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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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I too would love to hear about your experience. I'm thinking of going with atrium as well in September.

Please let us know :smile:
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I underwent a Double eyelid and Epi procedure 2 weeks ago at the Teuim.

Epi has no scar, healed perfectly. Very pointed westernized style epi, love it! :heart:

Previously I had infold eyelid, and Dr Kwon make it to medium parallel crease.

I have no regrets choosing Dr Kwon, very satisfied with his works.

Good luck!!
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@copenhagen78 - thanks for the update :smile: I'm really glad to hear things went well! I'm pretty set on him as well and am looking forward to going next month!!
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Hi, Do you mind sharing your B/A pictures on kakao? Im deciding Teuim but couldn't be sure because I want high parallel crease which is not Dr.Kwon's specialty and from the B/A I saw so far, it really isn't what I want. I want to take a look at your medium parallel crease. My id is curiouscat24 , thank you in advanced!
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Sounds like you had a great experience! Can't wait to read about it!
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Hello everyone, I am here to share my partial incision+epicanthoplasty experience at Teuim plastic surgery clinic with Dr. Kwon. I have taken pictures of the healing process but will upload them together once it is all healed. Anyways, this post will probably be insanely long so I’m going to try to explain it as short as I can…

Why I got the procedure/Eyes prior to surgery
I naturally have double eyelids but my left eyelid fold started folding weird about two years ago. I would constantly wake up and they would be a different size from my right eye. This annoyed me so I started using eyelid tape and later on used eyelid glue. The glue drooped my eyelids a lot… which caused me to form a triple crease which was really annoying and ugly. To prevent the drooping to get worse, I kind of had no choice but to get this procedure.

Online Consultations
Through email, I’ve consulted Oz Clinic, Teuim Clinic, Opera, Real, and Wannabe. I think there is more but I don’t remember. All I know was that my mind was set on Teuim. In the Online consultation, they quoted me 2.0m krw for non-incisional and 1.4m krw for epicanthoplasty. They gave me directions to the clinic and recommended me places to stay.

In Korea, I stayed in a relatively cheap hotel in Yeoksam (pm me if you’re curious in the hotel). The hotel was very nice and clean and was only a 2-5 minute walk from the clinic. Also, if you’re going to Korea, buy a wifi stick because it comes in handy. Also, don’t just stay home everyday after surgery… Korea is freaking amazing and I am so glad I got to do a lot of things there. Go out! It’ll help the healing and make your experience amazing.

I wrote this right after my consultation so I will just copy it below:
Pt1: I walked over to the changlim building and teuim was located on level 6. The clinic was rather smaller than I expected; about the size of a smaller dental office. When I got there, I sat on the couch and there was 3 books displayed in front of me. Two of the books had information and pictures of eyelid surgery that you can find on the Teuim website. The third book had reviews of other clients. I didn't read through the books that thoroughly but I am planning to the day of my surgery. Since I got the earliest reservation, there was only two other patients in the clinic. One of them was a local and the other was a foreigner who also appeared to get her eyes done. I didn't speak to them as I was extremely nervous. There was two consultants at the front desk and one of them with pretty eyes helped me. Btw my dad was with me the whole time. She gave me this consultation form that I filled out. The consultation form included what I wanted out of this procedure. The consultant that was with us was really nice and smiley. After waiting about 15 mins, we were called into the doctors office. Dr Kwon actually appeared thinner than I expected. Anyways, he asked me to look between his eyebrows and close my eyes. Which, then he proceeded by using this metal stick thing and creating a crease. Before that, he asked me what I wanted out of the procedure and i brought in pictures of styles of eyelids that I liked. I used daddoa's (youtuber) pictures. He explained how I wanted a middle size crease that is tapered. Also, Dr kwon was very gentle when he was examining my eyes. This gave me a good sign. His English is pretty good so you don't really need a translator. Dr kwon recommended me for non incision because apparently I don't have fat in my eyelids. I kept refusing because I was scared of it coming undone so we both ended up agreeing with partial incision even though he said it was unnecessary. He also said I needed epicanthoplasty and explained to my dad what if was. He asked me if I had any questions and I had like lots and i don't even remember what I asked anymore. I remember I asked him about scarring and he said that there is almost invisible scar for the eyelid and after two months the epicanthoplasty scar should go away. I asked him about healing time bc I have to go to school in a month. He said that for my medium size crease in a month the swelling will still be there but it won't be that bad. I really hope it won't be bad or people at school might know about it. (Im keeping this procedure private). Im planning to just use makeup to cover it up lmao. Also, I asked him if there's any foods I should avoid eating and he told me nothing... which surprised me bc a lot of people said not to eat seafood, dark pigmented foods, and salty foods. Also I asked him about pumpkin juice and he said he didn't believe in that. In general, he seemed really chill about the surgery and told me it's extremely minor so to not worry. However, he seemed really confident in the procedure.

Pt2: After the consultation with Dr. Kwon finished, I got lead into a second room with the consultant. We were talking about price and she quoted me 1.4m krw for epicanthoplasty and 1.8m krw for partial incision des. So this adds up to 3.2m krw which was less than I was quoted online (3.4m krw for non incision). I wasn't expecting bargaining to work bc a lot of people said that teuim would not bargain but I simply asked for it to be 3.0m krw and she agreed right away. The girl was super nice. However, I don't know if this will work for everyone because I mentioned beforehand that im a highschool student and I can't afford a lot lol. I know I could’ve bargained more because some people get 3m krw for ptosis, partial and epicanthoplasty. Oh well lol. My surgery is 10am on Saturday so im quite nervous... I didn't get it the day of consultation because we didn't exchange money yet and also i couldn't get it the next day because it was all booked (proves their busy). I also gave a $300 drop off fee before hand to reserve surgery. It's 10% of the procedure but she will give it back once you go.

