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Dr Kim at BK Hospital

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Hi!i know that its a little annoying that so many people ask you for your before/afetr pic but could you send it to my email too? [email protected]
thanks and sorry.hearing ppl saying u look good i want to see it too because i want to do rhinoplasty and double eyelids but because of all the mixed comments,its really hard and i dont live in korea.thanks :smile:
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Hey, I don't live in Korea as well so I understand your frustration researching and finding the right clinic for you. but cheer up ! people still get good results and manage to live their lives just fine. so you can do it as well !!! :biggrin:
I sent my pictures so check your email. :smile:
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Hi dan4me, I'm thinking to go through rhinoplasty, double eyelids and v-line surgery as well. Well, for v-line surgery, I'm really really thinking... Can you please send me your b/a photos for reference? [email protected]
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hi darling, are you able to send me your b/a picture as well? nostalgiaxox@gmail(dot)com..

thanks in advance!
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haha, if you are really really thinking :smile: I sent the pictures to you to help you a little. I didn't have double eyelids, but I had rhino, cheekbone reduction, and v-line surgery at BK. It's been almost 6 months now. Time flies so quickly !!!
Let me know what you think :smile:
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part 1

Hi guys,

I'm actually typing this from the BK Guest House and I've JUST had my surgery, literally. Like, yesterday. I just thought it'd be helpful for you guys to read.

So I've planned for my surgery for about half a year now, and I initially wanted only a very simple and basic eyelid surgery. So I made an appointment for that, and arranged for my consultation and surgery to be on the very same day since I'm only here for a pretty short span of time. I'll admit that I didn't do my research very thoroughly as I should have, but that's because most of the clinics' sites are in Korean, and BK is the only one that appeared to have a fully functional English site, with online consultations, and the Doctors occasionally travel to the SEA part of like Malaysia, Singapore, China and Hong Kong for consultations as well.

So I took the train, got off at Sinsa Station (Exit 2), and you will literally see the BK hospital on your immediate left. It's not as big as it appears to be on the site, it's half a building technically, but with many many floors. So I went into the 1st floor, there was a lady there who directed me to the 2nd floor, which is where the reception is. They were very courteous and nice, and the one who spoke to me (Yee Jin is her name I think) spoke in very fluent American English. She got me to fill out forms, asked me basic questions, and told me that she'll then bring me to the consultation room on the 3rd floor.

I went to the 3rd floor, waited for about 10 minutes or so, then a female Korean consultant came in. She was able to speak in English, fluent by Korean standards I guess, but it takes effort to understand her pronunciation. Her name is Chloe, and she's pretty pushy, like a saleslady. She doesn' hesitate to tlel you what other jobs she thinks you need, but if you are firm enough in saying no, she will stop.

She talked about the double eyelid surgery, and told me that she suggested that I get an epicanthoplasty with it because my eyes are set quite far apart. I was initially considering it already, so I said yes to that anyway. My eyes are also pretty uneven, with one eye bigger than the other, and she noticed that and pointed it out. She said that it's because my eye muscles are pretty weak, that's why one's more 'lazy' than the other, and in time, this will only become worse. I knew of that as well, and I've also had it pointed out to me a few times, but it didn't bug me as much as my single eyelids did. I said maybe I'll come back and do it again, but she said that she suggests me getting my eyes done all at the same time, so I don't have to suffer downtime twice, and that she's able to provide me with better prices. So these were her quotes:

Double eyelid: USD 1500-2000 (10% gov tax)
Epi: 1000-1500
Muscle correction: 1500-2000

My grand total came up to USD 400 for all 3 procedures, and including the 10% tax, it would be USD 4150. But because she promised a cheaper price, she waived the tax for me, and the total came to USD 4000. I had also previously paid a deposit of USD 475, so this time, I paid only USD 3525 flat rate. She did make a disclaimer saying that these are just her opinions, the doctor may think differently, and it's still ultimately up to the doctor. Then she told me to wait, so I did, for another 20 minutes, because Dr Kim was still in operation. So I waited in the reception area of that floor, and as soon as I saw Dr Kim walk through the glass doors, I wanted to follow him, because I thought it'd be polite to do so, but a nurse practically pushed me back onto the sofa and told me to wait, in a slightly frantic and panicked expression, like I just threatened to cut her fake nose. =_=

5 minutes later, she asked me to enter the room, and her was sitting behind a big desk. He didn't greet me, and just asked me if i wanted a big or small fold. I said big fold. He picked up two pairs of pointed tweezers that looked like this; http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbnid=CDOQ54XQlp2KmM:&imgrefurl=http://beaut.ie/blog/2008/must-have-beautie-tools-the-pointed-tweezers/&docid=ifbleR5RkunhNM&imgurl=http://beaut.ie/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/pointy.jpg&w=250&h=250&ei=Hm9ZUJKLH-iiiQL844GABA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=272&sig=106381848393280353756&page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=140&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:79&tx=45&ty=67&biw=1280&bih=628

and picked up both my eyelids. he didn't do this gently at ALL mind you. It felt like how it would feel like when you go for extractions at a facial. then he used a ballpoint pen and drew on my lids. then used wet cotton, wiped it off and drew on it again. he did this with the tweezers and pen for about 3 more times. All the while muttering "too much fat too much fat" XD I understand basic conversational Korean, and he was ordering the nurse around, and she was behaving in an odd manner. It was almost as if he was God, because her position was almost at 90 degrees the whole time whilst standing next to him, and she kept addressing him in a highly revered manner. It was creepy to watch. I also got told off for not sitting closer to him for him to observe my face, and for not sitting straight in front of him. And whilst I was observing all this, he then told me i could leave the room. I walked out like an idiot, a little lost, completely forgetting to voice out any of my concerns like how big will my epi cut be, and exactly how big I wanted my fold to be. That was my fault. But I would like to point out that he was definitely cocky and was almost bordering on rude, even. So stand your ground and remember to ask the questions you wanted to ask.

