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Dr Kim at BK Hospital

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Dear Hannee,

May i know who was the PS surgeon that did your first surgery in california?

how many months after the initial surgery are you now?
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I think you are a thoughtful person. Thanks for your advise. When will you plan to have your surgery? Which doctor do you consider?

I had eyelids and nose surgery in July 2010 with dr Tong at Orange county, Cali. Do you plan to go to Seoul at the end of this year?
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I emailed Dr. Charles Lee in California for an eye revision and he said he doesn't do a revision. I'm sort of between Banobagi and Bano Eye Clinic. Anyone heard anything about those two. I hear about 2 bad reviews against Dr. Cho at Bano Eye Clinic but not Banobagi.
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Banobagi has much more actual pictures in the clinic than their website
and their incisional didnt look very good, even on some of the receptionists, its not all that perfect, like u'll be able to tell they had it done. but yeah they're SUPER busy. u should really just go check clinics out on ur own, u get to see the results in person, like creep on the girls that work there.

although the eyes didnt look all that good to me, they were almost all primary eyelid surgery, and that they have ANOTHER doctor that specializes in revision
their primary eyelid surgeon specializes in Non-incisional. and they all look really good and pretty, but incisional, not so much, at least for my taste.
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Hi girls (and boys)! :smile:

I am planning to go to Seoul this July. Even though it's quite short-term, I would like to share some thoughts with you.

I am looking for a specialist in Eyelid surgery, someone who is capable of making the eyes look as natural as possible.

I've heard about these clinics:

Has anyone of you been there or does anyone have plans to go there?
It would be great to hear some reviews about these clinics. I'd be happy also to get some other recommendations from you, since I don't know much about this topic.

Again these are my concerns, and I would be very happy to hear any opinion from you:

1. Which clinic/ doctor should I chose for eyelid surgery?
2. Anyone planning on going there in July 2011?
3. Looking for a good place to stay, sth decent and not too expensive, since I'd like to stay a couple of weeks.
3. Is it too short-term to make appointments for July 2011?

Thanks in advance and hope to hear from you soon! :smile:
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I was in Seoul last week. I've been to Korea 8 times for business, but never thought about plastic surgery there until now. Interested in a rhinoplasty I came across this forum on a google search. I checked out some of the clinics frequently discussed on this forum as well as *tried* to go to some of the more Korean clinics. I've chosen to go back to Seoul at the end of June and have my surgery at Dream with Dr. Park Yang Soo.

I went to Dream, OZ and VIP.

1.)Went to OZ first. This clinic is on the main shopping street in Gangnam, not exactly far, but not near the other clinics that are all clustered near the apgujung subway station. This clinic suprized me that it was kind of small and not really busy. I saw Dr. Park pretty quickly. He speaks pretty decent English, we talked about my nose and I liked what he had to say, not trying to make my nose perfect (I'm a guy). Price was pretty good at 3.5 mil won which is about $3300

2.)Went to VIP next which is in the Apgujung area (might technicaly be in shinadong but right on the border). I met Joann who has a great personality and is charming and funny too. She talked to me a lot about what the surgery would consist of including more detail about what Mr Park talked about. This impressed me and concerned me at the same time because she was not the doctor but was telling me what seemed like a lot of details about the surgery. I met one of the doctors, but Joann told me that he would not be the specialist working on me - I would have to come in the next day when he was available. I felt fine talking to this doctor (I forgot his name, but I think there are only 2 there). The next day I came in and talked to Dr. Lee in his penthouse office that actually looks pretty sweet. Joann accompanied us. I felt pretty good about Dr. Lee but Joann speaks better English than he does and they were both telling me about how my nose was messed up and they could make it better. They said I had a septal deviation that they could fix, but I didn't even know my nose was crooked. I breathe great but they were assuring me I could breathe better! Joann told me the cost was $4700 (quoted in dollars) and I could stay there some days for free in their officetel if they had room. I felt pretty good about the competency and the operation they were running there, but it seemed like there was a bit of an upsell as I didn't feel I needed or wanted a septal correction. Lots of people moving through here, I heard the employees speaking Chinese and one of them had an American accent.

I tried to hit some of the other Korean places. Some of them are in huge buildings that take up the entire thing which pictures of all the doctors working there. I know I went to Clinic 9 and Grand which have some of the hottest chicks I've ever seen working the front desks. Unfortunately they speak less English than any one I've seen in Korea (which is saying something). And I couldn't even get past the first line of defenses to see the doctor.

