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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Hello! Do you know how long will it takes for it to be not droopy and no swelling? Yeap 3.3mil for DES, ptosis correction and epi. My airbnb host(Korean) told me that it is very expensive and said that it would be cheaper if he had gone with me for consultation as they will charge their local much cheaper than foreigner.
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he probably wants commission, but he s right, teuim is more expensive than most clinic, swelling will disappear by 3 months, but honestly ur eyes were hardly droopy at all, one of my eye was literally only half open then but it normalised gradually by 6 weeks.
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why don't you make a deal with the clinic, could get more bargaining instead of going their with your host.
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I think she's saying that after she already paid her host told her she paid too much. By that point, there's nothing in it for him, he's probably just stating the facts
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Hey guys,

I just came back from Korea on the 31st of May. I just want to say, this forum has been really helpful for people like myself in terms of hearing personal stories and experiences. It’s why I felt I couldn’t be selfish and withhold information especially since I knew that other people could benefit from the stories. I know I did.

I arrived on May 21st from Canada and left on May 31st. I went to Korea to do DE + ptosis correction + EPI. Total cost after negotiating was 4.5MM KRW. I know it’s on the higher end as I’ve been quoted 3.5MM KRW and as high as 5MM KRW. However, Teium kept on popping up consistently as a good place to do DE and Dr. Kwon is famous for doing eyes. If you check out his website, you’ll see several hundred before and after pictures of people he’s dealt with.

Just a heads up, he’s known to be more conservative with his creases so if you’re a female, some people who are looking to do dolly eyes might want to go check out some others place like Cinderella i've been told. As well, I’m a guy, but that’s what Ive been reading in this forum.

Before arriving I did a lot of reading and sent pictures of myself to several clinics with an open mind in terms of what needed to be changed. However, I was pretty set on just doing my eyes. I sent a picture of myself from the front, 90 degrees, and 45 degrees. Because they will all require that.

FYI… If you’re interested in getting a virtual simulation of how that looks like, a few of the bigger clinics offer that. E.g. BK Hospital and Grand Plastic Surgery. Some of the clinics will even do Skype consultations. All of the clinics are located in Gangnam and the subway is very simple to use and English friendly.

I went with Dr. Kwon and didn’t see other surgeons even though I booked with them. I was booked with BK, Grand, JW, and Teium. Even before meeting I felt as though it came down to JW , Teium, and Banobagi. Sadly, Banobagi, never responded to my email in English.

Usually, i would go have gone and checked out a few clinics before making my final decision, but his schedule was packed for the next day and I felt comfortable enough with him that after talking for 20 minutes I was willing do just do the operation. FYI... you can't have food or even drink water 2 hours before the operation

In the consultation, he didn’t try to upsell and was very calm. I even tested him and asked him if there were other things I needed to fix just to see if he was money hungry.

One of the knocks about the bigger clinics is it’s seen as a cash cow and they rush people in and out. I’ve read that about BK, Grand, and some of the bigger clinics. Teium is a boutique shop and it’s very homely feeling. It’s busy enough that you know they’re in demand, but not super busy to the point where you feel like you’re just a number. The environment is very clean and professional. Keep in mind, Dr. Kwon ONLY does eyes.

When you come in and sit in the waiting area, you’ll see a textbook he’s published with the hundreds and hundreds of operations he’s done. As well, there’s a picture of him on a magazine, so apparently he’s a very well known eye surgeon. As well, I think he’s the creator of the magic EPI so a lot of times he’ll recommend the DE with the magic EPI.

Dr. Kwon’s English isn’t that great and there is one nurse whose English is OK. Everyone else knows next to none. It’s enough to communicate but my impression is if you want to be extremely specific about your specifications, you may want to bring an interpreter or make sure the other doctor is in. From reading this forum, the other doctor is extremely fluent in English. I know some people are very specific about the angle of the creases and height, etc. I didn't get a chance to meet the other doctor however. His emphasis was on natural creases as I am of Chinese descent.

