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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Two more things:

REFRAIN from bending over lower than your waist or doing any gymnastics or handstands. Blood will RUSH into your eyelids and you will feel incredible and uncomfortable amounts of pressure in the area. Any of you guys know how long it'll take before we can do fancy upside down yoga again? :P

Also... I've used contractubex on my eyelids every day. I know you won't be able to find this scar cream everywhere (and I only got this because it was mentioned in the forums here, but Dr. Kwan did NOT recommend any specific cream and the nurses did not either). The active ingredients in contractubex are extractum cepae, heparin, and allantoin. I'm pretty sure any other scar cream will work, but just so you guys know :smile:

Anyway, I've attached a before picture of my eyes and an 'after' picture I JUST literally took in crappy lighting in my room (a bit more than two months after the surgery). I've also attached a during picture at the one/two week mark where you can still see the dark red bruising where I got the epi. I wanted to upload this pic with the rest of the images, but the forum wouldn't let me so... *shrug*


The difference may also seem bigger than it is because I pretty much never took pictures of myself without glasses before the surgery. In the 'before' picture I am also smiling (hence dat aegyo-sal) that will scrunch up my eye shape a bit more. I was pretty much deadpan in the face in the rest of the photos, so just keep that in mind.

Also... Sorry about the different quality in the pictures. The after was taken with an iPhone and the before/during-s were taken with the phone that I was traveling with at the time.
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What kind of eyes did you go for? I'm looking to do eyelid revision and scar treatment from previous work. I also want to get my epicanthoplasty done and as well as my lateral canthopexy. Notice it is different from later canthoplasty where canthopexy open up the outer corners but you can always change the tilt of your outer corners. For example, you can have less slanted eyes etc. I'm looking for buried tapered infold crease where you cannot see the crease at all. Is Kwon a good candidate who will do that? I hear he doesn't mess around with lateral canthoplasty/canthopexy so I'm a bit worried. Also, I'm looking to get fat graft done at Teuim. Is that a good idea to do full prp fat graft at teuim although they aren't known for that? Teuim website is also outdated saying they offer rhinoplasty. What's your overall experience? Would you have gone to Teuim again second chance and not just finding out about Teuim on purse forum. I'm currently leaning on Dream but I also have JW, Teuim, and ChungdamU on my list.
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Q: What kind of eyes did you go for?
A: Parallel outfolder eyes (which he didn't give me, as you can see). This was answered in several past posts

Q: Lateral canthoplasty
A: Cannot comment as my eyes were never slanted upwards and I never looked for that surgery

Q: Is Kwon good with a super natural line that is a double eyelid that is hardly visible?
A: Yes, he is good with super natural eyes. Just emphasize and show him what exactly you want in that 'natural' category. I'm pretty sure he'll be even more happy to give you those kinda eyes if you're a boy, but I don't think you are one.

Q: Fat graft at Teuim
A: I don't know if I can recommend that. Someone from this forum had a reallyyyyy bad experience with it in the past (look through my old posts for a link)

Q: Overall experience
A: Read past posts please. I think I addressed this question several times.
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callmehyung, hi - sorry to bother you. Out of curiosity, how big is your eyelid with your eyes open in mm and how tall is your crease with your eyes closed? I am just curious because most of Kwon's patients say he gives them small crease but I think I like the size you are at right now (from looking at the picture). I am seeing him end of this month so I am just trying to gather as much info about Kwon's work. I appreaciate your help. Thank you..
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uhh... I don't think telling the doctor how many mm you want is a good idea. He told me he gave me the highest crease possible between my eye's natural distance to my eyebrow w/ it still looking natural. Not everyone's distance between the two is the same, so you can just ask the same. He was probably even more conservative in his height approach because I'm a boy.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just FYI it is totally normal to get makeup "collecting" along your double eye line.

I have really huge dolly eyes (naturally) and this always happens to me, esp when I wear creme eyeshadow:Pp
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yea to be honest i dont think he is great with parallel lids either, perhaps because he likes to do the taper-type parallel fold. i will email him on the 3 months mark so that he has to address the problem instead of asking me to wait. perhaps i should have kept it tapered instead but a tapered high fold will look somewhat down syndrome-ish. sigh~ yea it's a nuisance when tiny problem like this happens

u had ur primary with him as well?
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Hey Mickely - to your point about Dr Kwon producing taper-type parallel fold.. It sounds like the type of fold I'm looking for, something like the following:

parallel crease.png

Is this what you were referring to when you mentioned taper-type parallel fold? I don't want a fully parallel fold but rather something that is more tapered but does not touch the inner corners, just slightly above it.
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Yea it's somethinglike that but just so u knowthe risk of it being completely tapered is high like the others before me, what's worst is when one eye is parallel and the other tapered like mine.. But iI can' completely blame him though ttissuechanges during hhealing, just my luck I guess. If urs is primary u might have better results than me, just be firm with him about what you want. He is a ggoodasurgeon nonetheless
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I was laughing all the way while reading your post and I couldn't agree more especially your point 1 and 2! Your description is totally what I've experienced too! ;)
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My experience with Dr Kwon was ok. It's not true that he suggested Ptosis, des & epi to all.
He told me to do epi and eyebrow lift, and des if I want. But since it's an option, I went ahead with only epi and eyebrow lift. 3 weeks have passed and I do regret not taking his advice to do the des as well.
Just a side note, his manager, Alice, is really not someone whom you want to make friend with but she's the only one who speaks English besides Dr Kwon. So you still need her nonetheless...
Dr has 2 nurses assisting him. As previous patients have mentioned, 1 of them is super sweet and gentle whereas the other one is just so so rough! Haha...
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Haha Alice, she was so indifferent, uncaring to a point of being cold when I first met her, but after I decided to have there, she had a 180 attitude change it was funny to watch, she became so cute and caring and nice, trying to maintain teuim image perhaps.. Girin on the other hand was so nice from the moment I walked in till I left, contemplating lateral canthoplasty there.. Man I missed Seoul
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