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Dr Kim at BK Hospital

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Hello - for those who are thinking about going to BK.

I had my double eye surgery done in November 2012, by Dr. Kim of BK Hospital located in Gangnam, South Korea. I am here to tell you how very disappointed I am with the result. I look at my eyes everyday and regret my decision in choosing this doctor who ruined my left eye.

I am a middle aged Korean woman living in Canada. I have had double eyelid surgery in my teen years and now that I am middle aged, I noticed that my eyes were drooping; I wanted to get some work done to improve their appearance. My outlook on this is that these procedures would be best done in Korea - where Asian eye surgeries are very common. I did some researches on line and it seems that Dr. Kim is well known and had some good reviews. Some called him one of the best plastic surgeons in Korea.

The whole process was quick. I travelled to Korea, had the consultation, and the procedures done two days after arrival. Two weeks after, I was back home recovering.

After two months, I noticed something was wrong. The eyelids looked unnatural. This was not unusual at this time as swelling takes time to settle, but my left eye continued to feel tired, very dry and uncomfortable. The appearance was odd as well since the upper lid was deep set and hollow looking. It was obvious that too much fat was removed from the left eye during the procedure. I emailed Dr. Kim with my concerns. He simply called this a "normal" recovery and instructed me to wait six months.

After recovering for six months, I was still having the same problems. It was clear to me, and people around me, that the eyes looked unnatural and the left eye was asymmetrical to the right eye. I sent several emails to Dr. Kim with attached photos. This doctor then recommended that putting fillers in my left eye or fat injection would correct the appearance. Even though it was clear that all these problems occurred after the eye surgery, Dr. Kim refused to acknowledge that he made a mistake. Instead he called it an "additional procedure" and wanted to charge me to correct his mistake. I was shocked! The arrogance of this doctor was unbelievable!

I went to see a prominent oculoplastic surgeon in Toronto. Dr. Oestreicher confirmed two facts for me.

Firstly, Dr. Kim did not follow the original eye line to make the double eyelids, even though this was clearly requested at the consultation. My original double eyelid line is low at 5mm but Dr. Kim set it higher to 7mm – a 40% deviation from my instructions. This changed the shape of my eyes to make them more round. Ironically, the reason I travelled halfway around the world to do the surgery was to preserve my Asian looks and not make my eyes larger or rounder. I was afraid the surgeons in Canada would make my eyes too western. Sadly, Dr. Kim ignored my request and made my eyes the way he thought they should look. Absolute arrogance indeed!

Secondly, as I suspected, too much fat was removed from my left eye. This mistake resulted in the hollow and asymmetrical appearance to the left eye in comparison to the right eye. The left eye was clearly a mistake since the right eye does not look the same or suffer from any symptoms. I realize that doctors are human and we all make mistakes. How one chooses to handle those mistakes make a big difference to the final outcome.

Dr. Oestreicher also recommended what Dr. Kim had suggested. I can use fillers or put fat injections. They are not permanent solutions and needed to be repeated every 1-2 years to maintain them. Dr. Oestreicher also cautioned me that even after such procedures, my left eye may not look natural as the fillers or fat could make the lid look lumpy and puffy. Also, as far as dryness and tireness is concerned, this may or may not improve with time.

After failing to deal with Dr. Kim, I contacted the Korean Consumer Agency to help me to recover the cost of the procedures to offset payments for the annual fillers. They acted as middleman to negotiate a settlement, but as expected, BK Hospital refused to acknowledge their mistake. Unfortunately, the Korean Consumer Agency does not have a legal authority to force settlements. Since I live in Canada, I had decided it is not worth it for me to travel to Korea to pursue this matter further.

It has been almost a year since the surgery. My left eye still looks hollow and odd. I would be lying if I did not feel angry and depressed with the result. I now realized that the biggest mistake was with me in choosing this surgeon too hastily. How I wish I took the time, trusted my instincts, and asked more thorough questions.

In hindsight, the signs were there clearly for me to see if I allowed myself to be reasonable. My initial consultation had been with a woman who acted as a "consultant", though she was more of a sales person. I don't believe she has any medical degree or capacity to answer any medical questions. She had to go see Dr. Kim to get answers to my questions, which made me wonder why the doctor did not see me himself.

