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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Hey I intend to go there on 25 Oct. Have you booked accommodation?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey erichyung, thanks for your advice! Do you know exactly what's wrong with epi? Could your unsatisfactory results perhaps be limited to your surgery or is it something that happens often with Dr Kwon? (I am not doubting you just wanting to ask!)

Thanks :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey guys. Haven't visited this thread for a while and it seems like a lot more males are speaking up about their surgery experience at Dr. Kwon. :biggrin: It has now been more than a year and a half since my surgery.

In response to @erichyung 's post, I want to let everyone know that from what I've been reading, Dr. Kwon really does try to push epi on everyone if he thinks they even 1% 'need' it (to fit his own aesthetic). It worked out successfully for me but my eyes were 'big' to start with w/o a really heavy mongolian fold so tbh, it didn't make a humungous difference. Having said this, I also have zero scarring from this doctor and I want to be fair to him. I applied scar cream religious for the first year or so though. I am OCD. I took my iPhone light and shone it onto my eyes the other day when they were half closed to see if I could even detect a trace of a scar/line. Nope. Nothing unnatural. Nothing on my corners either.

Moral of the story is... Trust Dr. Kwon, but if you really feel like you don't need epi and have a very clear vision for your future eyes/have played around with eyelid glue or tape for an extended period of time/ have photoshopped your eyes and face ad infinatum and have liked the results do not bend. Know that Dr. K will push it onto you.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, it is fantastic that you have no scarring and I am happy for you, and that was the exact result i expected for myself as well, going to Teium. At the same time I am very sad for myself because everyone here seems to have no obvious scarring at the very least, while my eye corner area looks "split" with a massive scar and every incision line is crystal clear even 4-5 months after surgery. I am even more "OCD" than you regarding the healing and this went beyond just simple scar cream. So I am saying that I am not sure whether Dr. Kwon made a mistake or if my skin just had that 1 in a million bad healing factor (which doesnt make sense because both sides have healed differently).

I have nothing against Teium and still think Dr. Kwon is one of the better if not best, surgeons to go to in Korea for eye related surgeries. But I am just saying that there is indeed a possibility of something like this happen to anyone, and god forbid it be someone who cant exactly cover it up with makeup.

For all those planning to go to Teium, dont let my posts frighten you away. You may very well just end up like the dozens of people who have gone and had no scarring.
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Hey, everyone. I am post-op 5 months, my whole story is in my blog. But here is short review: had epi and full inc done, no scarring, honestly, I wanted to have epi anyways cuz I had different eyes (different mongolian fold). Eyes became more or less natural in one month but I think that swelling completely went down like after 3 months.
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I wrote a lengthy response detailing my horrible experience (I had my very first bleph + epi + ptosis correction surgery at Teuim in 2015 and a year later in Summer 2016 had to do another revision at Teuim on one eye which consisted of two revision surgeries in 2 weeks because he rushed my consultation the first time yet insisted he understood what I said). So I have had to go to Korea for the past two summers just to come back to Teuim. I promised a second post with more details but dealing with my eye problem is already hard enough every day that thinking of this thread makes it a little emotionally hard, yet I do still want to warn people with my experience. Also returned because somebody PM'd me so I may as well say this while I'm here. I honestly get so mad thinking about it since it has affected my life so much. I will keep this post shorter since I think my previous post summed up most of my experience and sentiments.

After I came back from my revision with Teuim I noticed my eye problem was still there (crazy weight pushing down above my eye, ptosis returning, see my first post for more details). Not only that but the crease that Dr. Kwon revised already became undone only about a month after I came back from Korea. So I e-mailed Teuim a few months ago explaining my concern. They insisted that they did not think my ptosis had returned. So I responded and told them that I went to an eye doctor from Stanford who confirmed that I have ptosis and I included this picture which clearly shows that the crease was becoming undone (picture attached below). They have yet to respond to my e-mail. It has been several months.