Finally I came across Dream which I don't know why I did, but I think I may have seen it mentioned in passing in this forum. Again the staff did not speak English, but they tried to understand what I was saying instead of just right off the bat rejecting me. They gave me a form to fill out which was all in Korean. Fortunately these were words I knew and I specified that I was there for my nose. BTW- waiting room here was pretty busy. After awhile I met the counselor who said I would have to come back to see the nose guy in about an hour. When I came back I met doctor Park and had a wonderful consultation. Maybe he could see that I had a little bit of a deviated septum and he asked "do you have trouble breathing?" I said no and he said "ok, good that means we don't have to go deep and we can do a closed rhinoplasty" (good no upsell). I also asked him if he did a lot of caucasian noses. Instead of telling me "yeah, yeah no problem" he said "honestly we don't see a lot of caucasians, but the ideal nose is similar, but the starting point is different". Dr. Park explained everything in the perfect amount of detail without trying to sound overconfident (as I've had surgery in the past I'm on the look out for the overconfident ones). I searched him online and the clinic comes up #2 on google when you search for plastic surgery in Korean. His price was also $3300 (3.8 mil won discounted to 3.5 mil won). So I'm going there!

As far as accomodations. I don't believe there are any full service English speaking hotels in the Gangnam area that are cheap (like $50 or below). I stayed at Fox hotel for a night which is in gangnam near Seoul National Uni for $70 a night and it was pretty cool with free wifi and free snacks. I think you can go cheap with short stay apartments that I'm guessing run $30-$40 a night if they have availability. If anyone is interested in sharing a room let me know! I really would like someone close by the first night in case something happens. I'm thinking I'll get a room near cha hospital which is maybe a mile down the road from apgujung. I've had experience going to that hospital and I heard it's well known in Korea (although more for baby deliveries).

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Ok friends! Please share your information to us if you have any experience with any beauty clinic in Korea for "Revision Double Eyelids" surgery. Have anyone have a double eyelids revision and like the result, please pm me and let me know which clinic is the best and who's the doctor. I meant a lot of people writes up here before they heading to surgery in Korea, but after that, I hear nothing back from anyone. So what had happened? If you post a message up here then please let people pm you or send them a return message, then that will be helpful for others who need to know about the travel and the surgery. If you know any info, please share. Thank guys for writing and sharing!!!!
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SassyChic09, check out the double eyelid thread on Soompi, there's a girl who got her revision (3rd irrc) at ASPS and it turned out beautifully, she has some pictures up and is currently at 5 months post-op. Just had my primary, 4 days post-op, and i'm hating it. I have droopy dog eyes with hardly any visiable lid even though i specified i wanted medium crease exactally like what I was born with. So once I let it settle in 6 or so months time i'll be looking at revision. ahh %^#%@ my life
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To Migookinamja and 170378,

Hi guys, I will also be in Korea this July, starting the 7th later in the day and will be there for a week for consultations and if not, leaving the 18th to go to Dr. Kenneth Kim's clinic in LA which he is affiliated with Dream clinic in Soeul. Please let me know if your interested in sharing a room with another guy. I'm new to this form so I can't send out personal messages but email me at xxxx
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To Migookinamja and 170378,

Hi guys, I will also be in Korea this July, starting the 7th later in the day and will be there for a week for consultations and if not, leaving the 18th to go to Dr. Kenneth Kim's clinic in LA which he is affiliated with Dream clinic in Soeul. Please let me know if your interested in sharing a room with another guy. I'm new to this form so I can't send out personal messages but email me at xxxx
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thank you for sharing. Did your korean friends say anything first time double eye lid surgery with Dr. Cho from Bandoeye? I know he's an expert in revision which I would then assume he is an expert in first time double eye lid but I want to make sure,

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Do you know where she have it done and what's the link to her pictures?
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Hi there! :smile:
Thanks so much for your detailed post.
Seems like you will be going in July, too? If that's your case, lets def try to meet up and share our pre- and post-experiences!
I am a bit scared, I haven't been to Korea before, don't speak the language and most importantly, I have never had any experiences with plastic surgery.
About OZ clinic I think I will not go there, since I've heard too many bad reviews about it. VIP clinic, yes I will at least go there to have consultation first. And Dream clinic is def one of my favorites. From what I heard they have been serving many Korean actors and actresses.
Lets talk more via email, what do you think? Do you have an email adress where I can contact you?
Keep in touch!

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I'm there from June 23rd to July 2. Sounds like you are going to do it all in one shot, consult and surgery? I don't have an aliased email address (only one with my real name). Post your email if you have an aliased one. I'm about to get PM ability tomorrow.

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