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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Hi Hyung, do you have recent pictures?
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Hey Hyung, the tightness comes when your eyes are tired? It's been more than one year. And sometimes after wearing contact lenses for long hours, I feel the tightness too. Been searching for an explanation
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Hi north_star,

Some of my friends were commenting that it'll be nicer if dr can 'lift' up a bit more since the 'effect' after the eyebrow lift is not really very significant but I still trust the dr's perspective.
It's definitely less droopy now as compared to before my op.
The scar is pretty long but it was done under the eyebrow so it'll be good if you have more hairs there. For those who have sparse brows like mine, I can go for eyebrow embroidery 6 months later to cover up the scars.
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@Chanel7chanel I kind of regret posting my first set of pictures already, so I'm not going to be posting anymore. I didn't realize I wouldn't be able to delete them after posting them up! (this forum's edit function only lasts for so long). Sorry but it's a personal choice. Having a body part of yours being open to the public like this for such a long time is weirdly taxing.

@jillyqueen I've been wearing contacts but I don't think that makes my eyelids anymore tired than wearing glasses the entire day. I think it's just the act of keeping your eyes open and forgetting to blink that causes the tightness. I also think we need to get rid of the habit of using our forehead muscles to open our eyes more like in the pre-ptosis-correction surgery days. I sometimes catch myself straining my forehead still and it's a habit we'll just have to kick. We no longer need to do it! Think forehead wrinkles and actively try to suppress trying to lift from your eyebrows. It'll become new muscle-memory for your body soon enough :biggrin:

@summertea @north_star I honestly think the sub-eyebrow lift is suchhh a bad idea ESPECIALLY if you are in your 20s, 30s, and 40s. Think about it. Your scar will NEVER completely heal in that area, especially given that most people don't have super thick eyebrows like me. Later on in your life, you might actually want more surgery for ptosis or a facelift when gravity catches up with you. What then? More scarring? Some scars cannot be hidden as well and I honestly find the sub-eyebrow lift such a crude procedure still. ALSO remember Kwon specializes in double eyelid surgery. I wouldn't let him touch the other parts of my face. My relative who got her eyebags done by him definitely isn't as satisfied as I am with my procedure.
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Sure no worries, I understand. I probably wouldn't post my B&A pictures either now that you put it that way. I don't want any regrets either especially since you're not able to go back and delete them if you wanted to, which I wasn't aware of either. So thanks for pointing that out. :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey guys! I'm planning to get incisional double eyelid surgery this month in korea by Dr. Kwon. I I'm wondering how many days do I have to stay in my hotel before I can go out shopping/ walking around after the surgery ? Also, since I'm extremely near sighted, can i wear contacts after the surgery? B/c my glasses are pretty big and I can't fit a pair of sunglasses over them... ;_; Will i get weird looks if i just go out wearing my glasses and people can clearly see that i got the surgery? How bad is the swelling going to be within a week after the surgery? sorry for all the questions! >.<
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Its not advisable but you can ccertainly wear contacts after, very uncomfortable though , that said kkwon wud most llikelyput a huge tape across your nose to cover up ur medial canthus post op so wearing sunglasses can be bit tricky , all I can say is get used to the stares at least for the first 2 months or so, it will look more natural after. About 80% of people stared some pointers too when i walked around Seoul with that huge tape across my nose. The tapewill be rremovedthe next day so not tooo big of a deal . Can start shopping the next day, walking keeps the swelling down.
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Oh okay~ thank you! :smile:
And how many hours do i need to not eat/drink water before the surgery? are there any foods that i need to stay away from after the surgery? and if so, how long before i can start eating them again?
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Since it's done under local there s no such requirement, no food restriction too as far as I am aware, alcohol and smoking aside, the latter being very bad for healing. Also justmy 2 cents keep the majority of ur fluid iintake to the day, minimal in the evening, ur eyes will be less swollen the next day. also don't do epi if iit's not necessary, I am left with a hypopigmented scar on my right canthus, kwon will always rrecommend epi saying it is nnecessary but if ur going tapered it definitely isn't not worth the risk of scarring honestly esp when it's hypo pigmented
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Thank you! I'm thinking about getting parallel eyes, but I'll definitely keep that in mind. I'll consult with Kwon and ask for his opinion whether its necessary for me to get epi.
Also, do I need to buy any medication or supplies for post op? or does he provide me with everything? And is it possible to bargain the price down by 30% ? He quoted me 2.0 mil KRW for incisional DES and 1.4 mil KRW for epi which i think is a bit pricey...
sorry for so many questions >.<
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Oh, and how long has it been since u got ur epi? I heard that the epi scar is most apparent 3-4 weeks post op and it should slowly disappear afterwards, so maybe if you wait a bit longer, the scar will hopefully heal? :smile:
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I m at 4 months currently, scars r white anyway highly uunlikelyfor it to rreturn to skin color. Last resort concealers. Also it'sworth noting that kwon does in- out style pparallel fold if u r llookin at true pparallel he mmight not be for u.. And yeah he is expensive than most
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I'm sorry to hear that :sad: Maybe you can try some scar healing lotions? and thank you, i'll keep that in mind during the consultation ^_^
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi all. Im planning to see Dr Kwon for epi on 26th August. Anybody going the same date? Let me know ya. The clinic says I should stay for 7 days at least for post treatment, so im planning to stay until 4th Sept. Also Dr Kwon quote me for 1.4-2.0 mil KRW for epi.
Anybody knows or has any experience with keloid, would it leave scar after epi? Because I have keloid from my previous surgery (my body) so im worried if epi would leave me with scar.
Appreciate if anyone can share.
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