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Dr Kim at BK Hospital

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Hi. Can I ask how much you paid for your 3 operations as I am thinking of having these ops too and I'm going next week! Also did Dr. Hong do your nose? Did you have silicone? If you have any pics can you email them to me at [email protected] Thanks ever so.
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nose (silicone for bridge + septal cartilage for tip + humpr removal) = 4500USD + 10% tax
cheekbone reduction 5000 USD
v-line surgery (square jaw reduction + chin implant) 10000USD

And yes dr.hong did all my surgery. check your email for my pictures. :smile:
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Hi. I got your photos, you look great!!!!

I have a consultation with Dr Hong on 7th June and it is mainly because of your posting so thank you. It was the lack of swelling that helped and another person replied to confirm they too experienced hardly any swelling in the hands of Dr Hong. Which surgery would you say was the most painful post op, the cheekbone or jaw surgery?

Did you pay by credit card so you had to pay the 10% on all your surgeries?
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Hi. I can see you paid the 10% tax for your rhino op and not for your cheekbone and V line. I was wondering how did you manage to pay this with cash as you are only allowed USD10k into the country, did you declare it through customs?
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Yeah, Korea has a weird law that they consider nose and eye surgery as cosmetic surgery and cheekbone and v-line as medical surgery ? Anyway, that's why I only paid tax for nose. I did not bring cash since BK's price is the same
whether you pay with credit card or cash, but I made sure my credit card limit
was enough for me to pay for surgery. :smile: Call your credit card company to remove the protection to use overseas if you are planning to use your credit card for payment. :smile:
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Hi guys,

I've been gorge-reading this forum for a few days from the 1st post to now and still quite confused. I am planning to do rhinoplasty. So far, theres:

  • Dr. Lee from VIP
  • Dr. Park from ID
  • Dr. Jung from Shimmian
  • Dr. Kim from BK

In the earlier forum thread, Dr. Lee seems to be the most popular.. but now Dr. Kim seems to be more popular.

Any ideas why? What's your experience with any of them? Thank you for sharing and yr suggestions.:smile:
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Dear SassyChic09,
How did your research go? Im also trying to find a way to contact Dr Cho. I cant read korean, their website is www.bandoeyeps.com and when i called, the receptionist cant speak any english at all :sad:

Hmm. For Banobagi, can share with me what was corrected and what problem it caused later on? sorry am planning to go korea soon and really very ganchiong now! >_<

I cant use the PM function yet. But if you wish.. my email is [email protected] Thank you babe!!
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Hi babe, you had your consultation and procedures done with dr hong yet? How did it go?
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I'm considering visiting BK in the beginning of July. When are you going?
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Hi everyone!

I planning to go get rhinoplasty done in Korea sometime in the next year.

I have a friend that had rhinoplasty at Vine Clinic in Korea a couple of years ago and another friend that had her's done with Dr Jung about 4 weeks ago. Both friends noses look fantastic. For some reason I like Vine Clinics job slightly more, maybe because her's was done a few years ago and has completely healed.

I have tried to find more reviews on Vine Clinic but can't seem to find anything online.

If someone has had work done with Vine Clinic would be great if you could share your experience with them.

I'll link Vine Clinics website below.

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Can I see your pictures also? Was it painful during the recovery process?
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Yeah, sure. Give me your email address then I will send it to you :smile:
On the very day of surgery, Everything was aching after I got off the anesthesia although I was on pain medication. Then the swelling begin on the 2nd day po.
Since I was not able to breathe through my nose for 1 week, it was rather uncomfortable than painful. Major swelling of my face went down after about 12-13 days po. Then, everything was okay. I didn't need to remove stitch for v-line surgery since they used absorbing thread in my mouth. Because they made incision in my mouth, I had difficulty in eating for about 1 month. but there is no scar on my face and plus I lost weight because of my diet. :smile: haha
Let me know if you have any more question. I hope this helps ! :biggrin:
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I want this surgery done but scared of not being able to open my mouth and eat :sad: I am fit but don't want to lose weight.
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Are you happy with the results? Was the change dramatic or subtle?
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