Let me be clear though, even though the messed up crease bothered me it was still the least of my whole eye problem compared to the weight and pressure that I feel above my eye every single day. (Now I wear double-eyelid tape to try to keep the crease from getting even lower worse but the skin above is still getting lower.) Not a day goes by that I don't have to shut my eyes and nap several times a day to be relieved of the weight. I feel twinges of pain if the weight becomes too much. Moving my eyes side to side is no longer a smooth movement but a slightly painful effort from the squeezing weight. It is truly ruining my livelihood and productivity. Teuim's silence about the matter is extremely upsetting for me. At first I was grateful that they offered that free revision at first (though I still had to pay for the flight and housing this summer), but after their treatment and other personal observations I am now completely convinced that they value monetary profit over the client's problems even if the problem affects the client to this extent. I also question some of the reviews on here (talking about the obviously fake ones), but I do not doubt that some people have had genuinely good/decent experiences. Be smart and form your own opinion. Maybe try to find reviews that are at least 1 year post surgery. This is just my experience and I would not recommend anyone to go.

I am currently waiting for an appointment with another professional eye doctor. Finding the motivation to get out of bed and try to lead a productive day despite the overwhelming squeezing pressure from my eye constantly can be hard but I have no choice for now. Best of luck to anyone who is interested in getting the surgery, whether it be here or anywhere else.
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Hi fayelita
Sorry to hear your tragedy. I think lots of people just post their surgery experiences here too early, i think they should wait for at least 6 months to 1 year.
Also, your crease is not even continuous from the pic you posted here, was that the case after you underwent the surgery with Dr. Kwon at the first time? or He did this from the revision surgery?

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This happened after the revision surgery. (He also performed my first surgery though.) I requested the revision in the first place because less than a year after the 1st surgery the crease on one eye was getting noticeably lower and lower (also uneven relative to other eye) despite most of the swelling already passing. It got lower to the point that I began to feel it pressing against my eye, eventually making side-to-side movement in that eye very uncomfortable. They performed revision on that one eye even though I mentioned that the other eye was also beginning to have the same effect. The revision didn't help fix this feeling which I still feel on both eyes to this day.

I want to emphasize that I had to go through a total of 3 operations (1st initial surgery and revision which consisted of 2 surgeries within 2 weeks due to his lack of understanding). The second of the revision surgeries happened very closely to my flight date so I had to come in to get stitches removed on the day of my departure flight. I was kept waiting for an hour despite coming early, but that's not the most upsetting part of the day. They took off all my stitches from that eye (3rd time by now), then only when all of them were painfully taken off did the nurse realize the incisions hadn't healed/closed fully yet. (People who have gone through the procedure or read the reviews on here know that the stitch removal part can be the most/only painful part of the whole process. I guess the only good thing from this ordeal is that my tolerance for pain/needles is a lot higher now lol.) So they called in Dr. Kwon while he was in the middle of surgery and he gave me an anesthesia shot and stitched a part of it back up again and told me to get my stitches removed from any hospital when I returned home. This didn't have to happen the first time I had surgery here so I was surprised, but I also overheard another nurse telling a girl in another room the same thing (to have her stitches removed when she goes back to Japan). I think this is what ends up happening when you try to fit in too many appointments (aka try to cash out from as many people within a limited time) and don't account for situations like this happening, as Teuim did. Dr. Kwon also gave me a steroid shot straight to my eye because my eye was getting very bruised and developing rough tissue from the consecutive surgeries within 2 weeks. (The rough tissue has since disappeared luckily but it looked really nasty in the beginning.) My flight time was getting very close so I had to rush back to my hotel to get to the airport and had to get on the plane with stitches still in my eyes. So uncomfortable. Clearly the crease from the revision was already becoming undone and I still feel that terrible pressure/weight pressing against my eye every single day, so I basically paid for flight tickets and housing for Korea and came back in a worse position.

