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I keep reading that Dr. Kwon does not do western, parallel crease eyes well. Has anyone gotten that out of his surgeries & would be wiling to share their experiences? If not, who is a doctor/which clinic would I go for western-looking eyes? Thanks.
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Copenhagen posted pictures of his parallel crease done by Dr Kwon and it looks great!

I guess it all depends on your eye shape, bone structure, eyelid skin thickness, muscle, etc. Therefore, certain eyelid shapes/styles may not necessarily translate the same way between person to person. I think that's also why certain patients have strange looking eyelids because the style they selected may not have been suitable and/or the surgeon did not use an effective procedure(s). I think there's a whole bunch of other factors that can affect the end result.

I think a good doctor will be able to decide what style and method of double eyelid will bring about the best result.
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I am quite certain for most of us, having ps for the 1st time is probably the most daunting and traumatic experience of a life time. There is only one chance to get it right, hence the stress.

I wish to thank previous reviews about Teuim. Dr Kwon. I searched most of the larger clinics, by accident I found this forum. I am thankful to those who spent time and effort to retell your experience. My gut instinct confirmed my decision to go with Dr Kwon, as soon as I met him during consultation. He is a specialist in the eyes, that's what he does.

Surgeons and patients need to get along. If you do not trust your surgeon, leave immediately. They are like someone you met for the 1st time, you either click or you don't. Imagine if you feel conflicts prior to your surgery and then trusting him to do a good job when you already do not quite see eye to eye? We are all human at the end of the day. Connection with your surgeon will help to relieve your fear and trusting your surgeon will assist him with a happier surgery process, hence better results.

I feel the human interaction with Dr Kwon. That was important to me. I had the full work done:
Double eyelids incisions, epi, ptosis and lower Blepharoplasty+ fat disposition.

During surgery, I had the most amazing trip of my life with the drugs effect. I relaxed and enjoy the full effect.
I was told I need to be semi sedated because Dr Kwon need to communicate with me to close or open my eyes for accurate measurements. He then infuse full anesthesia for lower Blepharoplasty. When I woke up, it was all over. Phew!! The biggest decision I had to make which has been hanging over me for a long time has finally came to an end.

I am only 2 days after the surgery. I have full confidence of his work. I left it to Dr Kwon to do what he think was right for me. I was not prepared to challenge his experience and expertise.

I had part of the dressing removed on the following day. On the 4th day, I am to return to remove the remaining dressing. 7 days to remove stiches.

We are all different when it comes to healing and recovery depending on our lifestyle and composition. I won't deal much into this .

As a foreign patient, I cannot stress how important this human touch does to your emotional well being. So decide for yourself who is right for you. See the actual surgeon himself. There is always room for you in every clinic. After all, they will always need your business, that's their profession!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi guys,
Just an update. I finished my consultation with Dr Kwon today and ended up booking the surgery for tomorrow. I felt pretty good with the consultation that I'm bailing out on the other consults I booked for today. His English is good, he's very patient and leaves me with no other questions to ask. :0.. Anyways will update shortly!
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Have you decided on incisional or non-incisional?
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I have decided for incisional.

He said my thin eyelids would be suitable for non-incisional but if I wanted something more permanent he would do full incisional
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Have you had surgery today? I was at the clinic today. I went to see Dr Kwon because I had DES and fat graft, but my lower eyelids are bruising badly. It has been 5 days after my surgery. He gave me an injection and tell me not to worry but I cant help it, Im gonna fly back to my country the day after tomorrow.
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Obviously Dr Kwon is a good eye surgeon and I trust him completely. I dont even consult with other clinics but decided to do eyelid operation with him on the consultation day. I have heard good results and feedbacks, and seen so many pictures of real people on the 4r. And a couple of years ago, one of my acquaintance did her eyes with Dr Kwom and recommended to me. That was her second revision I thought, dont remember exactly but it was a revision one. She said he did a good job and it healed well. She was quite satisfied with her eyes after that.
I also had trust with the Dr. He seemed very confident and skillful.
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hey hanalymi,

hope u r recovering well.. just out of curiousity did u do ur fat graft with Dr kwon too ? where is ur fat grafted? forehead, nose etc? are you happy with the result of fat grafting?

thanks for sharing
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Yes I did. Cant tell anything specifically just yet but to me, they kinda went thoroughly with it. Nothing to complain so far. My face was bruising and swollen terribly but it is due to my body natural response cause I take long time to heal than others. Now it is better but still some yellow bruises under the eyes and I am about to leave the country tomorrow. So if you about to have fat graft, you should consider 10days for it looking presentable in public. I am now still have to wear sunglasses to cover the bruises under my eyes.