I’ve also read about using Seoul Touch Up as a service where they arrange your travels, hotels, and set you up with an interepreter. Check out seoultouchup.com

Anyways, short end of the story is I would recommend him because he’s very anal about being accurate. He kept measuring and remeasuring to make sure my eyes were even before and during the procedure. That being said, the eyes sometimes heal unevenly and some things are beyond his control. He mentioned how difficult my procedure was and I heard him grunting during the operation. I got the sense he was frustrated but he also gave me a strong impression he is a bit of a perfectionalist. In total, my operation took about 2 hours.

Before the surgery, he even warned me it will never be 100% because I have extremely uneven eyes from birth. FYI, if you have ptosis, he mentioned that in the long run, if you don’t want your eyes to degrade as quickly, you should do laser eye correction because apparently having contacts will affect the condition.

I apologize for the long post. Feel free to read the other posts as well. I agree with the majority of the people that posted here. I don’t get paid to advertise for Teium, but I know by posting, it may save people from going to some really bad surgeons that don’t care. Whatever the result is, I know it would not be for a lack of effort on his part. Keep in mind, would you rather have someone who specializes and does just eyes or someone who does a bit of everything.
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I'm not sure that the test of whether a surgeon is "money hungry" as you say is to ask them point blank "Do I need any thing else done?"

In many cases, most people could benefit from other minor operations and the surgeon is simply being honest and answering YOUR question by telling you what other surgeries might benefit you.

That is not upselling so much as it is giving a professional opinion.

Instead, I think it's more telling if you go in there and ask for X and while you're there they randomly say "You should do A, B, C as well"...
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Besides, Dr Kwon only does eyes anyway so there wouldn't have been any way he could try to upsell any other types of surgeries even if he was "money hungry". Unless you are just asking for a professional opinion rather than just "testing" the man out... as it doesn't make sense.
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This is in response to DaveyBoi's post.
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Yep, I thought that too:s
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Best if you can show us before and after pictures ? To ensure us this is not a marketing trick :smile:
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Is dr Kwon the only one who does eyes in Teuim clinic? my friend from yoga class went to him last year in September and she went from pretty girl to xxx poor girl she wanted the best and thought he was the best in Seoul for eyes but she was tricked by their blog. She told us she didnt see any nice before and after pictures but she trusted the dr to be good.
Now, she has scar from her eyes surgery but it is maybe too soon to tell? I heard patients need one year to fully recover?
She is looking for a place to redo her eyes girl. I told her to post her experience here i hope she will share with you guys.
She is going back in September with me but can we really trust comment on this forum? i hope so because at the same time, there are some much information to read that have been useful for us.
The only bad thing is that i was registered on this forum once before and got contacted privately by girls and guys that would recommend us to go to some clinics. Better not leave your contact details on this or else you might experience this too. My mistake…
But maybe my friend was not lucky and the surgeon she got was someone else if there are any other in that clinic?
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anyone who had done medial epicanthoplasty at teium, or any other clinic, please help me, I seriously need help on my situation, i have done my epi at teium on may 14 and now is my post-op 3 weeks. my inner corner is getting more red and little bumps are formed at lower corner below the cut. my scar is getting more visible. i do not know what to do now
my post-op day 7
my post-op 3weeks
i am uploading my pictures from my computer i don't if it works. if it doesn't can anybody tell me how to upload pictures . thank you so much

sometimes the scar has a little bit pain too, and if i use Quotip to touch the area, it hurts. I don't know what is happening, don't know if hypertrophic scar is forming , swelling still , or getting infectious, my situation was better right after the operation and its getting worse and worse..i am not sure what to do now. anyone please help me on this; suggestions, ideas or anything.

well i am trying to send email to teium too, but i doubt i will get anything response back though

after i finish with my concerns and i will share my experience in a very detailed post

very appreciated!!
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continued with mine previous post\

day post-op 7 days

day 3 weeks


thank you so much guys !!!
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