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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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I mean, yeah, you are right elainee, and it is KRW.
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Now I'm planning to check Dr. Kwon out ;)
May I please know what you did on your eyes and how much you paid for it?
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hi mochi 1234, i did full incisional + ptosis correction and magic epi. The price they first quoted to me was 4.2M krw or 4.1M. Now I couldn't rmbr haha..but I got a discount. It's not that nice to reveal the actual price paid cause I paid in cash and i do want to mislead anyone. If u intend to pay by cash too, just prepare to ask for a discount :smile:
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Hi Elaine, i did partial incisional+epi+ptosis correction with dr Kwon on the 16th of June. At first i had a shock because when i came out of surgery, it looked like a full incisional method was used. It is day 5, and i must say that i am very happy with the shape of my eyes. However, there is still asymmetry (uneven crease and pupil exposure) and its most likely because of uneven swelling. May i know if u had the same problem? I completely trust his skills, but it would be good to know that I'm not the only one in this situation. Thank you.

Because i have benefited very much from this forum, i will continue to update my results on this thread.
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Hi jillyqueen,

How did you know it was a full incisional method? Dr Kwon advise that I should get a full incisional so I trusted him and had one. No regrets so far.

Yes, I do have the same problem. I couldn't close my left eyes completely even at stitch removal day and it causes my eyes to tear easily as it was dry. I told Dr Kwon my concern as I am worried of not being able to close my eyes completely. Dr Kwon said it will b better in 1-2 months. & currently I'm at 1 month and 1 week and I can say it has almost fully recovered. I can now close my eyes without showing the pupil and it doesn't cause me to tear anymore. So b patient, give some time.

The best thing that happened to me was, many people didnt even notice I had a surgery when they see me after 1 month and as the swelling has mostly gone down, I'm really happy with the results, I even look good without makeup. In fact, I refrain from putting too much makeup on my eyes as I think it looks really natural. Many friends and even my regular hairstylist had a shock as to how natural it looks. Many people said it looks super natural & now they understand why I am willing to spend that kind of money in Korea, although it was fully sponsored by my hubby lol.

So be patient and trust me, you will love the results like I do. I can't already say how grateful I am that I chose to go through the surgery. :smile:
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I believe it was not full incisional. but it looked like full when i compared my post surgery pics to pics of people who did full incisional. Anyway, other than the closing of eyes did your eyes heal symmetrically,? Dr Kwon looked concerned when he saw my eyes as a result i just had a jab to bring down the swell.
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I understand that u couldn't close your eye, But when u opened them, were they symmetrical? Its difficult for me to go out to see my friends with asymmetrical eyes.
I would like to stress again that i still do think highly of Dr Kwon and trust him. I know that its my body reacting to the surgery, not his skill. My purpose of posting here is to find out the duration. And whether I'm one of the rare patients with the asymmetry problem.

I was so worried when he asked his nurse for my old pictures. Cause originally, my right eye was slightly smaller than my left. And Dr Kwon pointed it out during the consultation and suggested ptosis correction. I initially objected but took his advice in the end, hoping to see an improvement wrt symmetry.

Yeah and Dr Kwon also recommended full incisional for me too. but agreed that partial will also work, thats why i took partial.
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Hi jillyqueen,

I looked back at my photos and found that when I opened my eyes it is asymmetrical until end of day 7, however it wasn't that bad. My left eye generally swells much worse than my right eye causing the asymmetry. However, Dr kwon did not give me any jab.

I've read alot of reviews on soompi and I recall many people faced the same problem as you but they eventually got better when swelling goes down. Everybody heals differently and my swelling is basically not so bad except the first few days.

U r just at around day 5 right? I guess you should just give urself some time. After dr kwon looked at your old picture, did he say anything to you?
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Yup when I first posted it was day 5. It is day 7 now, and my eyes are much more symmetrical after the jab. :smile: I know the assymetry is due to the swelling cause the distance between by bottom brow and my top lid is identical.
Yup I know it's too much to ask for complete symmetry at day 6.
Dr kwon spoke in Korean to his nurse when he saw my pics so I could not understand a thing. But when I asked about the symmetry he told me that they will be symmetrical after the swelling subsides.
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Anyway mine is partial incisional so I thought I would heal faster. I wish I could post my post surgery pic here (if I knew how to haha). U would think I had a full incision done. It was even bleeding after.

I think partial incision is up to the discretion of the doc and this doc took it to the extreme. (Cause initially he recommended full for me haha)

Unlike another clinic I consulted, for partial they only do a 3 mm incision.
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Anyway, to all forumners, if u are considering double eyelid surgery. I recommend Dr Kwon:smile: he really takes care of you. After the injection, the swelling went down by almost half. :smile: My eyes look more symmetrical at day 7. And I can already tell that it's going to look great:smile:. Most doctors would have just dismissed it and asked the patient to give it time. But Dr Kwon actually took time off to give me the injection, even though he was in the midst of another surgery.

I paid (slightly more than) 1.5 times more for Dr Kwon compared to other clinics like Wonjin. And it's worth it.:smile: It's your face ladies, don't stinge. Through this experiance, I learnt that the eyelid surgery is not as simple as people think. Yes it's a very common surgery, but NOT simple. An eye specialist is necessary not a mere "board certified surgeon".
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Thank you for the assurance and reminder not to sting for surgeries that may seem minor/common. :smile:
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  • 4 weeks later...
After reading all your posts, I have gained valuable information. Thank you all sooo very much(:
I have one question..how are your scars?
I am getting full incision ptosis and epi and am be concerned about scarring. Is it noticeable? Does the incision line heal completely? Thanks
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Hi I did partial incision and non incisional ptosis. So far it is 1 month and 2 days. No scaring at the incision line except the epi. But I'm not too concerned about the epi scars since they are fading away quickly. The nurse told me that it will take 3 months for the scars to heal. But from the rate I'm recovering, I think it will take shorter than that.
According to Dr Kwons website, some people have no markings by day 5. I think it depends on the persons skin type and recovery rate.
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About the ptosis... I also think it would be best if u clarify with Dr Kwon if your ptosis is incisional/non incisional. Then u would know what to expect for your recovery rate. incisional ptosis has longer recovery time.
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