I have fat graft on my forehead, undereye to fix my dark circles, laugh lines, under the chin to make it more pointy. Well it is nearly full face.
It did fat graft here just because it is convenient as I 100% wanted to do DES with Dr Kwon. But on thinking back over the fat graft thing, I think it is kinda a waste when you pay ~2000usd for something that only last for 1 year.
However I want to fix my dark circles, and seem like there is no better way than fat graft. :smile:
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Hi Hanalymi,

I went to the clinic on Monday for a consult and then Tuesday for surgery. The next time I will be at the clinic will be this coming Tuesday for stitch removal. I also have some bruising but have been using ice/warm packs religiously so I think it's much better. There is still a bit of black/purplish bruising and around the eye area is slightly yellow but I suspect it's healing. Much better overall. I don't think I will be going in for an injection, just been keeping active and going out to sight-see, I feel like that's helped with the overall swelling and recovery. Day 2-3 were the worst for me, I'm still bruised but am comfortable to go maskless now. How are your eyes healing now?

Will be posting a full update after stitch removal.
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  • 2 weeks later...
How is your healing? I think you may be back to your country by now.
I didnot go out cause my eyes bruised badly and my face was very swollen, I always had to wear sunglasses when I went out, but it might put some pressure on my check, which was swollen from fat grafting. I looked kinda hideous everytime I had to go out buying foods at the supermarket. Lol. So I stayed at home most of the time.

My eyes are healing well. Almost no scar at all, the lines for the eyelid and epi are just pink, given that I am very prone to scar, I think, this, I should give credits to Dr Kwon's magic hands with his cutting.

However, I dont feel satisfied as I think the creases are low, not much difference from my old eyelid. Mainly because I had fat graft on my forehead and under eyes, and the swelling of it makes the eyes appear to be smaller. Hope that over with time I can see the better result. But right now, my eyes are a little uneven, one is still more droopy than the other and Im scared that over with time, the creases just become smaller. :sad:

As for fat graft, I think I regret doing it now, it is very costly and the result is not as I had expected. Maybe it is still soon to tell, but I dont think I will do it again due to the escalating price and its not long lasting result.
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Quick update: Tomorrow I will be 2 weeks post-op and I can say that my healing has been superb.

My consultation went by very quickly with Dr Kwon, probably only lasted 8 mins. He was very patient and gentle. I had to think hard of a few questions to which he was patient and asked if I had any more. I had 2 other consultations to go to that day but I ended up cancelling them and going with Dr Kwon because I left feeling very confident in his work. I know a few people have said that they had to negotiate with Dr Kwon to do partial-incision instead of non-incision but he was very easy-going for me. He said he recommended non-incision for me (thin eyelids, no fat) but because I wanted incision and tapered-parallel he would do both for me. Overall, the consultation went much better than expected and I had no troubles talking through with what I wanted as I was very clear/concise when I explained to him.

Before Surgery:
I stopped eating and drinking around 11:30 AM that day. My surgery was scheduled for 2:00 PM so I arrived about 20 minutes earlier which I was told to wash my face, met with Dr Kwon quickly (literally 2 mins) to confirm what I wanted, waited back out in the receptionist area again then around 2:05 PM was ushered by the nurse to the operation room.

At this point, everything happened so quickly. I didn't even change into a gown, I was told to lie on the operating bed (which reminds me of a massage table of some sort o__o), and before I knew it I was bundled up and mummified in what felt like those thick heavy x-ray sheets/blankets. The only piece of me that was revealed was my head which was poking through what felt like a shield contraption whereby face was the emblem of Captain America's shield or something (very strange..) - I was already very uncomfortable and sweating bullets at this time.. and surgery didn't even start yet! Both arms and head were strapped down, IV was done and I was hooked up to a heart-rate monitor. Not going to lie, I was already regretting everything at this point because I couldn't believe I was crazy enough to willfully put myself through this torment. I focused on breathing in and out slowly and tuned into the catchy Maroon5 playing in the background (I'm sure they intentionally played English music for me which was nice). Dr Kwon came into the room, I saw the nurses put on his latex gloves and then I started to poop my pants again and all my hard work controlling my heart rate went in vain! Dr Kwon said "Design time.." he asked me to close/open my eyes several times and asked me to look directly in the middle of his eyes as he drew on the shape of the crease. This lasted approximately 10-15 minutes, I felt full confidence in his work as I knew he was taking his time. Once he was finished, he said "You will now fall into a deep sleep" and I was like "What, wait already? Don't I get to see my eyes?!" but before I could even mutter those words I felt myself falling. I've never done drugs nor do I ever intend to again.. it's a very strange and scary experience. You're completely awake but you can't feel anything and you don't even know what's going on. Within a matter of seconds I swear to the heavens above, I lost all feeling of myself, my body, my consciousness. I forgot where I was, why I came to Korea and quite frankly all that was going on. I felt zero pain throughout the surgery and only felt the pushing down/pressure on my eyes. Everything felt like it was on hyper speed and I saw lots of shapes and colors. Part way through the surgery, Dr Kwon asked me if I was ok and I recall saying "MMM?" and wanted to laugh and give him my thumbs up for some reason. THANK GOD I was strapped down because I was feeling so high I probably could have gotten up and started dancing like a jellyfish LOL. Throughout surgery, he continued to ask me to open and close periodically which by the way incredibly difficult since I could start to feel my eyes swelling. Like others have mentioned, I did feel the "bone scraping" sensation between my eyes which I believe is the epicanthoplasty. Everything felt so quick and it only really felt like 30 minutes but that was actually about an hour and 20 mins. I started to regain consciousness and finally realized what was going on (still felt no pain). By this point, Dr Kwon left for a quick break (which was actually another consult) and I asked the nurses how much longer and she said 30 minutes more. I started feeling nauseous and felt like gagging/throwing up so the nurses had to raise the table slightly while I waited for Dr Kwon. Dr Kwon returned and I was feeling VERY uncomfortable now, I wanted it over but didn't want to rush him since this was my face. Although I felt no pain, I sucked up the gagging sensation and felt him stitching the wounds - what a relief, I knew it was now the home stretch!