So I made the payment on the 4th floor, and she brought me into the locker room, where I stowed my things away. I was only wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts, so I didn't need to remove anything else, I was asked to put on a very big top, like the baseball jersey shape actually, with BK Hospital written all over it. Brought into another room, asked to tie my hair up and wear a hairband, and then photos were taken. Then made to wait in the pre-op waiting room for another 20 minutes or so.

I was then led by another nurse to the 6th floor, and before we went through the sliding doors, she hooked my arm in hers, and grabbed me firmly. I was wondering why would she do that until I realised that that was to prevent me from wondering around and looking into other operating rooms, because the rooms were just made up of sliding doors, and if I were to wander around or be nosey, I'd see all the things going on in the rooms. She held me like that until she led me into the room. There were 4 other masked women there, and I was instructed to lie down. Once I did, they all surrounded me and that was when I started to feel panicky. They surrounded me and went on to strap my legs and hands down to ensure that I won't be able to move, and inserted the IV into my right arm without informing me. I remember closing my eyes, trying to will the pain away an the next thing I know, I was seeing alot of colourful vribrant shapes and bright lights and images. I thought I was dreaming, until I heard voices in Korean. That snapped my attention, and I willed myself into focusing what was happening around me.

I really don't advise doing that. If you're sleeping, just force yourself to go back to sleep.

So I was focusing, and initially I didn't feel anything, just heard lasers and smelt burning and cutting. I assume that was from the fats from my eyelids since all Dr. Kim said repeatedly was "too much fats (repeat about7 times)" Suddenly I started to feel a little pain. So I made some noises, almost like soft moans because I couldn't talk. The pain grew more noticeable (still bearable, but I was afraid that it would get more pronounced so I made bigger gestures like shifting my leg). He sounded very impatient and made sighs and aggravated noises, and used his fist to firmly hit my shoulder and told me to relax. I could hear the heartbeat monitor loudly and clearly, and when I was distressed about the pain, my heartbeat accelerated rapidly. So I forced myself to calm down. Then I could feel cold liquid flowing through my veins, and I knew they had injected more anaesthesia into me. Then I couldn't feel the pain anymore, could still hear the burning and cutting and his annoyed words, but at least there was no pain. Then I fell back to sleep.

When I was woken up again, the nurse walked in front of me, she didn't even hold me or anything like that, and i was stumbling and dizzy, so I had to rely on the walls to walk. Went a couple of floors up, she led me to a bed and carried my IV fluid bag with her. I was so grateful then to be allowed to sleep, even though I knew it was only going to be for awhile. When I was woken up again, the nurses just asked me whether I felt like vomiting or I was dizzy, I said no to both. I felt completely fine then, no pain or anything, just the uncomfortable feeling of having my face swell up. It felt like I was having conjunctivitis.
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part 2

Then I walked out, she got me a bag with the 2 ice packed provided, and made me go to my locker, change into my own clothes, get my own luggage and walked me downstairs to the pharmacy located directly next to the hospital. The hospital isn't allowed to dispense medicine, so they had to write a prescription and then buy my meds from a pharmacy. It came up to a whopping total of USD 100, and she explained to me when and how to take my meds, to apply the ointments and such. Then she walked me to the guest house which is about 5 minutes away from the hospital. It sounds close, but it really isn't when you're physically impaired in one way or the other. I was grateful that my eyes were l iterally slits that I can't see anything because I felt conscious walking amongst the normal folks going about their daily businesses and I was just scaring people.

The nurse explained that it was normal however, because apparently, the Apgujeong and Sinsa areas are what the locals call the 'Plastic Surgery Central' so they're used to it. I then went back into my room, and even though I wanted so badly just to sleep it all off, I was reminded again and again to sit upright to rest or sleep, and ice pack ALL THE TIME because if you lie down, the blood will flow to your face and the swell will not go away. So I did just that, and today in the morning, I went back to get my wounds cleaned. It was gross - I bad blood all over my eyes all crusty and stuff, then I walked back to the guesthouse.

The swelling is definitely more prominent today, I can feel my eyes hurting a little bit more than yesterday, but the ice packs reduces it by alot then it's easier to open my eyes. Just don't put it away because babout5 minutes after you STOP cooling it, it swells up again and then it hurts to blink.

This is just my personal experience - I'm not here to slam any clinic or anyone on it, but I do regret having Dr Kim as a doctor. I know he's skilled and I've heard that he is good and he knows what he's doing, but to me, the post care and the service matters as much as the actual result. If I had known earlier, I would have changed hospitals or doctors altogether, but it has since been done, so I'm hoping for the best.

So sorry for the long post!
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Hi Dan4me, do you mind sending the pictures to me as well? I can't PM you my email so just send it to [email protected] :smile: I wish I'd chosen Dr Hong too, he sounds exactly like the kinda doctor a patient would want. :sad:
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Yeah, I covered my eyes for privacy and also I hate my eyes. haha
I'm planning for some surgery for eyes next year :smile:
Sent it. check your email !
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