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Dr Kim at BK Hospital

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hi there, i got my korean friend who can guide you in seoul, he can speak english and he can guide you here, he also guide me in seoul until now coz i still in seoul atm, if u need his contact number and more information, just private messages me!!=D more than happy to help you..
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Hi there,

All the best wishes for your surgery!!
May I know how much they charge you for cartilage rhinoplasty ?? And you rent a hotel room and how much that cost you per day ??
Pls do share with me :biggrin:
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Hi there,

All the best wishes !! How much did they charge you for cartilage rhino ??
And you didn't take their guest house , so how is your accomodation now ?? Pls do share with me :biggrin:
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Hi Celine, do you mind sharing how your recovery is going? I am consulting w banobagi for eye revision and nose tip plasty next month. Do you mind sharing some pictures? It would be for my eyes only. Or anything would be very helpful and much appreciated, thank you! My email is [email protected].
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi faith, did u do your surgery? I'm thinking about going to Seoul in March and will likely stay at the sunshine hotel as well. Which clinic did you choose for what procedure?
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Oh no no . You misunderstood me :biggrin:
I am planning to get it done in banobagi haha not that I was aldy in there but I've aldy booked Nicole and I'm flying to Seoul in May.
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What r u getting in banobagi?
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I refer to post of Iysuenn dated 22 Oct 2012 regarding her unfavourable eyelid surgery with Dr Kim of BK. I myself had upper and lower Blepharoplasty done on my upper and lower eyelids by Dr Kim on March 2012. I chose Dr Kim of BK because 3 of my colleagues also had their eyelids done by him and I was happy with their results. My eyelids surgery went very smoothly and painless, taking about just 1 hour. I had partial anesthetic as upper eyelid procedure, you need to hear instruction to open your eyelid. Dr Kim does not talk much, but I am fine with that. The procedure was totally painless for me, I did not even feel when they gave me the injection. I just saw bright and colorful lights, and could hear voices talking. I opened my eyes, when I heard the instruction. Next thing I knew, I was sitting up, and the assistant helped me down and helped me to the pharmacy to get my medications.
I walked back to the guesthouse myself, and rested for about 2 hours. I felt well after that, so I walked around Sinsa to explore the neighborhood.the next few days, I went shopping with sunglasses on. I had no problems with my healing. As long as you use the compress regularly, the swellings go down quite fast after the 4th day. The 3rd day is the worst but do not be alarmed. There was no discomfort or pain. I had my stitches removed on 7th day, Dr Kim came by personally to check my eyes and he was satisfied with the healing.
I flew back on the 8th day. Most swellings have gone down, with minimal yellow brushings left. I went back to work on 10 th day. Swellings continue to subside, and final results is only after 5-6 months.
I am very happy with the results. My eye bags are gone, my eyes no longer look tired, droopy or sleepy. The shape of my eyes are fresher and nicer, and I look younger now. All my colleagues also loved my results and say I look great now. Even, people that I mail my before and after pictures to, say my eyes look great now.
I guess the experience varies with each individual. Mine was a breeze! Easy, painless and fast. Went very smoothly! I am planning to go back to Dr Kim for a face lift next year.if you would like more info, mail me at [email protected].
I just wanted to share my positive experience with everyone. Cheers"
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For my eyelid surgery with BK on March 2012, I took the transport provide at USD80. Am glad I ddi, as I arrived around midnite, it was very cold around 2 degrees and drizzling and dark. The transport took me directly to the guesthouse (Sunshine Guesthouse) doorstep. The guesthouse manager helped me o my room. The room is small but very cozy. I got 5 days free stay at the guesthouse as I did upper and lower eyelids procedure. If you do only upper or lower, they give you 3 days free. It's a 5 mins walk to the BK hospital. There's a microwave oven. There's a Subway nearby. Can buy drinks and groceries at nearby convenient store.
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After my 5 day stay at BK guesthouse, they booked for me Coatel Hotel at Gangnam nearby. It's a big hotel with big spacious room, ideal for 2 ppl. SGD100 per nite. Very reasonable. Of course, you can book a guesthouse at only SGD40 per nite elsewhere, but I prefer to stay comfortably in a hotel. MRT is very nearby. Best of all, near the main road just nearby, there is a bus stop that have airport bus at only KRW15,000 (USD7) to take you back to airport. There's an airport schedule there. Be at bus stop early, bus arrives promptly, driver is nice, and bus quite empty.
If you arrive in the daytime and is familiar with Korea, I guess you can take the train or airport bus (I may try that next trip). But if you arrive at night and in very cold weather, better to pay the USD80 and avoid the scary inconvenience of lugging your luggage around late at night in freezing cold weather!
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It is recommended to have procedures done in cold weather, as the cold weather helps healing to be faster. I found it to be true. My fren went around May or June, when it was warmer, and her healing was slower. Best months : March/April. Use cold compress often to subside swellings, and hot compress to reduce bruisings. Bruisings and swellings vary with each individual. Mine was very minimal, and subside quite fast after 2 weeks. Swellings is the worst at 3rd day, but goes down quite fast after that. After 2-3 weeks, only slight yellowish bruisings left and just slight swellings on eyelids. After 5-6 months, the final results are visible. At 2-3rd month, swellings may fluctuate, sometimes less, sometimes more. But don't worry, be patient and it will go down soon enough.
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After resting for 2 hours after my procedure, I walked around and explored the Sinsa area. Next day, I went out shopping with my sunglasses on. Its best to rest and take it easy on the first day. I did heavy duty shopping from 2nd day onwards. I had my stitches removed on 7th day and flew home on 8th day. Be punctual for post op appointments with Dr Kim. Cannot be late or you will need to come back the next day, as Dr Kim is very busy with tight schedule. Best to go at least 15 mins early. Can wait at reception area which is very cosy and comfortable.
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