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Dr Kim at BK Hospital

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Thanks, kain, for that site. My wife's swelling and scars are still present, but declining... now it is about 3 weeks since the surgery. She feels kind of bad and disappointed, but, by and large, the surgery was very good, just not perfect.

Her blepharoplasty on the lower eyelid seemed to make all the incisions closer to the outer corners of her eyes, where there is some visible scarring and swelling, still. All else looks pretty good. And the scarring and swelling seen in the corners is decreasing day by day. Only time will tell, but, gotta be optimistic.

I'm still floored that my wife went and got plastic surgery without a single word of discussion with me in advance. She says BK Dongyang even encouraged cash payment to `keep it secret'. There is some kind of huge cultural chasm involved here... doesn't mean at all the BK Dongyang is bad.. BTW my wife liked Kim... BK Dongyang just is in a culture of secrecy and comfortable with that culture. That many Americans exist that 1)expect (and I even thought I had) close and honest relationships with their spouses; 2)pretty much don't subscribe to super secrecy; 3)view psychological counseling as normal and beneficial seems to violate the cultural norms of BK Dongyang.
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I'm planning to go a year later. Right now I'm still checking around which place is the best to go. Right now I like BK but there's bad and good result which give make me confuse. I mean I want to make only one trip out there and be under the knife one time only instead of twice. So right now I have been email them back and forth for questions.:graucho:
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Hey Friends,

I had read alot of forum from different people and it's really confusing me. I have been survey for about a year already. I plan to travel to Seoul, to get a "Revisional double eyelids surgery and a Nostrils base reduction" done. My first choice was with Dr.Kim at BK but recently clients there doesn't satisfy with their result. I mean I saw before and after pictures of past clients that have very good results. I have been email them back and forth asking questions. So far so good but I'm not quite know if the doctor there understand English well or not. I know Dr. Kim does about 20 procedures a day which I think that's just too much. How do he have the time to take care of his patients. It seem like he try to make as much money as possible. The place is pretty busy so they don't take good care of their patients. You will not get to see the doctor that much. The bad thing is there's 3 directors and Dr. Kim is one of them along with 10 other doctors, which you don't know which doctor is specialize in what. I asked them who does surgery for patient number so on so in the "Before and After pic" but they CAN'T tell me. They said it confidental. That's seem strange to me because I have the right to know which doctor is specialize in that same procedure that I wanted so I can book the surgery. They replied that I have to get a face to face consultation and they will help me pick which doctor that is best for me. To me, u have to know which doctor you want first if not, they might give u a doctor that doesn't have that much experience.

One thing that draw me to this clinic is this place is popular and there's Korean movie stars that came here also their "before and after pics" show good result. I only like to go to the place that display lots of pics. I also check out Oz and hear lots of good things about the place too. They have only 2 doctors and each one specialize in different thing, which is good. But their "before and after pics" doesn't WOW me. It's only a few pictures. Dr. Park does a good nose job there. Also Dr. Jung at a different place does a very good job on the nose because he specialized Nose only but cost more expensive. I want to go to the same place to have both the eyes and nose done and not 2 seperate places.

By the way, BK clinic with Dr. Kim have a guest house that you can stay up to 7 days for free with a guardian travel with you. They also have a room that you can stay with up to 4 patients if you have friends that have surgery together with you. I guess every places have good and bad reviews, and no place is perfect. The bad thing about BK is they are too busy that they doesn't care to spend time to look out and take care their patients. So please share me some info what you know about BK or other places.

Anyone have a "Revisional double eyelids" surgery done that BK that can tell me your experience there would like to share some before and after pic?

Also if someone want to travel to Seoul with me in the future for surgery, please let me know and we can look out for each other.:graucho:
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I would love to go but my family is going out of the country in Feb. 2011 and i have to help my mom out by buying her a plane ticket and my husband plan to go somewhere too so I can't go at that time. If you're going, please keep me up date. My email is [email protected]. By the way, what r u going to get done?
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Sure i will keep you updated. I'd like to make my eyes pretty :smile:
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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm saving up money to go Fall 2011. Anyone like to join. JuicyMe, let me know how the consultation go this January 2011 when you visit at BK clinic. That's where I want to go but I heard lots of good and bad news there, so I'm sort of confuse. I also check VIP, OZ, and others but the "Before and After PICS" doesn't impress me like BK. The only thing I don't like there is that they have 13 doctors so I don't know who is specialize in what.
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Hey guys im planning to go Seoul ard April 2011,do let me know through PM or my mail (vivieeny [at] gmail.com) if you're going around those times as well.

It will be nice to have travel buddies - more support! :smile:
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I think I would like to go around that time too, please keep me updated! My email address is suakane (at) gmail (dot) com :smile:
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