I only consulted with teuim because I trust the doctor and clinic. Also, because we already left the drop off fee so there was no point in consulting with other clinics unless I wanted to lose the money. I was going to consult with opera and wannabe too.

Btw, there's a pharmacy located on the first floor where you can buy the pumpkin juice and scar creams.

Surgery Day

I got my surgery two days after my consultation since they were busy the next day. I recommend getting the procedure done as early in the day as possible so the doctors and nurses all have a fresh mind. This was about two weeks ago so I don’t remember every detail, but I’ll try my best to explain the experience. I arrived at the clinic and I believe I was the only one there since I got the earliest time possible. Anyways, I waited for awhile on the couches and was extremely nervous. Then the consultant called me into the recovery room and I actually had no idea what they were trying to ask me to do. But they told me to take off my clothes and so I did… and this was so damn embarrassing because I walked out of the recovery room in just my bra and thought I was the only one in the clinic but there was another korean local guy and idk if he saw me but he was pretty cute so I ran back in oh god. IM RAMBLING SORRY. Anyways, turns out I had to wait for them to give me the robe and slippers. Once I changed and washed my face, I got lead into the consultation room again. Dr. Kwon went over what I wanted and I explained how I wanted the ends of my eyelids to flare out. He told me I have a droopy bone structure so that will be hard to do, but it actually does flare out as of now haha. Anyways, it just went by so quick and next thing you know I was lead into the operation room.

The nurses started putting 481783917893 layers of stuff on me and strapped me onto the chair. They were cleaning stuff all over my face and eyes and stuck an iv into my arm. Next thing you know, I was in another world. Okay this experience is really difficult to describe unless you go through it. Basically, I could hear everything in the clinic, including the hypnotizing music they played, but I was seeing something else. I was on this roller coaster thing and it felt SO real. Like its hard to describe but I didn’t know I was in surgery yet I could hear everything? Drugs man… Anyways, soon I realized I was in surgery and started freaking out and started to regret everything. I actually didn’t feel any of the cutting; I couldn’t even feel them touching me. But then, later on I felt the sewing stitches and it started to hurt soooo much. I think the anesthesia was wearing off. They kept telling me to relax but how can I relax when I felt everything. SO PAINFUL. Okay I don’t remember the order from hear on out but I remember a few things about the surgery. Halfway through, they gave me another shot of anesthesia but I swear it didn’t work because I could feel everything after it. Also, one part it felt like they were drilling into my skull; it actually didn’t hurt but it felt so uncomfortable I can’t even explain into words. Halfway through, I think the doctor left because I couldn’t hear his voice and the anesthesiologist was massaging my eyes for what seemed like forever. Also, the doctor would tell me to open and close and that part was so hard and uncomfortable. All I know was it was very uncomfortable and painful and my first thought after the surgery was damn, I’m never doing that again.

I got put into the recovery room with an ice pack after I was done. I had bandages on my nose and I looked hideous lol. My dad went to buy my scar cream and pumpkin juice and the consultant gave me medicine, gauze, 3 icepacks, and an ointment. I wanted to stay in the recovery room longer but she told me I had to go (in a nice way though). Luckily it was raining so I covered my face with the umbrella LOL. THIS IS WHY I ADVISE YOU TO GET A HOTEL IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE CLINIC.
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Healing Process

Day 1-2:
stayed in hotel all day
iced my eyes all day
drank two packs of pumpkin juice everyday

Day 3:
got bandages removed
didn’t ice my eyes as frequently oops

Okay, well for the rest of the days I didn’t use too many warm packs so I had pretty bad bruising but I went out and had a lot of fun in Korea. Definitely want to go there again.

Stitch removal
I got my stitches removed 6 days after the procedure. Most people said it was painful but I literally felt nothing. Also, btw the nurse was SUPER nice and friendly and had super pretty eyes. I was so surprised when I looked at myself in the mirror since I had literally no epi scars.

If you have any questions, just ask me. Im here to help you :smile:
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Hey guys, well I decided to share the pictures now and keep updating as I recover. This took legit two hours to sort so YOU'RE WELCOME. Anyways, I have included pictures of the clinic, my old eyes, and several recovering pics per day. Right now I am on day 12 and I feel a little bit depressed. Yes my eyes look good but I am missing my old eyes. I feel like my eyes look really fake right now and I hope it heals and looks better. Also, without my epi fold I feel like my eyes look shapeless and weird so hopefully it heals better. Im kind of sad since before people would say I look similar to Suzy from Miss A but now I don't see it at all... sigh. Anyways, I just hope this isn't the end of my healing and the eyelid continues to shrink and look natural. Ugh I keep having a feeling that I should've just not done this procedure. Oh well.

*** BTW the pictures are really disgusting so beware

Anyways, Here is the link to the photos:

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Looks like your eyes are healing well. I don't see anything wrong with them atm and they are healing as they should be healing. I noticed you were putting scar cream (I think) over where they got your epi done, but it won't help in this case because Kwon's stitches are actually internally placed for epi, so no external scarring there!

It seems like Kwon is conservative with anaesthesia because your experience of having it hurt because it was wearing off is pretty similar to mine. Yes guys. Getting double eyelid surgery with Kwon does hurt, hahaha! Results are worth it though~

I am 5 months and a bit into healing and my eyes have continued to change.
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ALSO to you guys who want higher, parallel creases, I don't recommend Dr. Kwon. When I was explaining what type of eyelid shape I wanted, I felt like it was rushed and he didn't take it too much in consideration. He tends to do the same eyelid shape for everyone; but, it worked out for me since I wanted a natural in-out fold.
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