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For People Who Had Surgery- How do you feel about your experience?

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For those the kind people who have had surgery and are still around this forum to help out us noobies, please, if you could share your overall feeling about your results? Are you happy that you did it? Did it go as you expected or were there surprises? If you could do it again would you do it again the same way, or is there anything that you would change/ do differently?
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  • 7 months later...
"For those the kind people who have had surgery and are still around this forum to help out us noobies, please, if you could share your overall feeling about your results? Are you happy that you did it? Did it go as you expected or were there surprises? If you could do it again would you do it again the same way, or is there anything that you would change/ do differently?"

Life changing because I was stupid and didn't realize you can have a great outcome if you are informed, but so many things can go wrong. In my case--starting with the first so so surgery at 18--they did. People take it for granted all the details and with each revision you have to explain more or find a better person to listen to you.

I currently have an excruciatingly painfully twisted nose due to injury and the surgeon I went to took out the implant holding me together (it never needed to come out, just be reset, and I was too lazy to tell my surgeon this, so he shoved cartilage in me crooked) without looking at the nose to make sure it was straight. He didn't listen to me.

That's a big thing--a lot of them don't. They can make things worse through neglect.

My life is over and I wish I had never gone to a Korean surgeon in the U.S. No offense to people here.
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