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How's your recovery going? Are you happy with the height of your crease?
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to be honest, you can try out the height of your creases at home with eyelid glue. he doesnt use creases that are not already in your eyes (when you look at the top of your eyes there are natural "wrinkle/creases".

Crease I'm OK. But the shape..... Not so okay
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I wish I could have travelled to the future and been able to read your review before I had my first surgery with Dr. Kwon a year ago in July 2015. Just had TWO revision surgeries in 2 weeks with Dr. Kwon in June 2016 (that could have been just one revision surgery if he understood what I meant the first time). Months after I thought most of the swelling had gone away my brow began to sag along with the skin above my crease. (I am only 19 years old, had the first surgery when I was 18.) I developed problems with moving my eye as the skin kept sagging and creating pressure, literally could not look towards my nose in one eye without feeling pushed back, developing dry eye problems from constant friction... I am so worried about how I will be able to focus in school when I move back to college next month. I got the surgery in the first place because I thought it would make my life better. This has literally ruined my life every day for the past six months (no exaggeration not even a day or minute goes by that I don't feel the pressure now) and it is still getting worse despite the revision (the crease from one of the revision surgeries is starting to become undone less than two months later). I will write a longer and more detailed description of my experience as soon as I can but right now my eyes get tired very easily and I have to constantly close them because of the sheer pressure/weight that's been increasing above my eye but I feel that I need to contribute my experience to this thread since all the positive reviews I read in the beginning from this forum were a huge part to my decision in choosing Teuim. My impression of Dr. Kwon has deteriorated and I feel that I have had enough personal observations to give this strong opinion I have of Teuim: the whole experience is definitely rushed and this is for the sake of maximum profit. I did not care too much or notice this the first time but as someone who has had to fly to Korea twice and to get revision surgery from Dr. Kwon, this became absolutely clear to me the second time around. I will elaborate more on all of this in a full post soon but I wanted to give a heads up for those considering the surgery right now.
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This is scaring me, i am set on going with Dr. Kwon in a couple of days for primary DES. Now I am doubting my choice, especially since you sounded so angry... Please update as soon as you can and wish you the best for recovery!
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I emphatize with you. I want a revision as well, but I dont know if he would accept. However it's because he got the shape wrong, so very wrong. Tbh if u just go for the double eyelid and screw the epi, ptosis whatever, it should be an easy experience. My mistake was doing the epi when I was already satisfied with my double lids.
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How did you get a revision? He's not replying to any of my messages.
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I saw on another thread that you were not happy for the epi - hope you heal fast and well so you can do a revision as soon as you can.

He actually recommended the combo of ptosis + des + epi. I am really just looking to fix the monolid on one of my eyes, and not touch the other. So basically looking for des. But I'm not sure if he will be willing to operate on one eye only :sad: Anw, I read that people who had des at other clinics have bad scarring. So far no complaints on scarring of eyelids for Teuim's patients. Anyone can comment on the scarring for des (not epi)? Thank you.
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At first I thought I had no epi scar, but it's becoming pale and indented =(

There's no scarring for non incisional des. For incisional there's always going to be.

I doubt he will recommend to only operate on one. On his website you see him operating on many people with double eyelids to make them look nicer. It's difficult to get symmetry only operating on one.

And yes, the epi makes it look 100% obvious you had surgery because the eye shape is different, hence the regret.

Ptosis is incredibly painful if your anesthesia wears out. You will feel someone poking a needle through your eyelids and pulling the thread, pulling hard on your eyelid by the thread tightly for like 5 seconds, pulling the eyelid to the maximum like it's going to be ripped off. If you run out of anesthesic, ask him to inject immediately. It's not worth the pain. To be honest I don't feel much difference from the ptosis surgery at all. At first you'll feel threads, then after a month u won't feel a thing..
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Dammit so nice, mine are screwed up and dolly =(. My epi is round lol, eye is circle shaped.
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Thanks for the pointers! I didn't do the surgery in the end. I really wanted to keep my double-lidded eyelids as it is...Just felt like I am not 100% ready so I will stick with eyelid tapes for awhile. (ugh it's only DES but I am so stressed up over it).
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Hi, I would just like to say that I really regret the epi. Apparently not only do I hate the shape, a week after everything has settled I see jagged incision lines and indents near the corner of my eye. I did not even need the epicanthoplasty nor did it make my eyes better looking. To all those out there who are going for des. If you like your eyes with eyelid tape or glue, Do Not opt for epi. I was misled into thinking magic epicanthoplasty had no scars. Or that it would look natural and better for sure. This is Not true!
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I messaged the clinic and showed them a collage of pictures I had taken which show the obvious asymmetry over the course of about 7 months since the surgery. (It was clear that it wasn't due to swelling.) I thought they were generous for offering a free revision clinic but seeing how recently I am not the only person to have had to undergo a revision by Dr. Kwon it seems that his revision percentage was not as low as I initially thought a few years ago. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions about the revision process.
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