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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Yes it's possible... but apparently Tieum usually offer the full package
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He recommends it to almost everyone but I suggest you to be firm with your decision. If you think epi and ptosis aren't necessary, tell him. If he still insist his way, I think you can find another doctor elsewhere.
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After what fayelita went through, won't you be looking for another surgeon?
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was really hoping i wouldn't find a post like this confirming that i cant do the surgery without epi.... is there any other hospitals you wish you went to then?
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  • 2 weeks later...
so this is what happended by Dr. Kwon?? I can not believe that "DOCTOR" denying their faults...and why'd you go 3 times from there when you had bad experiences from that clinic....hows your eyes lately?
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Sorry my experience posts were very long so you may not have caught it. I technically made 2 trips to Korea and had 3 surgeries (3 operations on left eye, 1 on right). There was the initial surgery on both eyes in Summer 2015 and during the 2nd trip in Summer 2016 my revision took 2 surgeries because he did not understand what I said the first time about my problem and even rushed me. If you are asking why I went technically went 3 times, it was because they offered the free revision at first and I thought that only the surgeon who initially performed on me would understand best what kind of operation he did and maybe know how to fix the problem that came post-surgery. When it came clear that he only fixed the crease's appearance (which later became undone anyway), I returned one week post-first-revision-surgery, left eye still swollen, because I was still in Korea anyway and wanted to get this problem solved once and for all.. Also because if I had gone anywhere else they would've charged me for revision. By the second-revision surgery, a translator had started working there so he understood better that I wasn't just concerned about the crease's appearance lowering but rather the crazy pressure it caused against my eye. Really upset that his whole attempt at revision could've been just one surgery instead of two, all due to his not understanding me yet insisting that he did.

Regarding how my eyes are lately, not much has changed. I still find it hard to maintain eye contact unless I tilt my head back or physically lift my eyelid skin/brow using my finger. Constantly feel lulled to sleep from the sheer weight of skin that's resting on/against my eyes. I wear double-eyelid tape on my left eye every day because the crease is already broken and if I don't it looks harsh and low, similar to the second to last picture in the middle collage from my post above. I continue to feel heavy weight and can noticeably see my eyelid skin still dropping lower, and also feel more resistance from above my eye even when I'm just looking straight ahead. I actually have an appointment today to see a second eye doctor. I don't know what I will do if nothing improves... I'm currently in college and all quarter I've had to use one hand to lift both my eyes while I study just so I can concentrate without the pressure. Things like watching TV, especially if the screen is higher, are no longer enjoyable. When I'm not studying, I'm mostly laying down and wearing a tight eye mask to relieve my eyes (which often ends up with me falling asleep wasting my life away).

If Teuim/Dr. Kwon had responded to my e-mail after I showed concrete proof of non-improvement, I might not have been as upset but their behavior in this situation (choosing to flat out ignore me instead) is extremely shady and really shows where their priorities lie... $$$.
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After my second-revision surgery (the 2nd one that was done within a week of the 1st one this summer), I kept being told by the translator that he was "the best in his field" so I asked "If he is the best in his field, can he ask his fellow colleagues if they can give any advice on this or provide some of their insight??" and I was told something like "probably not, since he's the best" .... Wow. They didn't even try.