When I finally did meet Dr. Kim, his demeanor was very arrogant and he spoke very little to me. At no time did he volunteer to explain the procedures, unless I asked questions specifically. I felt hurried, and he seemed disinterested in my expectations. The entire consultation lasted less than 5 minutes. I really should have considered how it would be possible for him to deliver on my needs unless he would take the time to listen to me. Maybe Dr. Kim is very skilled but this is pointless if he does not give a 100% to ensure that the surgery goes well. There were possible warning bells going off during the consultation but somehow I did not heed them. After travelling halfway around the globe and being very tired, I wanted to get going with my surgery that I had been planning and saving for the last several years. I clearly overlooked obvious signs and blindly trusted his reputation and online recommendations. This mistake has been very costly to me.

I hope my very regrettable experience be a lesson to those who are seeking plastic surgeons and their services abroad. You have no representation and very little options if you are unhappy with the results. Remember, it is the surgeon's job to convince you that he is the right person for the job. If he is not willing to take his time and effort to do this, chances are, he will not provide you a satisfying result.
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Thank you for taking the time to write about your experience ^_^ you are very brave and I hope you find a good surgeon who can fix this! Can you read/speak Korean? There are many good Korean clinics but they don't have English website, many don't even speak English! I have made a list of over 70 clinics in Korea with contact info... I'll post it soon, maybe you'll find someone there ^^ Please do not despair, I'm sure it can still be fixed... Stay positive ^_^
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I am a 55 year old Singaporean Chinese lady. I had my eyelids done by Dr Kim of BK, and they are perfectly fine. 4 of my colleagues also had their eyelids done by Dr Kim of BK, and they are fine. We are all very happy with the results of our eyelids procedure. Of course, both eyes are not exactly the same, each eye may differ slightly as both dides of our face are not exactly symmetrical. It is unfortunate for KJJ that her experience was not up to her expectations, but please do not generalize and criticize the doctor or hospital. It is your error that you did not do your homework and consult a few doctors and clinics before carefully deciding on your choice. So, it is not fair to push all the blame to the doctor or hospital. In future, please do proper research and perhaps it would be better for you to do your procedures in your own country, do you csn take legal action if you are not satisfied with the results. We sympathies with you, but you need to be fair in your feedback SBS comments. The choice is open, you made your own choice.
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Your last 8 posts in this forum have been in defense of dr Kim from BK, the BK clinic and their "very comfortable" accommodation~ and now you say having an asymmetrical result is to be expected and one shouldn't complain...

I don't even need to comment ^^ People here are not stupid~!
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Before deciding, go visit and consult with all the doctors and clinics, before deciding which doctor/ clinic you want to FO the procedure. If you don't like the doctor or clinic, just leave and go to another doctor/clinic. Don't go through the procedure and later complain and criticize. Do your homework and make your own responsible decision. Don't blame the doctor/clinic if you made the choice yourself. I share my positive experience with BK just as others share their negatives.
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According to KJJ account, it is so typical of BK hospital attitude to their patients - denial, $-face, improper diagnosis of patients condition, etc. No amount of positive experience can salvage their bad reputation.

To all international patients, BEWARE of BK Hospital. Avoid if its all possible.
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thank you for your words of wisdom ^^ You said exactly what I wanted to say... you are right... no amount of positive experience can save it... ^^
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i feel everyone has the right to have their say whether the surgery turn out well she has the rights to say good. but if botched i guess even more right to complain. nobody is slandering the doctor just expressing their views. my ex plastic surgeon who did my nose everyone says he was good but not so good for me. this is a forum good or bad it is good to post so readers can make their own choices

i feel if something goes wrong the doctor has a part to play. what i do not like is that people always tend to blame the patient saying " she was a willing party, she signed the consent form" then if anything goes wrong the doctor should play a part as he was the one doing and he is a doctor, he should know if what is right or wrong not blame the patient's body if anything goes wrong. regarding choice, the doctor took my money too, he should deliver the results i expect else why take my money.. if he feels i am too demanding reject me not take my money and tell me its like that when things do not live up to my expectation.

