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Hello, I am a patient recovered asymmetrically. It took a long time to become symmetric. Almost 1 year for my case. Now my eyes are v even

So no revision. I'm glad I didn't and waited.
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@pebblesandbam It's a silly question, but I would like to know if it was OK to out before the stitches came out?
Do most people just stay inside after their revision DES? I want to explore Seoul but am worried that my eyes might look too swollen and bloody to go out in public???
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It would probably be awkward to let non-friends or family see you with stitches still in. Generally you can go out in public after they are out or wait till 2 weeks post-op.
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This is really good to know, cheers for sharing.
This only emphasises the fact that you can't fully judge the finishing results until it is truly done.
Which means waiting out the recovery process after the surgery itself.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Dear readers,

As so many before me, I would like to let you'll know how I experienced the entire proces with Teuim. I'm aware that most part of what I'm about to write is already been said, but still, maybe it's beneficial for someone.

So let's start.

As an East Asian male living in Europe, eyelid surgery isn't that common here and not many - or perhaps none - is specialized in Asian eyelid surgery. I found a few plastic surgeons claiming they mastered the double eyelid surgery but weren't really convincing to me, because of the non-frequent executing of the surgery. Eventually I started to read forums, like this, and benefited so much. Thank you.

This particular thread had led me to dr. Kwon and his clinic, Teuim. Some said dr. Kwon could be dismissive when you asked something others said he was real friendly and patient. My experience was that he is a very gentle and polite surgeon, knowing precisely what suits your face best. So after you have your consult and you know which surgeries you need (in my case des fi+epi+pstosis), you go with his assistent to talk about the price. Well, I paid around 3000 euro after tax refund at the airport. A lot of money, but hey, it's your face isn't it? My sister, went crazy when she heard the price and almost dragged me away because in her opinion it was way to high. She said Opera is nearby and will quote you much lower. I assured her that I did my research and that money wasn't an issue (well, it is but not in this case). Dr. Kwon is imho a real eyespecialist and knows eveything you need to know. His website is also very informative and I like his photo's, although his before and after pictures aren't in the same proportion so that the eyes of his 'after' photo looks a bit bigger. Check the iris to know what I mean.

Anyway, after we agreed about the price I went to a little room to wash my face and waited till they prepped the surgery room. Those ten minutes are nerve wrecking and I swear to God, when I walked in the surgery room I almost got a panic attack and wanted to run like Forrest Gump. But, they dont let you and strap you to the table. Next thing is a needle in your arm and dr. Kwon painting on your eyes. At that point, when he finishes, he tells you: 'You go to sleep now'. Wow, what a ride!! The music on the background will steer the colors and pattersn you'll see. Just try to enjoy it and think happy thoughts. It will help you. Because if you don't, panic can take over and if you do three surgeries like me, 3,5 hours will be like forever. There was this line of a girl who wrote about Teium (deswithteium.blogspot) and popped up now and then. She wrote: I did crazy s*** to myself. I had to surpress that line because yeah. if you realize what he's doing, it is in a way, crazy. When you feel him pulling your eyelids, banging your epi corner again and again and restitch for the fourth time, it's easy to think f***, this isn't worth it. But dear readers, it really is. The result will be great and the fact he restiches, is a sign of caring and wanting the best of the best. Thanks to contributors on this thread, I knew everything he possibly could do like sighing and restitching. No surprises. All in all I think I rate the pain a 3 out of 10. It's more discomfort, and not pain.Expect extra shots during the surgery to avoid feeling he's stitching you.

When it's over, the nurse will lead you, in a rush, to the recovery room where you get a cold icepack on your eyes. My sight was very blurry and luckily I had my supportteam with me, helping me to get home and take care of me. I honestly felt deep respect for those who came alone. How they managed I don't know. The day after the nurse will take of the bandage and dr. Kwon will take a quick look. Day 7 is stitch removal which didn't hurt. After that I booked two more consults with him on my own request. The first time he gave me a jab, and the second time he just gave me a final check and assured me everything looks good and all the side-effects like tearing and blurriness will go away when time passes.

I'm currently at day 20 and my eyes are looking better but are still swollen. I just have to be patient I guess.

So to conclude: Yes, Teium is a good and safe choice. You can get the same surgery for a much cheaper price, but do realize that there aren't many doctors like dr. Kwon and finding them for a foreigner isn't easy. Be assertive and write down what you want to ask and what you have in mind for your new' eyes'. Just use the consult effective and dont't hestitate to aks for something you want. You'll regret it. And no, des isn't a walk in the park. Try to prepare mentally for it, because it's more invasive than people think.

That's it folks. Best of luck to those who are going and to those who are recovering.

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My experience is very, very similar to SEOUL 2016 and previous comments in this thread.
I decided to go with Dr. Kwon at Teium and had revision DES and ptosis. The reason for this is because I really want to have a natural look and I feel he's a reliable surgeon. Can't really comment on the results yet, since my eyes are still swollen (on Day 13). If anyone, can give some advice on how to accelerate the healing process, minimise the swelling, please let me know. FYI, he gave me two injections to minimise the swelling before I left Seoul.
Any make-up tips during the recovery stage?
Thank you
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  • 2 weeks later...

He can do this, but your eyes must naturally have some conditions that are favorable for it
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Hi Kokokiki,
I am in the same boat as you, I originally did epi, then had reversal and now want an epi again since my eyes are too short. I am going back in a few weeks to Dr. Kwon for correction hopefully.
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Anyone out there had a long and slow recovery from revision DES?
It's been more than a month now but my eyes are still swollen.
For those considering revision DES, it can take much longer to heal?
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