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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Hi All!

Just joined purseforum and am hoping to go to Dr Kwon at Teuim in December? Is there anything I should do before then except to book flights, accommodation and a consultation?
Any general tips with Dr Kwon? Also, if I decide to have consultations with other clinics and I'm not sure if I want to do it with them, what do I say (because it seems that people book right after consultation)?

Thanks, will update on my experience :smile:

P.S. I have a lot a lot of excess upper eyelid skin due to genetics + eyelid glue
I'm worried that this will result in a botched surgery because there's just folds of skin everywhere :sad:
Does/did anyone have a similar case to mine?
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Hey there!

I just got my double eyelid, ptosis correction and Magic Epicanthoplasty at Teium with Dr Kwon and am adding my review. I'm an Asian guy from Australia and flew to Seoul just for surgery, which I had been planning for months. Before that I did my research, read this forum, and decided to make appointments with Wonjin, Teium and Item. After going to all three I decided to get same day surgery from Teium because I thought they were the best.

The consultation is very smooth. I didn't really have any specific instructions, I just wrote down in the form that I wanted bigger, brighter eyes. Dr Kwon is a gentleman, he's a very nice guy and I also liked dealing with Alice, the lady who speaks English. During the consultation He looks at your eyes, asks you about soft or hard line and how high you want the crease. I basically said I trust his judgment and he nodded after looking at my eyes for a moment. He asked if I had any questions before leaving me to arrange a price with Alice.

I won't say the price here but I negotiated quite a lot with Alice but she quite easily agreed to my price. I then booked a time for later that afternoon to have it done.

I didn't really have any jitters or nervousness before the surgery because I had read about other people's experiences. The surgery is an intense experience, they put you into a room to wash your face and to put away your belongings. I basically only brought a hat and sunglasses and an envelope full of cash. Then they lead you to the surgery room, strap you in. Dr Kwon asks you if you have any final questions then they inject you. Dr Kwon says softly "you will sleep now," but you don't sleep, you just enter this crazy dream state.

Some people have described it as a roller coaster and that's what it feels like. I saw amazing colors, felt emotions like I was riding a roller coaster. It was actually quite amazing. Although your conscious and you feel them working on your eyes, you don't feel anything and you're just watching this dream show with your eyes closed.

They work very quickly and I would say there is no pain. I was quite alert but enjoying this dream, occasionally they will ask you to open your eyes. Only towards the end when they start stitching you up did it feel a little uncomfortable. They tug at your eyes to tighten the stitch and your eyelid gets tugged at. Dr Kwon revised the stitch for my left eye about 3 times. That showed to me he was really careful and a perfectionist, which is why I picked him after reading similar experiences with people from this forum.

After the surgery your eyes do hurt, I got a black eye under my left eye and your eyes get bleary (wet gluey) and it's hard to open your eyes for about 3 days. Do use the ice packs and use the eye gel they give you to avoid your eyes drying up while you sleep.

I stayed at ocloud hotel which is about 5 mins walk and is very good value for money (about usd 90 per night) and there's a convenience store right downstairs. After the surgery I mostly ate ramen pack noodles because I was too shy to show my eyes lol. Oh I stayed a total of 10 nights but I feel like I double flown after I got my stitches out (6th day).

My advice is to go with Dr Kwon, I had a great experience and I'm really happy with the results. Good luck!
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Hi sugar16, so if u were given another chance to choose will u still choose dr kwon for revision DES? Im still looking for a trusted Dr for my revision DES
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Hi destiny, so how your revision DES getting on? Do you still suggest Teium?
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Hey! Thank you so much for your review and I'm glad it turned out so well! I can only wish the same for myself. I'm also from Australia... do you mind if I ask you some questions via DM?
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Have you consulted Teium about the scarring? Sorry I've only just come into the thread and haven't had a chance to read all your posts. I know for bad scarring steroid injection help a lot, did they offer you anything like that??

If you're no longer in Korea if you consult a ps clinic in your hometown they can also offer steroid injections to help with scarring :smile:
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the problem with my scarring is that its indented instead of the usual hypertrophic/keloid scars. Steroid injections can only bring down bumps, sadly, and cannot bring the skin up.
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I'm not sure where your scar is but filler can be been used to raise indented scars, it's done for indented acne scars.
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Yes but it seems like using filler around the conjunctiva area where the epi scar is, is too dangerous because its close to the eye or something. Not sure about that.
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nope, only one side has a scar, seemingly due to the sutures. The dent was there from the first day I had the sutures, and I told Dr.Kwon about it but he kept dismissing it as normal. If it was true that i was prone to developing scars I would have gotten scars at both sides. Also, it is an atrophic scar. When people have a genetic propensity to developing scars, it refers to hypertrophic or keloidal scarring, in which your genes overexpress collagen at the point of the wound, causing a protruding scar. An atrophic scar is when the dermal layer is damaged too much/too wide and the underlying skin collapses forming an atrophic scar.

I have cut my entire fingertip off in an accident before and it grew back without scars in 2 months.

to be honest I am really regretting the decision to do the epi now because of the bad scar and weird shape/too close eye spacing. To think I spent so much money only to come out looking weird... I had so much trust in him that I didn't think twice about doing it because he said there would be hardly any scar. However one month plus later, the scar is still very bad and other surgeons have commented that it wasn't very good on that eye, and will likely be visible in the future. In some of the before afters he posts you can also see the scars, now that I realize where the scar is. I am likely going back for a revision but I am not sure what can be done.
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Can any of you who had Epi with dr Kwon actually describe his method and why it is magic? My friend who got her Epi done elsewhere said the doctor pretty much cut out a triangle shape in her skin and sewed it together to pull the Epi skin closer to the center and upwards a little. This, he didn't actually cut the Epi fold.
Also, does dr Kwon to Des together with Epi? Or does he first finish Epi completely and then start the des procedure?
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