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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Thank you so much for your reply! Your posts have been so helpful and I am glad that your eyes are turning out so well(:
I'm so happy that you have no scars at the the incision line. My aunt got incisional double eyelid back in 2003 and she says that as she has gotten older (40ish now) her skin has become less elastic or something so the scar is becoming more and more prominent. When she closes her eyes I can clearly see the scar of the incision line. Thus, I have been very worried about scaring.
Also, do you mind please posting pictures or your eyes or PMing them to me? I completely understand if you don't feel comfortable doing so.
Best wishes
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Hi 7Chanel7 and callie. I do not mind sharing my pics through kaokao.:smile: May i have your kaokao usernames so i can add u?

But currently my eyes are still changing as its only day 36. So not very accurate. My right eye crease is still slightly (but not obviously) swollen than my left. When u poke it u can see the water retention.

Doctor Kwon said it will settle in 3 months. I am hoping for my Asian look to return (when the crease shrinks further). I am a Chinese, ( and people told me i looked Korean before the surgery). I lived in Korea for 5 months, and was often mistaken as Korean by others. But after the surgery, people i met told me i look Eurasian!. I still can't figure out what is the cause of this.

I never expected such a drastic change with just an eyelid surgery. Still trying to get used to my new look. But so far all the people i met commented that Dr Kwon did a god job:smile:
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Hi everyone,

Recently I had lateral cantho and as a result my eyes have gotten smaller (shorter and rounder). I would like to make my eyes longer and bigger, can dr Kwon do this? Has anyone had this done and are happy?
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@morherhen: vertical distance can be increased by ptosis correction while the horrizontal length can be increased by epi.
In my opinion, the epi can make quite a drastic change. For me, the epi chnaged my eye shape. It also made my eyebags (aegyo sal) more prominent.

So if you are happy with your current eye shape and don't have a Mongolian fold, u might want to think twice about epi.
Epi was necessary for me because I had the Mongolian fold and my eyes before the surgery were shapeless and unattractive.

@Doloreslolita: by any chance, are u refering to the Chinese nurse? XD
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I created a kakao account with the id callie49
I'm a bit more reassured that I won't have noticeable scars now(: do you think people (you dominant know before) can tell you had eye surgery? If you close your eyes can others see a scar?
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Callie will send you a picture of my eyes closed for u to judge for yourself.

And yeah so far everyone could tell i had done something to my eyes. The change was very drastic at first, making me look Eurasian!!!! when I'm actually chinese. I got stopped at the passport clearance because the passport lady wasn't sure if the girl in the picture was me.My family and a friends commented i look Eurasian without me asking them. But thank god, I'm slowly getting back my Asian look as time passes...

I think the epicanthoplasty is responsible for this change. Cause i know of other friends who had their eyelid surgery done in Korea and their change was not as drastic as mine (because they didn't do the epi).

So if your eye shape is already beautiful, and u don't have a Mongolian fold, please think twice about epi.

My motivation for taking the surgery was to look more Korean.(or at least retain my Asian look)
Never expected this. The change is most obvious when u look at my overall face, but i can't reveal my whole face, only my eyes.
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Hi All, was wondering if anyone had lateral canthoplasty done by Dr Kwon before?

I did my Incisional ptosis correction with Epi with Dr Kwon in Jan 2013.
Its been about 1yr 7mths and my left eyelid is starting to droop again.

Intend to go back to Dr Kwon for revision and interested to get canthoplasty done as well.
However from the forum reviews, seems like no one has gotten it done with Teuim yet.

In addition, for revision, the clinic advised that it would be for 1 eye only.
This is a huge concern for me since that would mean my eyes would have to be uneven sizes due to the healing.

Anyone had experience doing revisions with Dr Kwon yet?
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Hi swallow, why did your eye droop? Is your revision free?
Even doing surgery on both eyes does not guarantee that they will heal symmetrically as for my case.

I know of one forumner who had lateral canto with Teuim: goldfishintown.
Here is the link: # But her swelling was very very bad. If doctor advises against i wouldn't go for it.

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