surgery is always a risk, if nobody knows, a doctor can be a good actor but throws off his mask when all things go wrong... so i think not fair to say do your homework and make sure because we cannot predict anything.. i feel when it comes to surgery the patient's right are too lapse but this is not right as it is our face which we are talking about. not like a bag can just throw..

my mom's friend daughter in law had her nose done at bk, she said it was alright however double eyelids not so good. however i am not going to bk as there are tons of doctors out there why take my risk. this is my choice i feel
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My experience with Dr Kim Byung Gun of BK Plastic Surgery has been a very good one. To me, he has been an advisor and a good plastic surgeon. He is also very accommodating and speaks very fluent English. I did my tummy tuck and liposuction with him. I am going back to him in Dec 2013 to do Epicanthoplasty and V-line surgery. It took me about 2 years to decide to do a surgery in Korea and with Dr Kim. :biggrin:

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I totally agreed with you, if the patient chooses BK and botched her out, then the patient has the right to voice out her opinion so that other readers may do further research and make a decision from there. However, there are good plastic surgeons in the U.S. alone with comparable price in Korea. I did research for eyelid surgery both in the U.S. and Korea and compare their costs. Korea seems cheaper but if you add your expenses such as, airfare, hotel room, and food you paid more than the U.S. surgeon. I found a very good plastic surgeon in my state which will cost me $1,500 - $3,500 for eyelid surgery. The advantage is that if anything wrong I can always go back to the doctor without flying thousands miles away. Secondly, most of them take a Care Credit which is payable within a year with 0% interest. You can also find a surgeon who is a member of American Society of Plastic Surgery.
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@ Susan 58

I agree with Shinyglitter,You are overly passionate about defending Dr. Kim and BK hospital in all your posts. Makes me wonder why....

I believe you when you say you had a positive experience with Dr. Kim. I am sure many others have. However, my point is this: When a surgeon botches a surgery, he should at least try his best to correct it to accommodate the patient. His effort would speak volume about his character. But the attitude I got from Dr Kim was that of " I performed the surgery. I got paid. If you are happy, great. If not, too bad!" There is no accountability.

After traveling half way around the world, going through the pain, spending hard earned money, I should be able to show off my beautiful eyes right? But that's not what happened to me. Now I hide my eyes behind glasses. Overly self conscious, I don't like people staring at me. If it was only asymmetry issue, I could have accept it. But my left eye looks hollow and weird...

I have another appointment to go see the oculoplastic surgeon. At my last appointment, I wanted to try putting fillers in to see if that helps but Dr. Oestreicher advised me that I should resolve the dryness first. I have been putting eye drops but they only help a bit. It has been more than 10 months since the eye surgery but there is a very little improvement. The left eye still gets very tired after one hour in front of a computer. Outside in the sun, the same eye feels a burning sensation. My left eye NEVER had these symptoms before the surgery. This is not a normal recovery!

Susan 58, I agree with you that my mistake was choosing Dr. Kim. That is more reason for me to be on this site to share my experience....to advise others so that they are aware of what happened to me. They can make their own choices after that.
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thank you for sharing... i'm so sorry for your experience ;___; makes me so so sad... T___T to do eye surgery that badly... all those problems... no one deserves that.. :/ I hope you get it fixed... ♥
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm planning to go in just over a month for rhinoplasty at BK! Eeek! Pretty nervous. I've been in contact with BK and despite the "moneygrabbing" vibe I've heard about, they've actually tried to confirm that I want to go through with it a few times, even after I requested bank info lol. So far, I haven't paid the deposit so it's just a free consultation booked in.

Anyway, the last year or so of posts, I'm starting to really doubt whether I should stick to BK. Honestly, I think BK might get a worse rap bc more people go there for the reputation of it being a well known hospital, so there are more people to complain too. For all we know, the smaller ones could be equally as bad :s which is why I'm so unsure!! ><

If anyone is going mid Nov this year or has rhinoplasty experience (especially at BK), I'd love to hear from you!!!!

(and yay, my first post haha)
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