Post Operation - Day 0
The time was roughly 4:20 PM so surgery lasted approximately 2 hours. The nurse helped walk me into the recovery room to which I saw my boyfriend (who's face completely dropped when he saw me) and helped me onto the bed in an upright position. I still felt no pain but could feel my face swelling. The nurse placed an ice pack on my eyes and told me I only really needed to be here for 20 minutes.. but I ended up staying for over an hour. Within 15 mins of recovery I started gagging but because I was on an empty stomach I had nothing to gag. I felt terrible and incredibly nauseous but I generally have a weak tolerance to medication so it was very strong for me. My right eye was pretty much looking in another direction because of the swelling and I looked like a fish-alien. We left the clinic roughly around 5:45 PM and thankfully I secured a place which was 10 min walk. The first night was terrible, I continued to gag and could not eat/drink anything because I kept throwing up. I managed to drink only a couple sips of water and ate only a few spoonfuls of pumpkin soup but ended up throwing it all up. This lasted until 2:00-3:00 AM the following morning (you can imagine what a rough night I had...). Each time I gagged, a part of my stitch would seep some blood and my boyfriend had to dab it off for me...very gross! My boyfriend helped me ice my eyes throughout the nice and I ended up sleeping upright on the couch with my neck pillow.

Day 1:
The next morning I still continued to gag so I could only drink a little bit of water. I went back to the clinic around 12:30 PM to remove my bandages and was then told to come back next Tuesday for stitch removal. I was given ointment and I asked for saline water to wipe under my eyes for gunk. Remember to bring Q-Tips! We walked over to a nearby restaurant and I ate like a pig! I spent most of the day at home icing my eyes regularly which really helped with my recovery. At this point I had bruises directly underneath my left eye, above both lids/stitches and between my inner corners.

Day 2-6:
After bandage removal I started to wipe/wash my face with those facial wipes and used face cream regularly avoiding the eye area completely. I started going out on Day 2. The nurses will tell you don't need a special diet but I continued to drink pumpkin soup and eat congee until roughly Day 3. My diet went downhill after this, we had fried chicken, street food and shaved ice dessert. I did not let the surgery impact my trip, we continued to venture to all the sight seeing - Seoul is a great city! I was keen to ice pack/hot pack my eyes early in the morning, night and whenever I was at home regularly which helped alot.

Day 7 - Stitch Removal:
Like many others, stitch removal hurt THE MOST - way worse than the actual procedure. The epi stitches were the worst for me, it felt like the nurse was pinching my waterline and inner corners.. I was done in under 10 minutes, bought some scar cream from the pharmacy downstairs and was out and about. The nurse told me to do eye exercises to get the muscle memory going and such. I was SO happy to be able to wash my face that day although it stung because my eyes didn't close completely so water went in.. ouch!

Present day - almost 2 weeks post-op:
Eyes are looking much better, my family was surprised I healed so quickly. 80% of my bruising healed by Day 10, with the exception of bruising along my lashline which is still present today (faded but still there... looks like I have partial red eyeliner on my eyes -_-). Still swollen (less-sausage like) but my eyelids will continue to change over the next couple of weeks. I had to buy eye drops because my eyes get dry/blurry quite frequently which again is another side effect of this procedure for the next little while. Overall, I can say that positive attitude, strong will and being diligent and following the doctors instruction will impact your recovery time. Even though my eyelids were terribly asymmetrical, I did not cry and had 1000% faith/confidence in Dr Kwon that I let the healing speak for itself. You need to trust both yourself and your surgeon completely before you commit yourself to this. I will know for sure the final results probably around the 3-month mark but overall I'm looking quite normal already but I can say he is a skilled/confident surgeon. The only comment I would say is that the after-care / service isn't the greatest from his staff. I did feel like I was being treated a little unfairly by the staff since I was a foreigner but all I really cared about was the end result. I am very happy with Dr Kwon's work and wish you all the best of luck if you decide to go through with this procedure!
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Hey Beefnoodo,

How much did you get charged for the surgeries? Did you negotiate prices? Did you also do epi? I want to do partial incision and epi. And did you ever do an online consultation first? I tried emailing him almost 3 weeks ago and never got a response... >_< Now I'm trying the online board on their website. I hope I get a response :sad:
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