Luckily part of the tiny stitches they put back in my inner corner fell off so I wasn't charged as much money for getting them removed at a hospital but I can't help but think that the crease might not have ended up so messed up/undone if they kept all the stitches in instead. I don't know. I just know that that my eyes are still messed up now and that the extra revision surgery & unnecessary pain could have been avoided if his English was better. He seemed to think that fixing/adjusting the crease's appearance would fix everything, but he couldn't even do that right.

(Side comment: I love how the staff at Incheon Airport weren't surprised at all when they saw my post-surgery swollen eyes without sunglasses, but when I arrived to US Customs the staff was very curious about what happened to them. Those cultural differences lol.)
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I did a lot of talking about the particular sensation I have to suffer every day but I haven't explained as well how I've noticed my eyes have physically changed as the appearance may be a more important aspect for many people.

As the heavy feeling gets worse day by day I notice the skin above my eye is also getting kind of bulgy, which may be adding to the terrible squeezing feeling.

Here are some photos, plus another angle of the undone crease after revision surgery (the eye that went through 3 surgeries with Dr. Kwon).

These are photos I included in the e-mail that I never got a response to.

I was hesitant to include them on here because honestly I was a little insecure (didn't care as much about revealing who I am). Initially the results of the first surgery seemed great but as time went on and swelling went away my lids kept getting progressively lower and bulgy (might even describe them as more frog-like at this point) and they weren't like that even before I ever had surgery. This has pretty much plummeted what little self-esteem I had in the first place and I don't even take selfies anymore and even avoid having pictures taken by friends because I hate seeing how I look now. Luckily the people who care about me don't mind and I've become better at dealing with the increasingly bulgy look but it is something that bothers me especially since I didn't look like this before.

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Photo 1: Right photo: This is what I looked like at least 6 months after my first surgery. At this point I still thought everything looked great as most of the swelling had gone away. You can't tell very well from the angle but the eye on the left was a little lower compared to the right eye but at this point it wasn't that noticeable and didn't even bother me. In a just a few months after the photo was taken, it soon became a real problem though and that's when I began to feel friction when the upper lid became low enough as I described before.

Photo 1 1: Left photo: This was taken 2 months after my 2 revision surgeries this summer at Teuim. The eye on the left was the only one that went through the revision surgeries but you can see that the eye on the right became more bulgier over time compared to earlier in the year in the right photo. I know my brow is slightly raised in the photo to the right (sorry did not have a better comparison photo) but even then my eye was not as bulgy when relaxed. (No I didn't become tanner it's just the lighting haha. I also didn't gain weight, just saying ahead because I feel like someone is bound to suggest that as a theory lol. I do look angrier now without trying though..) Going back to the eye on the left, you can see the bit of rough dark skin that formed where the revision was most brutal. Yes that is an epi scar. It was Dr. Kwon's idea to do an interior epi when it was clear that simply trying to adjust the crease did not relieve me of that awful sensation but instead of being effective it's left me with a deeper scar. Hoping this will go away in time but I notice that it is healing slower than after my initial surgery. If you think my eyes look bulgy in this photo, they look even moreso today.

Screen Shot 2016-11-23 at 8.43.54 AM.pngScreen Shot 2016-11-23 at 6.38.10 AM.png (Cropped top and bottom photo of my right eye to better show the change over less than a year.)

Similar timeframes as described above. Eyes relaxed in all except 3rd photo. Top photo is when everything still looked great after initial surgery. Crease still parallel, right eye looks good enough it could've probably even passed as a successful after photo in one of their collages lol. Middle top photo, you can see the left crease becoming pretty low at a fast rate, right is still okay. At this point I began to feel the pressing sensation in my left eye. I requested the revision around this time. Middle bottom photo, squinting a little but you can tell how far the left crease has become covered. Weight against eye getting worse. Bottom photo is my two months after my left eye was revised this summer, just to show that my right eye continues to get lower despite it being more than a year since initial surgery in summer 2015 even though I insisted this to Teuim at my revision consultation in Summer 2016 they did not want to believe me then but can't even respond to me now when I show concrete proof.

