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The Plastic Surgery Clinic

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As cliche as the name of the clinic may sounds, has anyone or koreans visited this clinic for their plastic surgery procedures? I couldn't find much information online, and this was recommended to me by a Korean acquaintance of mine.

Here's the website - http://www.theclinic.co.kr

Do let me know if you guys had done your procedures there. Thanks!
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I'm sorry i don't know the clinic but i laughed when i see that... i know a couple of shops around here that have names like that, pretty much like a store named "expensive store" selling... expensive things. hahaha. i'm not even joking, it's like that! it's funny to see...sometimes i think i have to go inside those shops just because of the name... maybe that's their trick!
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I know right. I had the same moment when my friend recommended me this clinic.
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