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Which procedure do you do first?

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So I have been pondering this for a while and decided to make a thread today. Does the order of your surgeries matter? Like if you wanted to do eyes, nose, and jaw, would you do eyes and nose first before jaw or jaw first before eyes and nose? Is it just a matter of preference or a specific order you have to go in?
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I would love to but bc of money constraints and the prospect of going to different clinics for jaw and eye/nose, I was wondering which should come first.
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most mid sized-larger clinics have a team of different specialists for various forms of cosmetic procedures. For most people it is best to just do all your surgery at the same location for consistency and financial reasons. I use the term "most" people because only a select few who have enough surgical knowledge can actually make an empirical decision to select surgeons from different clinics. And even then the procedures should be spread out within several weeks if such an option is chosen to promote better healing. I still cannot fathom why some people would do a procedure at one clinic then rush over to another clinic the same day or the day after to do another procedure. Plain stupidity and unnecessary risk taking.

One thing people who plan to do seperate procedures at different clinics really need to ask themselves is: "How sure am i that this surgeon is the best for said procedure?" Because most people who choose such an option dont have enough medical knowledge to really make an informed decision. Rather, they hear stories that this clinic is good or that surgeon is best at this procedure, or are in awe by what beautiful before and afters this clinic has for double eyelids so they want to get their eyes done there. All of the above are in fact illogical and unsound decision making. Hence for financial and consistency reasons, for most people it is best to be confident with the surgical direction of that one clinic
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Thank you for the insight! :smile: I'm actually still figuring out what procedures I want and those three are the ones I know I definitely want. I actually want to hold off on jaw because I also plan to get braces so I don't know if it would affect how my jaw is. I am more concerned about my eyes and nose though. I'm actually pretty satisfied with my nose front profile wise but not side profile wise. My forehead juts out more towards my eyebrows so my bridge is low and my tip is not high. (Also considering zygoma reduction)

I also think getting jaw surgery is a big change and so I'm looking around to see which clinic suites me the most. From what I've seen the jaw from some clinics look good to me but I do not like their b&a for eyes and nose, that's why I'm considering going to diff clinics. Also, I feel like my eyes are diff from most asians so I don't know if I should go more towards caucasian or asian double eyelids. My mom has natural caucasian-like eyelids so i don't have the typical monolid. My crease does not stay in place but when i open my eyes I do see it. Sorry for the long ramble!

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See that is one thing you should not do, decide which clinic to go to based on before and after. Its one of the oldest marketing trick in the book for the cosmetic surgery industry. Its is also highly inaccurate of the skill level of a clinic. 3 of the largest plastic surgery hospitals in Seoul have very well done before and after photos, they also the most legal issues regarding malpractice and negligence. I urge you to avoid relying on before and after pictures completely but rather rely on researching the proposed methodologies for your individual situation.
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I am actually relying on personal stories of Korean people on a Korean cafe but I know the b&a should not decide generally if i go toward a clinic or not.
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Can you share Korean cafe(?) that you refer to?

I am looking for Korean PS too....I've got information here mostly.
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Hi peachygiraffe, I've actually consulted a jaw and a rhino specialist about this matter. I had a perception before that one should undergo rhino first, but I was wrong. Both surgeons said it doesn't matter, as a good surgeon should be able to put your nose in the most ideal place and dimension. But I guess we are not talking about huge jaw reduction/ bone cutting, that your face will become 1/5 smaller that kind right...? Normal jaw reduction/ v-line correction shouldn't affect the rhino decision.

For me, I'm planning to undergo procedures separately just because I'll only trust an oral and maxillofacial specialist on jaw, and most multi-procedure hospital do not have them. I do agree that B&A and people's comment can only be treated as reference to cross out obvious ones. Final decision should only be made after you meet the surgeon face-to-face.

Hope it helps :smile:
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I can give you the link if you pm me. :smile: You would have to sign up for an account and also the posters on the cafe do not give out info related to which clinics they went to publicly so you have to ask for it.

Thank you so much! Yes, I'm only going to do normal jaw reduction just to soften out the back of my jaw and hopefully reduce my cheekbones too. I totally agree that going to places that are more specialized in their area will give good results and you might like the work of one doctor in a clinic but not the work of another doctor in the same clinic.
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Ideally (as per US dual board certified facial plastic surgeon, not just a plastic surgeon), do one procedure at a time for safety and better healing. Eyes first. Then nose as nose takes longer to heal if time is factor. How on earth are korean docs able to assess crease lines when their pts have been knocked down for their rhino?
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I've heard people who did rhino then jaw (not sure if it's two jaw), but she find that her nose had changed shape and not suitable on her face any more, so she went through rhino again.
If you plan to do facial contouring, I suggest you do it first, so the nose surgeon can adjust your nose to fit your face, not the other way around. I've asked several translators and all of them recommended face-nose-eyes, since eyes are the easier to adjust (e.g. inner conner) than nose. Many ppl just do nose & eyes together.
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If u do eyes and nose together they should atleast do eyes first under a local before going under ga for nose right? Though I've heard people saying their nose was done first post ga. I thought being able to open close ur eyes during eye op was important no?
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Firstly you need to complete your dental plan as this will change your profile due to your bite. Then you have jaw surgery. After all swelling has subsided then you have nose and eyes surgery. At no time should you consider having all 3 at the same time. Your nose and eyes should be proportionate to your facial bone dimensions and this can only be achieved if you have surgery in the order i recommend. I have had all 3 surgeries so i can speak from experience.
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