Tip: Many times if you have a concern post-surgery and e-mail them they will dismiss your concerns as temporary and often they may even be right. For example I noticed my eyes did not close all the way after my first surgery and I e-mailed them since it concerned me and was told that it was a "temporary manifestation." Eventually my eyes did end up closing fully again but it is very easy for them to just say "don't worry it will get better in time" for something like that. With this current problem though, my eyes have felt like this for most of the year and I am extremely upset that they've decided to be quiet about it. Know that you may get the same response for a common problem if you e-mail them post-surgery and they may be right, but if you have a gut feeling that it isn't something usual follow your instinct and keep persisting but understand that they may even keep dismissing it until the end which is very easy for them to do if you return home to somewhere far from Seoul. Also be ready for the possibility of having to get a revision or seeking surgery somewhere else.

You can see that the descent began from the inner corner. As my upper lid became heavier and lower my lashes started to cover my pupil more. It's strenuous to look at something straight in front of me but even more so when I have to look up. Literally like pushing against weights just to try to see something above me, so I often end up staring lower or avoid long eye contact with people taller than me. Today my lid and crease are even lower than shown here and I would not be surprised if the skin above the crease ends up spilling over my lashes in the next year. I predict my left eye will continue to droop despite the failed revision. I feel that the side view above is better at illustrating the weight that I feel though.

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Crease on left eye becoming undone already <1 month after 2 revision surgeries. Front angle of photo I included two posts ago.


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Bonus photo: Okay this photo is pretty unsexy lol but just to show how bad my left eye looked when I came back home after the repeated 2-surgeries-in-2-weeks-due-to-misunderstanding. There was even small parts with blood still coming out even days after I returned, you can see where it is most red. Of course it looks much better now but the epi scar is even more resilient and deeper now that I've operated on that eye three times. I knew from my first surgery that my eye would eventually close again so I didn't bother e-mailing. Getting dry eye is a real concern though especially if you are getting a revision. Rough patch of skin that I described earlier is very clear here. I forgot to mention that since I had that unexpected 2nd revision surgery soon after the 1st revision surgery, I only had like one day to wash my hair thoroughly then had to go back to another week of no showers... Tip: Bring dry shampoo if you plan to go through with this surgery unless you want to wake up in the middle of the night with an itching scalp.

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Another bonus photo: Wow I really just don't care anymore at this point about showing weird photos. Sorry if it's too much! Hopefully it is helpful for some of you. Squinting my right eye here to show how much excess skin has covered and created kind of a 'pocket' and bulgy effect. Notice how my eyelid skin is all accumulating above where the initial crease that Dr. Kwon made is. Think of this photo as an extension to the first photo since it was taken around that time.


Sorry if I was redundant in some areas! Didn't expect this to be another long post but I think I've covered mostly everything I've wanted to say with these past few posts and I hope my experience was helpful for anyone reading. I think I'm pretty qualified to speak about my opinion since I have had surgery here three times but again this is only my experience. At least you know if something does go wrong under Dr. Kwon's hands, he'll eventually deny responsibility and stop replying to your e-mail once you provide pictures with solid evidence.

May be a long shot but if anyone knows a great ophthalmologist/eye doctor in the US who has experience with this kind of thing, please PM me.
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I really feel for you and your post and I do hope you eventually find a good surgeon to correct your problem. The feeling of pressure around the eye is something that need urgent correction. Did you ask Dr Kwon what was the cause of it? or consult other surgeon who do revision surgery about it? and if they can help? did you consult other surgeons in korea like MVP and JW over your problem...I heard they are quite good ? You had the surgery done by the same doctor 3 times, maybe you should consult others for their thoughts... hope you find something soon?
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so sorry about this horror story, was wondering if you could post a before photo?
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