was done ( someone else who did it at regen and BK spend an hour before surgery doing all the blood tests, I would think that is a very good practice as these will verify what you have written on the form and they can assess the amount of anesthesia you really need) In my case, I do not know whether it was a case of insufficient sedation that led to so much pain, because almost all I know who did it at other places, says it didnt hurt at all.

During the surgery, the nurses were freaking rough! they keep touching the needle where i have the sedation inserted and i had to move my hand myself in case they poke me with their body. Kwon was equally rough. I suddenly felt immense pain on my eyeball as they were pressing down on my eyeball on my lids (later on i found out it was because they were trying to spread the LA all over my lids, hence they were pressing the eyeball, but oh boy, did that hurt! (alot) Afterwhich I could hear them cut my corners (no pain) burn off my fats or muscle (no pain) stitching (again and again, no pain, just discomfort) and i hear kwon sighing over and over again (imagine my horror) I think he sews me up and ask me open close, and if he is not satisfied, he de-sews me and do it all over again.

The part that really really hurts (i found out it was the epi afterwards) was i felt intense aching pain in btw my eyes. during surgery, i could feel him poking and scrapping (what felt like my bones) with superhuman strength. it felt like they were drilling a hole in my skull manually. I asked the nurse later on, and she say it was epi. Anyone had the same experience?

Weirdly enough, after the surgery my nose bridge was swollen too.

I came out about 3 hrs later. They gave me eye mask and medicine and ask me to do cold press for the next 3 days.

I religiously took the medicine and the coldpress, but my swelling was very bad. Perhaps it was because I did not take the "extra precautions" like pumpkin juice or some pills that you guys were mentioning about.

My swelling remained the same from about day 4 till now. I asked the nurse on day 4 for deswelling injection as I had to gfo back to work on monday but she refused, saying that they had injected during surgery. and so i just did the light therapy and went off.

Day 6 nite, as I was cleaning my stiches with saline, suddenly 1 of the stitches fell off, i panicked! but the nurse told me it was a sign of recovery.

Today, Day 8, I went back to remove my stitches. IT WAS FREAKING PAINFUL. the nurse had to hold my forehead down and told me not to move if not the blades will cut me. (it was the rough nurse that removed the stitch for me too) The epi removal was the worst. The threading was still bearable. I teared.

After the removal, I asked again for the deswelling injection as my swell was really bad. they injected me this time, say it will take one day to see effect. I will update tomorrow. the swelling injects hurts a little at the inner corner, otherwise it felt just like a injection sting.

I now see little bumps on my incision line, kwon said it will disappeared in 2-3 mths time. Is that true? and is the little bumps normal?
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All in all, I cannot say whether Kwon has did a good job anot as my lids are still swollen. But in terms of post op care, AT isnt very good.(maybe thats why he is moving away from AT) Someone else did it at regen (she cut thinner lids and hence they say it will not swell so much) and BK (she took all her precautions like vit c, chinese med, pills etc, and she did not do ptosis) and their swelling was not this bad at all (maybe its me) But kwon did bother to come look at me during the 2nd day and after stitch removal to assess my lids.

But I must say, the chinese consultant , angela, was really really nice. She stayed with me throughout the op, ( I could hear her and she kept comforting me) and even during my post ops visits. she will help to advise and write whatever you need (in korean) and ask you to get from the pharmacy downstairs . Like I was worried about the scars, she told me to get contractubex (scar removal cream) although i felt i was ripped off by the pharmacy! (38000!!!)

She says I can apply bbcream tomorrow, but try not to do liner or mascara (or any pigmented stuff around your eyes)

I will definitely update as I go along my recovery. '

Thanks PF!
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My Revision is in october. Have not gone for it yet. =)
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Thanks for your update, hope u speedy recover. And plz do update us afterwards!!

And may you also share your experiences about other consultation in april and dream?
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Hi orzya, the bumps are normal. They will go off.
If you want u, before u leave, u can try to visit the clinic again to try and get another shot of steroids.
My swell was really bad too. Even though I took pains apple and pumpkin porridge after surgery.

As for the pain, sorry to hear about that.
But honestly, my surgery was not pain. The only parts that hurt a little was:
1) the ptosis correction: felt he was scraping the beneath of my eye, which felt uncomfortable
2) the additional anesthesia shot

As for the skull scraping effect u talked about, yeah I felt that too. But it was in no way painful.

For me the injections (post op) were the most painful, more so than the surgery.

Maybe I'm lucky, but I felt the nurses were gentle. I did not feel a thing during stitch removal. Which I felt was wierd to.

My tolerance for pain is low btw.
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thanks all.

my pain tolerance is mid, i supposed. To me the additional jabs and even the anti swell jabs today was bearable to me. but the pressing of eyeball and scrapping was horrible. duno has it got anything to do with my lasik-ed eyes, or because I had underwent anesthesia before, hence I was more resistant to the normal dose?

I am leaving sat already, I dun think they will gimme additional shots, they already gave me 6 jabs today. (that was how bad my swells were)

I will try to upload photos of the various stages as I recover.

Wish all a speedy recovery too!
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