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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Item is fine.. so what have you chosen?
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Hi jackielove, may I know whether your first DES was incisional or non-incisional, and did you do incisional for your revision with Dr Kwon? Are all revision DES incisional? Thanks and hope to hear more good news about your recovery soon! :smile:
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Michelleee, good luck! For me I would make the decision based on the doctor that seems the most experienced yet humble, and one that has many before/after photos. I previously went with a doctor who seemed overly confident and only had a few before/afters that were many years old, so to me now it's a warning sign. It's tough but the best you can do is follow your gut!!
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Hey Pebbles,

How did your stitch removal go? Did everything work out alright in the end?

I'm just over 2 weeks post op from Dr.Kwon at Teuim and I had a fairly pleasant recovery. No complications as far as I can tell. (Ptosis+epi+DES incis)

I'm quite satisfied with the results so far, but I'm told it takes over 6 months to settle. I feel quite lucky as there doesn't seem to be any sign of the surgery like scarring. It was mainly one day/night of mild to significant discomfort, by day two it was not a problem at all.

I did use their PINK icepacks like crazy for the first two days and I had minimal swelling by the third. I found I could tolerate it directly on the skin and kept cycling them throughout the night (Just listened to some tunes and I couldn't really sleep anyway) and just kept the ointment/gel across all the tender areas which also soothed any discomfort when blinking etc.
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You're at the same point I am :P. Do you still use the icepacks/gel thing? They didn't mention it when I went for my last checkup before I left though they said to keep opening my eyes/looking up whenever I get the chance.
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Oh congrsts on getting through, hope you're recovering well. I'm no longer using ice packs. Swelling wasnt too bad except for first few days. But that's when its most important to ice anyway
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Most of my swelling did go down the first couple days. There's still asymmetry between my eyes but Dr. Kwon said it was mostly swelling. Do you know the reason they said to avoid phone/tv/screens?
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hi Hawthorn tree,I am considering Teuim for double eyelid surgery and if it is no trouble did you get parallel or tapered crease? Is it possible for you to send me photos of your eyelids by private message? Please help me out because I have no idea if Teuim is good or not and I am a foreigner so I have no other way of researching,Thank you xx
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Hi Kat0719,I am considering Teuim for double eyelid surgery and if it is no trouble did you get parallel or tapered crease? Is it possible for you to send me photos of your eyelids by private message? If you got paralell crease how was the scar of epi? Please help me out because I have no idea if Teuim is good or not and I am a foreigner so I have no other way of researching,Thank you xx
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Hi, just wondering if anyone here has any experience with epicanthoplasty revision at Teuim? Otherwise, any procedures involving the inner-eye corners in general?

I'm looking to have my epi revised (to reduce the scars and make my eyes more symmetrical), but not reversing my epicanthoplasty per se. I'm most worried about scarring, so it would be great if I can get feedback from you guys. :smile:
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Has anyone with ptosis correction notice one eye with more eye opening power than the other? Does it become more relaxed over time? I always have had asymmetric eyes, but I feel that after ptosis correction, the bigger eye opens too strongly and it looks even more uneven. I had it done in the beginning of April with Teuim.
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hi guys is there anyone here wanting to get medium parallell crease?I want to get incisional DES but I want it to be parallell and medium as I already have double eyelids but there are so small and no makeup shows up haha.Any advice on other clinics and Teuim will be very appreciated Thank you xx
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I have the same problem. When I asked about it, they said it should even out in time after the swelling is gone, which can take a few months. I'm only about a month post but I think I'm gonna forever have one eye a little wider than the other. I already have an asymmetrical face (most people do) so I don't think it's too noticeable.
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@blue222 which method did you choose for ptosis correction? Did you get any other procedures with them? Are the results natural? Would you recommend teium?
Sorry for so many questions, I'm deciding whether to visit teium or elsewhere that's why.

On their website "vivid eye" for mild ptosis is suggested and I would like to have more information about this procedure. Any people on this forum been to teium using their "vivid eye" procedure?

Have other people on this forum also has asymmetric results with teium?
Does it get better over time or does it mean a revision is necessary?

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