Honestly I am scared of having surgery in Korea again. I chose Teuim for many reasons including all the good reviews from this thread in the beginning (I'm starting to see more bad reviews come out, if only I could've known back then) and they seemed to come off as the most English-friendly because of their site (my mistake to believe that by my revision surgery). As a college student, I also cannot afford to drop a few thousand dollars again and if I recall correctly revision surgeries can be more expensive than the standard price for an initial surgery.. I was really hoping for the initial surgery at Teuim to be all I needed for a long time. I really felt like nothing could've gone wrong. If I had consulted with other surgeons or clinics while I was still in Korea (after my revision surgery), it probably would've been tremendously expensive and it was just not an option I had in mind since I had already undergone the first revision with Teuim. Seoul is a beautiful city but I don't think I can come back to really enjoy the city again without thinking of my terrible surgery experiences. At least not for a long time.
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That's something my mother suggested too since she saw how much it was affecting my life. I don't know where I would begin since the clinic is not in my country and honestly revisiting the topic, let alone this thread, is emotionally hard enough since I deal with it every day already.. So far I've just been trying to move forward with the eye doctor appointments at home. Someone pm'ed me and suggested asking for a refund but not sure how well that would go considering they completely ignored my last e-mail. But yes it is upsetting because $3k is a lot, especially for me as a college student. And to remember how much the clinic likes to cram as many back-to-back surgeries as they can during the summer to maximize profit even at the cost of quality.. truly maddening.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Update on my situation.
A friend who hasnt seen me in a year bumped into me. And when that friend saw my eyes they straight out laughed and said i looked better before (without double eyelids or with double eyelid glue). In addition to this I have extremely bad scars such that the inner corners are completely dented and dented in different shapes making my eyes look deformed close up and i am extremely conscious of them. I have tried many treatments at the dermatologists and spent thousands consulting other doctors trying to fix this problem, but its only getting worse. And No doctor has said it was a decent job. Even my own parents thought it was a botched job without me even mentioning it to them, and cannot bring themselves to say that it looks good, and only say that they have seen worst cases before when they console me. All this is extremely hurtful, considering the sacrifices I made to get this surgery done. I have tried very hard to believe that I actually looked better now only if i could cover up my scars, but it seems that the whole aesthetic of the operation was a failure.

I don't know what happened that day at Teium, maybe Dr. Kwon was having a bad day (there was an angry patient complaining before me), maybe i got a late slot, maybe the stitches were too tight etc. But i knew the minute the stitches were removed, that something bad had happened, as there was a deep indentation that made me look weird. In the following months the indentation got more shallow but very wide and is clearly visible even in filtered pictures.

This whole experience has been a nightmare for me and one that has devastated my life and caused me severe clinical depression. It seems that I've had one of the worst epicanthoplasty cases from Teium in the clinic's recent history. I have googled on how other's epicanthoplasty scars look like and even the worst do not look anything like mine, just a line. Mine looks like a large circular chickenpox scar/gash on one eye corner, and a long triangular surgical indentation on the other eye. In fact, my case is even worse than the before pictures of revision epicanthoplasty on Teium's website.

Right now I am open to suggestions from anyone who has undergone the traditional epicanthoplasty, had scars and successfully removed them somehow. I also fear going for a revision epicanthoplasty because I am deathly afraid that the next incision will cause even more severe scarring, in addition to the cost of going back to Korea. I chose Dr. Kwon before because I trusted him and thought there was some sort of guarantee that if things went wrong, he would fix it without fail. But as all doctors who have studied skin will know, once a scar has formed it can never be erased, and I feel that he is limited in what he can possibly do for me and I might not get to live a normal, undiscriminated life again.

I would be very grateful for any help offered as I am really at the end of my rope and have barely been able to eat or sleep anymore. Thanks.
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Dear @erichyung I suggest that you could consult to shinseung, eve, or dr ahn, they're quite famous in epicanthoplasty reversal. They might help you with your problem, I've seen cases when they can reverse epicanthoplasty, not sure if this applicable in your case, but I hope it will!
Dr ahn is famous on scar surgery, not sure if he can help, but hopefully he will. Shinseung and Eve is specialized in epi reversal technique, hopefully there's a way in reversing your epi.
I know the pain of failed eyelid surgery and the regret of doing it, but since it's already done, we just have to think positively and move on. I hope for the best for you. :smile:
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Dear @MissOrange I know that mvp is good for revision des, but I'm not sure that dr seo can do epi reserval, as it is different with epi revision. Based on my research only 2 doctor specialize in it, shinseung and dr chung from eve ps. They develop their own technique and not every doctor can do it.
But definitely can check it out first, maybe can do revision instead of reversal. :smile:
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but the thing is that revision requires the scar to probably be cut up and resewn, i just dont see how my wide and deep scar can be resewn without warping the shape of my eye :sad: Plus the fact that it'll probably take another long period of recovery (I didnt go out for 3 months after my first epi) before it looks relatively normal again.

at this point its either I try more scar treatments or go for a revision and i'm not sure the latter is the best choice. What if it scars again, then im back to square 1, or maybe even worse
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